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NCCAOM Points - CAM Rx

What is the common symptom when wind stroke is d/t attack on the Zang Fu? Falling down in a fit w/ loss of consciousness
What are s/s of wind stroke d/t attack on the Zang Fu – tense syndrome? Tightly closed hands and clenched jaw, eyes open, flushed face, coarse breathing, rattling in throat, retention of urine, constipation (excess) T: red w/ thick, yellow or dark gray fur; P: stringlike, rolling, forceful
What points are used for wind stroke d/t attack on the Zang Fu – tense syndrome? DU20, DU26, ST40, LV3, KD1, Jing-well on both hands; + clenched jaw: ST7, ST6, LI4; + aphasia and tongue stiffness: DU15, RN23, HT5 [looks like excess; points that revive Shen]
What are s/s of wind stroke d/t attack on the Zang Fu – flaccid syndrome? Mouth agape and eyes closed, snoring and feeble breathing, flaccid paralysis of the limbs, incontinence of urine (def) severe: cold limbs or flused face; T: Flaccid; P: thready weak – severe P: fading and big floating
What points are used for wind stroke d/t attack on the Zang Fu – flaccid syndrome? RN8, RN6, RN4; Opposite of tense; deficiency; points to activate yang
What are s/s of wind stroke d/t attack on the meridians and collaterals? Hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, deviated mouth, slurring of speech accompanied by H/A, dizziness, vertigo, twitching muscles, red eyes and flushed face, thirst, dryness of throat, irritability (looks like LV wind d/t LYR); P: stringlike, rolling
What points are used for wind stroke d/t attack on the meridians and collaterals? DU20, UB7, DU16; UE: LI15, LI11, SJ5, LI4; LE: GB30, GB34, ST36, ST41
What are s/s of syncope d/t deficiency? Feeble breathing, mouth agape, cold limbs, spontaneous sweat (cold cond’n); P: deep, thready
What are points for syncope d/t deficiency? DU26, DU20, PC6, RN6, ST36 [Qi and blood def: regulate and boost Qi and blood – pull Qi up]
What are s/s of syncope d/t excess? Coarse breathing, clenched jaw, rigid limbs (fits of anger) (heat cond’n); P: deep, excess
What are points for syncope d/t excess? DU26, LI4, PC9, PC8, LV3, KD1 [too much heat/yang rising up to head; grounding Qi, course LV, bring Qi down
What are s/s of the mild type of sunstroke? H/A, dire thirst, dizziness, profuse sweat, hot skin, coarse breathing, dry mouth and tongue; P: superficial, large and rapid (acute invasion)
What are points for the mild type of sunstroke? DU14, PC6, LI11, UB40 [empirical for sunstroke]
What are s/s of the severe type of sunstroke? H/A, dire thirst, SOB at first then collapse, LOC, sweating: P: deep, forceless (longer term or stronger heat leading to exhaustion of Qi and blood)
What are points for the severe type of sunstroke? DU26, DU20, Shixuan, PC3, UB40 [empirical for sunstroke]
What are s/s of common cold d/t WC? Chills, fever, anhidrosis, H/A, soreness and pain of the limbs, nasal obstruction, runny nose, itchy throat, cough, hoarse voice and profuse thin sputum; T: thin, white coat; P: floating, tense
What points are used for common cold d/t WC? DU16, UB12, GB20, LU7, LI4 [LI4 expels wind; GB20 for H/A, DU16 & UB12 for WC; LU7 nape, neck and WC]
What are s/s of common cold d/t WH? Fever, sweating, slight aversion to wind, pain and distending sensation of the head, coughing w/ yellow, thick sputum, congested and sore throat, thirst; T: thin, white or yellowish coat; P: floating, rapid] What points are used for common cold d/t WH?
What are s/s of malaria? Paroxysms of shivering chills and high fever w/ general hot sensation proceded by yawning and lassitude; intolerable H/A, flushed face and red lips, stifling feeling in the chest and hypo. area, bitter taste, dry mouth and dire thirst.
What are T & P for malaria? T: thin, sticky and yellow coat; P: stringlike, rapid
What points are used for malaria? DU14, DU13, SI3, PC5, SJ2, GB41; High fever: LI11; + splenomegaly: LV3 and moxa Pigen; + high fever w/ delirium: Prick 12 JW pints [exterior = Tx DU, 13 is support point; PC5 empirical for malaria; SY level SJ2 and GB41 clear heat]
What point is used in every cough pattern? UB13
What are s/s of cough d/t exterior invasion of WC? Cough, itchy throat, thin, white sputum, aversion to cold, fever, anhidrosis, H/A, nasal obstruction and discharge; T: TWC; P: floating
What points are used for cough d/t exterior invasion of WC? UB13, LU7, LI4
What are s/s of cough d/t exterior invasion of WH? cough w/ yellow, thick sputum, choking cough, sore throat, thirst, fever or H/A, aversion to wind, sweating; T: thin, yellow coat; P: floating, rapid
What are points used for cough d/t exterior invasion of WH? UB13; + pain and swelling in throat: LU11; + fever w/ aversion to cold: DU14, SJ5
What are s/s of cough d/t interior disharmony: blockage of the LU by phlegm? cough w/ profuse, white, sticky sputum, stuffiness and depression of the chest, loss of appetite; T: white, sticky coating; P: rolling
What points are used for cough d/t interior disharmony: blockage of the LY by phlegm? UB13, RN12, LU5, ST36, ST40 [MJ def produces phlegm; Tx cough, phlegm, and MJ]
What are s/s of cough d/t interior disharmony: LU yin deficiency w/ dryness? Dry cough w/o sputum, or w/ scanty sputum, dryness of the nose and throat, sore throat, spitting blood or even coughing blood, afternoon fever, malar flush; T: red w/ thin coat; P: thready, rapid
What are points for cough d/t interior disharmony: LU yin deficiency w/ dryness? UB13, LU1, LU7, KD6; + coughing blood: UB17, LU6; [KD water not rising to LU; Tx cough, open RN to help yin, LU1 regulates Qi dynamic]
What should be considered to determine excess or deficiency type asthma? Type of asthma [breathing] and sputum
What are s/s of asthma of excess type d/t WC? Cough w/ thin sputum, rapid breathing accompanied by chills, fever, H/A, anhidrosis at the early stage, absence of thirst; T: white coat; P: floating, tight
What points are used for asthma of excess type d/t WC? UB13, LU7, LI4, UB12, DU14
What are s/s of asthma of excess type d/t phlegm heat? Rapid and short breathing, strong coarse voice, cough w/ yellow sputum, sensation of chest stuffiness, fever, restlessness, dryness of the mouth; T: thick, yellow or sticky fur; P: rolling, rapid
What are points for asthma of excess type d/t phlegm heat? UB13, Ding Chuan, RN22, LU5, ST40 [heat signs and phlegm]
What are s/s of asthma of deficiency type d/t LU deficiency? Short and rapid breathing, feeble voice, weak and low sound of coughing, sweating on exertion; T: pale; P: deficient [s/s of Qi def; voice shows def]i
What are points for asthma of deficiency type d/t LU deficiency? UB13, LU9, ST36, SP3 (mother)
What are s/s for asthma of deficiency type d/t KD deficiency? Dyspnea on exertion after longstanding asthma, severe wheezing, drawing in of the soft tissues of the neck, short breath, lassitude and weakness, sweating, cold limbs; T: pale; P: deep, thready [SOB on exertion and long-term = difficult inhalation]
What are points for asthma of deficiency type d/t KD deficiency? UB13, KD3, UB23, RN17, RN6 [points in LJ for KD]
What are common points in all cases of epigastric pain, vomiting, hiccups and nausea? RN12, PC6, ST36
What are common points in all cases of epigastric pain? RN12, PC6, ST36
What are s/s of epigastric pain d/t retention of food? Distending pain in the epigastrium aggravated on pressure or after meals, belching w/ fetid odor, anorexia; T: thick, sticky coat; P: deep forceful or rolling [deep b/c stag keeping pulse down]
What are points for epigastric pain d/t food retention? RN12, PC6, ST36, inner neiting [yin wei s/s epi, chest, ST, hypochondriac pain (PC6)]
What are s/s of epigastric pain d/t attack on ST by LV Qi? Paroxysmal pain in the epigastrium radiating to hypo region, frequent belching accompanied by nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, abd distension, anorexia; T: thin, white fur; P: deep, stringlike
What are points for epigastric pain d/t attack on ST by LV Qi? RN12, PC6, ST36, LV3, LV14 [LV & ST s/s: LV14 for LV => ST and LV3]
What are s/s of epigastric pain d/t deficiency of the ST w/ cold stagnation? Dull epigastric pain that may be relieved by pressure and warmth, general lassitude, regurgitation of thin fluid; T: TWC; P: deep, slow
What are points for epigastric pain d/t deficiency of the ST w/ cold stagnation? RN12, PC6, ST36, RN6, UB20, SP4 [RN6 for whole body Qi, UB20 MJ def, SP4 to move 5 stag w/ cold]
What are common points in all cases of vomiting? RN12, PC6, ST36, SP4
What are s/s for vomit d/t retention of food? Acid fermented vomiting, epi and abd distension, belching, anorexia, loose stool or constipation; T: thick, granular fur; P: rolling, forceful
What are points for vomit d/t retention of food? RN12, PC6, ST36, SP4, RN10 [RN10 lower ST to move out; SP4 moves stag]
What are s/s of vomit d/t attack of ST by LV Qi? Vomit, acid regurg, frequent belching, distending pain in the chest and hypo region, irritability w/ an oppressed feeling; T: thin, sticky coat; P: stringlike
What are points for vomit d/t attack of ST by LV Qi? RN12, PC6, ST36, SP4, LV3
What are s/s of vomit d/t hypofunction of the SP and ST? Sallow complexion, vomit after a big meal, loss of appetite, lassitude, weakness, slight loose stool; T: pale w/ TWC; P: thready, forceless
What are points for vomit d/t hypofunciton of the SP and ST? RN12, PC6, ST36, SP4, UB20
What are common points for hiccup? RN12,PC6, ST36, UB17 [UB17 opens chest Ge Shu]
What are s/s of hiccup d/t retention of food? Loud hiccups, epi and abd distention, anorexia; T: thick sticky fur; P: rolling, forceful
What are points used for hiccup d/t retention of food? RN12, PC6, ST36, UB17, RN14, Inner Neiting
What are s/s of hiccup d/t Qi stagnation? Continual hiccups, distending pain and feeling of oppression in the chest and hypochondria; T: thin coat; P: forceful, stringlike
What are points for hiccup d/t Qi stagnation? RN12, PC6, ST36, UB17, LV3, RN17
What are s/s of hiccup d/t cold in the ST? Slow and forceful hiccups that may be relieved by heat and aggravated by cold, discomfort in epigastrium
What are points for hiccup d/t cold in the ST? RN12, PC6, ST36, UB17, RN13
What are common points for abdominal pain? RN12, ST36; pain around RN8 so no PC6]
What are s/s of abdominal pain d/t accumulation of cold? Sudden onset of violent abdominal pain which responds to warmth and gets worse w/ cold, loose stool, absence of thirst, clear and profuse urine, cold limbs; T: TWC; P: deep tense or deep slow
What are points for abdominal pain d/t accumulation of cold? RN12, ST36, RN8, SP4
What are s/s of abdominal pain d/t retention of food? Epi and abd distending pain that is aggravated by pressure, anorexia, foul belching and sour regurg or abd pain w/ diarrhea and relieved by defecation; T: sticky fur; P: rolling
What are points for abdominal pain d/t food retention? ST36, RN12, ST25, RN6, Inner Neiting [food stuck in LI – ST25]
What are s/s of abdominal pain d/t hypoactivity of SP yang? Intermittent dull pain that may be relieved by warmth or by pressure and aggravated by cold or by hunger and fatigue, lassitude, aversion to cold; T: TWC; P: deep, thready
What are points for abdominal pain d/t hypoactivity of SP yang? RN12, ST36, UB20, UB21, LV13, RN6
What are common points for acute diarrhea? ST36, ST25
What are common points for chronic diarrhea? ST36, UB20
What are s/s of acute diarrhea d/t cold damp? Watery diarrhea, abd pain and borborygmus, chilliness that responds to warmth, absence of thirst; T: P w/ white fur; P: deep, slow
What are points for acute diarrhea d/t cold damp? ST36, ST25, RN12, RN6
What are s/s of acute diarrhea d/t damp heat? Diarrhea w/ abd pain, yellow hot fetid stools, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine or accompanied by general feverish feeling, thirst; T: yellow, sticky fur; P: rolling, rapid?
What are points for acute diarrhea d/t damp heat? ST36, ST25, ST44, SP9
What are s/s of acute diarrhea d/t retention of food? Abdominal pain relieved after BM, borborygmus, diarrhea w/ fetid stools, epi and abd fullness and distention, belching, anorexia; T: thick, filthy coat; P: rolling rapid or deep stringlike
What are points for acute diarrhea d/t retention of food? ST36, ST25, Inner Neiting
What are s/s of chronic diarrhea d/t SP Xu? Loose stools w/ undigested food, anorexia, epi distress after eating, sallow complexion, lassitude; T: pale w/ whit fur; P: thready, forcelss
What are points for chronic diarrhea d/t SP Xu? ST36, UB20, LV13, SP3, RN12
What are s/s of chronic diarrhea d/t KD Xu? Pain below RN8, borborygmus and diarrhea usually occurring at dawn [daybreak], relieved after BM and aggravated by cold, abd distension, cold LE; T: pale w/ white fur; P: deep, forceless
What are points for chronic diarrhea d/t KD Xu? ST36, UB20, UB23, DU4, RN4, KD3
What are common points for dysentery? ST25, ST37
What are s/s of dysentery d/t damp heat? Abd pain, tenesmus, mixed w/ pus and blood in stool, burning sensation of anus, scanty and yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst; T: yellow sticky fur; P: rolling rapid or soft rapid
What are points fro dysentery d/t damp heat? ST25, ST37, LI4, LI11
What are s/s of dysentery d/t cold damp? Difficult defecation white mucus in stools, prefers warmth and aversion to cold, mostly accompanied w/ fullness in the chest and epi, lingering abd pain, tastelessness, absence of thirst; T: white, sticky coat; P: Deep, slow
What are points for dysentery d/t cold damp? ST25, ST37, RN12, RN6, SP9
What are s/s of dysentery that is food resistant [long standing DH that has injured MJ, any eating -> vomit]? Frequent stools, w/ blood and pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting; T: yellow, sticky fur; P: soft, rapid
What are points for dysentery d/t food resistant? ST25, ST37, RN12, PC6
What are s/s of dysentery that is intermittent [chronic w/ cold Sx – severe def]? Dysentery, occurring on and off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia; T: pale w/ sticky fur; P: soft
What are points for dysentery that is intermittent? ST25, ST37, UB20, UB21, RN4, ST36
What are supplemental points for dysentery for fever, tenesmus, rectal prolapse? Fever: DU14; Tenesmus: UB29; Rectal prolapse: DU20, DU1
What are common points for abdominal distention? RN12, ST36, ST37, ST25
What are s/s of abdominal distention that is an excess condition? Persistence of distention and fullness in the abdomen, that is aggravated by pressure, abd pain, belching, foul breath, dark yellow urine, constipation, sometimes associated w/ fever, vomiting; T: thick yellow fu; P: rolling rapid and forceful
What are points for abdominal distention that is excess? RN12, ST36, ST25, ST37, LI4, RN6, SP9
What are s/s of abdominal distention that is a deficiency condition? Abdominal distention relieved by pressure, borborygmus, loose stools, loss of appetite, lassitude, listlessness, clear urine; T: pale w/ sticky fur; P: forceless
What are points for abdominal distention that is deficient? RN12, ST36, ST25, ST37, RN4, SP3
What are common points for treating jaundice? SP9, ST36, UB18, UB19, DU9 [add up to 9 or have a 9 in them]
What are s/s of yin jaundice? Sallow skin, heaviness of the body, weakness, loss of appetite, epi stuffiness, lassitude, aversion to cold, absence of thirst; T: pale w/ thick white fur; P: deep, slow
What are points for yin jaundice? SP9, ST36, UB18, UB19, DU9, UB20, UB48 [usually d/t SP damp-cold; DU9 empirical for jaundice; points for LV and SP; UB48 for cold damp in SP]
What are s/s of yang jaundice? Lustrous yellow skin and sclera, fever, thirst, scanty dark yellow urine, heaviness or stuffiness of the chest, fullness in the abdomen, nausea; T: yellow, sticky fur; P: stringlike, rapid
What are points for yang jaundice? SP9, ST36, UB18, UB19, DU9, LV3, GB34 [d/t LV/GB DH; LV and LV DH points]
What are common points for treating constipation? UB25, ST25, SJ6, KD6 [SJ6 and KD6 moisten bowel]
What are s/s of constipation of an excess condition d/t accumulation of heat? Infrequent and difficult defecation from every 3-5 days or even long, fever, dire thirst, foul breath; T: yellow, dry coat; P: rolling forceful
What are points for constipation d/t accumulation of heat? UB25, ST25, SJ6, KD6, LI11, LI4
What are s/s of constipation of an excess type d/t Qi stagnation? Infrequent and difficult defecation from every 3-5 days or even long, fullness and distending pain in abd and hypo region, frequent belching, loss of appetite; T: thin, sticky coat; P: stringlike
What are points for constipation d/t Qi stagnation? UB25, ST25, SJ6, KD6, RN12, LV3
What are s/s of constipation of a deficient type d/t Qi & blood deficiency? Pale and lusterless complexion, lips and nails, dizziness and palpitations, lassitude, SOB; T: pale w/ thin coat; P: thready, weak
j What are points for constipation d/t Qi and blood deficiency? UB25, ST25, SJ6, KD6, UB20, UB21, ST36
What are s/s of constipation of a deficient type d/t agglomeration of cold? Pain and cold sensation in the abdomen, preference for warmth and aversion to cold; T: pale w/ white moist coat; P: deep, slow
What are points for constipation d/t agglomeration of cold? ST25, UB25, SJ6, KD6, RN8, RN6
What are s/s of rectal prolapse? Starts slow w/ distending and dragging of rectum during BM and back to normal, if not treated may happen again; fails to return w/o aid of hand, sometimes lassitude, weak limbs, sallow complexion, dizziness, palp; T: pale w/ white coat; P: thready feeble
What are points for rectal prolapse? DU20, DU1, UB25, ST36 [DU20 & ST36 can be used for any type of prolapse; + RN6 for whole body yin
What are s/s of yang type edema? Abrupt onset of edema w/ puffy face and eyelids, then anasarca, lustrous skin, w/ chills fever, thirst, cough, asthma and reduced urine output [d/t wind-water]; T: thin, white coat; P: floating or rolling, rapid
What are points for yang type edema? LU7, LI4, LI6, SP9, UB39 [exterior cond’n, WC, LI6 opens water passages; SP9 & UB39 to regulate water in body]
What are s/s of yin type edema? Slow onset, pedis dorsum or eyelids then whole body esp below lumbus, sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, sore back and LE, general weakness, epi fullness, abd distention, loss of appetite, loose stools;T: pale w/ white coat; P: deep, thready
What are points for yin type edema? UB20, UB23, RN9, KD7, RN4, ST36; facial puffiness + DU26; pedis dorsum edema + GB41, SP5; [chronic d/t SP/KD yang def; tonify yang by using warm points; RN9 for water accum around abd; GB41 & SP5 local]
What are s/s of nocturnal enuresis/ Involuntary micturition during sleep w/ dreams, once in several nights or several times a nigh, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, weakness; T: pale w/ white coat; P: thready, weak at chi
What are points for nocturnal enuresis? UB23, UB28, RN3, SP6, LV1; enuresis w/ dreams: + HT7; loss of appetite: + UB20, ST36 [UB & KD involved (M) on LV1 good for leakage of urine b/c channel path]
What are common points for all patterns of urination disturbance [lin syndrome]? UB28, RN3, SP9
What are s/s of dysuria caused by calculi? Calculi in urine, dysuria, dark yellow turbid, or sudden interruption, unbearable pricking pain during urination, pain in lumbus & abdomen presence of blood in urine; T: normal coat
What are points for dysuria caused by calculi? UB28, RN3, SP9, UB39 [SJ lower he-sea for stones]
What are s/s of dysuria caused by Qi dysfunction? Difficult and hesitant urination, fullness and pain of the lower abd; T: TWC; P: deep, stringlike
What are points for dysuria caused by Qi dysfunction? UB28, RN3, SP9, LV2
j What are s/s of painful urination w/ blood? Hematuria w/ pain and urgency of micturition, burning sensation and pricking pain on urination; T: thin, yellow coat; P: rapid forceful
What are points for painful urination w/ blood? UB28, RN3, SP9, SP10, SP6 [SP10 for bleeding]
What are s/s of dysuria w/ milky urine [cloudy lin]? Cloudy urine w/ milky or creamy appearance, urethral burning pain in urination; R: red w/ sticky coat; P: thready rapid
What are points for dysuria w/ milky urine? UB28, RN3, SP9, UB23, KD6 [reinforce KD Qi]
What are s/s for dysuria caused by overstrain? Difficulty in urination w/ dribbling of urine, occurring off and on, exacerbated by overwork and usually refractory to treatment; P: weak
What are points for dysuria caused by overstrain? UB28, RN3, SP9, DU20, ST36, RN6 [reinforce Qi of SP and KD]
What are s/s of retention of urine d/t accumulation of heat in the bladder? Scanty hot urine or retention of urine, distention and fullness of lower abd, thirst but no desire to drink, constipation; T: red w/ yellow coat; P: rapid
What are points for retention of urine d/t accumulation of heat in the bladder? UB28, RN3, SP6, UB39 [reduce heat and promote diuresis]
What are s/s of retention of urine d/t decline of Mingmen fire? Dribbling urination, attenuating in force of the urine discharge, pallor, listlessness, chilliness below lumbus, weakness of loins and knees; T: pale; P: deep, thready weak at chi [looks like yang def]
What are points for retention of urine d/t decline of mingmen fire? DU4, DU20, RN4, SJ4, UB23
What are s/s of retention of urine d/t damage of the Qi of the meridian? Dribbling urination or retention of urine, distention and dull pain in the lower abd [usually d/t trauma w/ blood stasis]; T: purplish spots; P: hesitant rapid
What are points for retention of urine d/t damage of the Qi of the meridian? RN3, SP6, ST28 [water], KD5 [KD5 + ST28 promote urine and relieve distention and pain]
What are s/s of impotence d/t decline of Mingmen fire? Failure of erection or weak erection, pallor, cold extremities, listlessness, sore weak of loins and knees, frequent urination; If HT & SP Qi damaged palp and insomnia may be present; T: pale w/ white coat; P: deep, thready
What are points for impotence d/t decline of Mingmen fire? RN4, DU4, UB23, KD3; damage of Qi of HT & SP + UB15, HT7, SP6
What are s/s of impotence d/t downward flowing o fdamp heat? Inability of erection complicated w/ bitter taste of mouth, thirst, hot and dark red urine soreness and weakness of the LE; T: yellow sticky coat; P: soft, rapid
What are points for impotence d/t downward flowing of DH? RN3, SP6, SP9, ST36
What are s/s of nocturnal emission (wet dreams)? Due to over contemplation or excessive sexual activities lead to disharmony b/w HT & KD; may have dizziness, palp, listlessness, lassitude and scanty yellow urine; T: red; P: thready rapid
What are points for nocturnal emission (wet dreams)? HT7, UB15, KD3, UB52 [controls essence]
What are s/s of spermatorrhea (male form of leucorrhea)? Due to damage of the KD after prolonged illness, indulgent sexual activity or stubborn nocturnal emission, frequent spermatorrhea at day or night, desire for sex, pallor, lassitude listlessness; T: pale; P: deep, thready
What are points for spermatorrhea? UB23, KD12, SP6, RN4, RN6
What are common points in all patterns of insomnia? HT7, SP6, Anmian [HT7 builds blood to house Shen; SP6 calming and nourish yin]
What are s/s of insomnia d/t deficiency of HT & SP Qi? Difficulty in falling asleep o, dream-disturbed sleep, palp, poor memory, lassitude, listlessness, anorexia, sallow complexion; T: pale w/ thin coat; P: thready weak
What are points for insomnia d/t deficiency of HT & SP Qi? HT7, SP6, Anmian, UB20, UB15, SP1
What are s/s of insomnia d/t disharmony of HT & KD? Restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth w/ little saliva, burning chest, palms and soles, nocturnal emission, poor memory, palp, LBP; T: red; P: thready rapid
What are points for insomnia d/t disharmony of HT & KD? HT7, SP6 Anmian, UB15, UB23, KD3
What are s/s of insomnia d/t upward disturbance of LV fire? Irritability dream-disturbed sleep, fright and fear accompanied w/ H/A, distending pain in the costal region, bitter taste; P: stringlike
What are points for insomnia d/t upward disturbance of LV fire? HT7, SP6, Anmian, UB18, UB19, GB12 [Subdue LV/GB fire]
What are s/s of insomnia d/t dysfunction of the ST? Insomnia, suffocating feeling and distending pain in the epi region, belching or difficult defecation; T: sticky coat; P: rolling [late night eating w/ food stag s/s]
What are points for insomnia d/t dysfunction of the ST? HT7, SP6, Anmian, UB21, ST36
What are points for poor memory? UB15, UB20, UB23, KD6, ST36, Sishencong [KD SP HT make blood; KD6 for essence; ST36 b/c yangming; memory relies on blood]
What are common points for all patterns of palpitations? UB15, RN14, HT7, PC6 [HT7 for blood, PC6 for Qi in chest]
What are s/s of palpitations d/t disturbance of the mind [phlegm misting]? Palp, fear and fright, irritability, restlessness, dream disturbed sleep, anorexia; T: white, thin coat w/ phlegm heat yellow, sticky; P: sl rapid w/ phlegm heat rolling & rapid
What are points for palpitations d/t disturbance of the mind? UB15, RN14, HT7, PC6, PC5, GB40; w/ phlegm heat + ST40 + UB19 (together dissolve phlegm and heat)
What are s/s of palpitations d/t insufficiency of Qi and blood? Palpitations, lusterless complexion, dizziness, blurred vision, SOB, lassitude; T: pale w/ toothmarks; P: thready weak or intermittent
What are points for palpitations d/t insufficiency of Qi and blood? UB15, RN14, HT7, PC6, UB20, UB21, ST36
What are s/s of palpitations d/t hyperactivity of the fire d/t yin deficiency? Palpitations, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus; T: red w/ little coat; P: thready rapid
What are points for palpitations d/t hyperactivity of the fire d/t yin deficiency? UB15, RN14, HT7, PC6, UB14, UB23, KD3
What are s/s of palpitations d/t retention of harmful fluid? Palpitations, expectoration of mucoid sputum, fullness of chest and epi region, lassitude, weakness, cold extremities; T: white coat; P: stringlike, rolling
What are points for palpitations d/t retention of harmful fluid? UB15, RN14, HT7, PC6, RN9, RN4, RN8, SP9
What are s/s of manic-depressive disorders – depressive disorder? Over contemplation and emotional dejection and mental dullness at initial stage, followed by incoherent speech, changing moods or muteness, somnolence, anorexia; T: thin, sticky coat; P: stringlike, thready or stringlike, rolling
What are points for manic-depressive disorders – depressive disorder? UB15, UB18, UB20, HT7, ST40 [phlegm!!]
What are s/s of manic-depressive disorders – manic disorder? Sudden onset, irritability, easy to anger, insomnia, loss of appetite, followed by excessive motor activity w/ increased energy and violent behaviors; T: yellow, sticky coat; P: stringlike, rolling, rapid
What are points for manic-depressive disorder – manic disorder? DU14, DU16, DU26, PC6, ST40 [DU14 + DU26 reduce heat to clear mind; DU16 enters brain; PC6 + ST40 cool HT and tx phlegm]
What are points for schizophrenia? 13 points for manic depressive disorder – prick to bleed in order: DU26, LU11, SP1, PC7, UB62, DU16, ST6, RN24, PC8, DU23, RN1, LI11, Shexiazhongfeng [midline underside of tongue]
What are s/s of epilepsy during seizure [aside from obvious]? Preceded by dizziness, H/A, suffocating sensation in chest followed by falling down w/ LOC, pallor, clenched jaw, upward staring eyes, convulsion, foam on lips, screaming, incontinence; T: white, sticky coat; P: stringlike, rolling
What are points for epilepsy during seizure? DU26, RN15, PC5, LV3, ST40
What are s/s of epilepsy after seizure? Listlessness, lusterless complexion, dizziness, palp, anorexia, profuse sputum, weakness and soreness of the loins and limbs; T: pale w/ white coat; P: thready, rolling
What are points for epilepsy after seizure? UB15, Yintang, HT7, SP6, KD3, Yaoqi [empirical, must be in Rx]; Daytime seizures + UB62; Night seizures + KD6; Phlegm stag + RN12, ST40; Severe def of Qi and blood + RN4, ST36
What are s/s of H/A d/t invasion of pathogenic wind into the channels and collaterals? HA on exposure to wind, pain may extend to nape of neck and back, violent, boring and fixed pain, called head wind; T: TWC; P: stringlike
What are points for occipital H/A? GB20, UB60, SI3
What are points for frontal H/A? ST8, Yintang, DU23, LI4, ST44
What are points for temporal H/A? Taiyang, GB8, SJ5, GB41
What are s/s of H/A d/t upsurging of LV yang? H/A blurred vision, severe pain on bilateral sides of head, irritability, hot temper, flushed face, bitter taste; T: reddened w/ yellow coat; P: stringlike, rapid
What are points for H/A d/t upsurge of LV yang? GB20, DU20, GB5, GB43, LV2
What are s/s of H/A d/t deficiency of Qi and blood? Lingering H/A, dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude, lusterless face, pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold, overstrain or mental stress; T: pale w/ TWC; P: weak thready
What are points for H/A d/t deficiency of Qi and blood? DU20, RN6, UB18, UB20, UB23, ST36
What are s/s of facial pain d/t invasion of pathogenic wind and cold? Abrupt onset occurs like electric shock, pain is cutting, boring, intolerable; lasts few sec or 1-2 min; may recur several times/day pressure of foramen induce attack; accompanied by spasm, runny nose, lacrimation, salivation; P: stringlike, tight
What are s/s of facial pain d/t excessive fire in LV and ST? Same as invasion of WC + irritability, hot temper, thirst, constipation; T: yellow, dry coat; P: stringlike, rapid
What are s/s of facial pain d/t deficiency of yin and excessive fire? Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, soreness in lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggravated by fatigue; T: reddened w/ little coat; P: thready rapid
What are points for facial pain at the maxillary region? ST2, SI18, LI20, LI4
What are points for facial pain at the mandibular region? ST7, ST6, ST5, LI4, Jiachengjiang
What are modifications for facial pain Rx? d/t invasion by WC + GB20; d/t excessive fire in LV and ST + LV3, ST44; d/t deficiency of yin and excessive fire + KD6, SP6
What are points for deviation of the eye and mouth? SJ17, GB14, Taiyang, SI18, ST7, ST4, ST6, LI4; w/ H/A + GB20
What are points for facial deviation w/ incomplete closing of the eye? UB2, UB1, GB1, SJ23, Yuyao
What are points for facial deviation w/ philtrum and tinnitus and deafness? Philtrum: + DU26; tinnitus and deafness: + GB2
What are other modifications for facial deviation? Difficulty frowning and raising eyebrow: UB2, SJ23; Difficulty sniffing: + LI20; Inability to show teeth: + ST3; Tenderness in mastoid region: + GB12, SJ5
What are common points for the excess type of hypochondriac pain? LV14, SJ6, GB34
What are s/s of excess type hypochondriac pain d/t Qi stagnation? Distending pain in the costal and hypo region, stifling sensation in chest, sighing, poor appetite, bitter taste; T: TWC; P: stringlike
What are points for excess type hypochondriac pain d/t Qi stagnation? LV14, SJ6, GB34, LV3, GB40
What are s/s of excess type hypochondriac pain d/t stagnation of blood? Fixed stabbing pain in the hypochondriac region intensified by pressure and at night; T: dark purplish tongue proper; P: deep, hesitant
What are points for excess type hypochondriac pain d/t blood stagnation? LV14, SJ6, GB34, UB17, UB18
What are common points for LBP? UB23, DU3, UB40
What are s/s of LBP d/t cold damp? LBP after cold damp exposure worse on rainy days w/ heaviness and stiffness of muscles in lumbus, limit of flex/ext, radiation into butt and LE, cold sensation in area T: white, sticky coat; P: deep weak or deep slow
What are points for LBP d/t cold damp? UB23, DU3, UB40, UB25, UB26
What are s/s of LBP d/t KD yin deficiency? Insidious onset of pain and soreness w/ lassitude and weak loins and knee, worse w/ fatigue and better w/ bed rest; irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, flushed face, 5 heart heat; T: reddened w/ scant coat; P: thready weak or thready rapid
What are points for LBP d/t KD yin deficiency? UB23, DU3, UB40, UB52 [KD yin], KD3
What are s/s of LBP d/t KD yang deficiency? Insidious onset of pain and soreness w/ lassitude and weak loins and knee, worse w/ fatigue and batter w/ bedrest, cramp-like sensation in lower abd, pallor, normal taste, cold limbs; T: pale; P: deep thready or deep slow
What are points for LBP d/t KD yang deficiency? UB23, DU3, UB40, DU4, Yaoyan
What are s/s of LBP d/t trauma? Hx of sprain in area, rigidity and pain of low back worse w/ pressure and rotation, generally fixed pain; T: pink or dark purplish tongue proper; P: hesitant, stringlike
What are points for LBP d/t trauma? UB23, DU3, UB40, DU26, Ashi, Yaotongxue [empirical for lumbar sprain]
What are s/s of wandering Bi? Wandering pain in the joints esp the wrists, elbows, knees and ankles; limitation of movement, chills and fever; t: thin sticky coat; P: floating tight or floating slow
What points are added for wandering bi? UB17, SP10
What are s/s of painful bi? Severe stabbing pain in joints better w/ warmth and worse w/ cold w/ fixed localization but no local redness and hotness; T: TWC; P: stringlike tight
What are points added for painful bi? UB23, RN4
What are s/s of fixed bi? Numbness and heaviness of limbs, soreness and fixed pain in joints, aggravated on cloudy and rainy days; T: white, sticky coat; P: soft
What points are added for fixed bi? ST36, SP5 to strengthen SP/ST and dispel damp
What are s/s of heat bi? Arthralgia involving one or several joints, local redness, swelling and excruciating pain w/ limitation of movement accompanied by fever and thirst; T: yellow coat; P: rolling, rapid
What are points added for heat bi? DU14, LI11
What are points used for pain in the shoulder? LI15, SJ14, SI9, SI10
What are points used for pain in the scapula? SI11, SI12, SI14, UB43
What are points used for pain in the elbow? LI11, Lu5, SJ10, SJ5, LI4
What are points used for wrist pain? SJ4, LI5, SI5, SJ5
What are points used for finger stiffness? SI5, LI4, SI3
What are points used for numbness and pain in the fingers? SI3, LI3, Baxie
What are points used for pain in the lumbar region? DU26, DU12, DU3
What are points used for pain in the hip joint? GB30, GB29, GB39
What are points used for pain in the thigh? UB54, UB36, GB34
What are points used for pain in the knee? Heding, ST35, Xiyan, GB34, SP9
What are points used for numbness and pain in the leg? UB57 UB58
What are points used for pain in the ankle? ST41, SP5, GB40, UB60, KD3
What are points used for numbness and pain in the toes? SP4, UB65, Bafeng
What are points used for back pain? DU26, DU12, DU3
What are points used for general pain? SI3, UB62, SP21, UB17, LI15, LI11, LI4, SJ4, GB30, GB34, GB39, ST41
What are s/s of skin bi? Numbness of the skin w/ cold sensation
What are s/s of muscle bi? Soreness, numbness and pain of the muscles
What are s/s of tendon bi? Soreness, pain and stiffness of the tendons and muscles, add GB34 to point Rx
What are s/s of vessel bi? Pain d/t blockage of vessels [usually has wind involvement] add UB17, SP10, GB20 to Rx
What are s/s of bone bi? Soreness, heaviness and pain of the joints which fail to perform their fxns of lifting, extension and flexion; add UB11, GB39 to Rx
What are s/s of early menses d/t blood heat? Shortened cycle, dark red thick blood of large quantity, restlessness, full chest, brown urine; T: reddened w/ yellow coat; P: rapid forceful
What are points for early menses d/t blood heat? LI11, RN3 [excess in LJ], SP10, KD5; LV Qi -> fire + LV2; Yin def w/ heat + KD2
What are s/s of early menses d/t Qi deficiency? Profuse thin light red menses shortened cycle, lassitude, palp, SOB, heavy empty sensation in lower abd; T: pale w/ thin coat; P: weak
What are points for early menses d/t Qi deficiency? RN6, SP6, RN12, ST36
What are s/s of late menses d/t blood deficiency? Scant light red menses in delayed cycle, empty painful feeling in lower abd, emaciation, sallow complexion, lusterless skin, dizziness, blurred vision, palp, insomnia; T: pink little coat; P: weak thready
What are points for late menses d/t blood deficiency? RN4, RN6, SP6; dizziness and blurred vision + DU20; palp and insomnia + HT7
What are s/s of late menses d/t cold in blood? Scant and dark colored menses in delayed cycle, colic pain in lower abd, slightly alleviated w/ warmth, cold limbs; T: TWC; P: deep slow
What are points for late menses d/t cold in blood? RN4, RN6, SP6; dizziness and blurred vision + DU20; palp and insomnia + HT7
What are s/s for late menses d/t Qi stagnation? Scant dark red menses in delayed cycle, distending pain in lower abd, mental depression, stuffy chest better w/ belching, distention in hypo and breast region; T: TWC; P: stringlike
What are points for late menses d/t Qi stagnation? ST25, KD13, SP8, LV3; fullness in chest: + PC6; distention in hypo: LV14
What are s/s of irregular menses d/t Qi stag in the LV? Alteration of menses cycle and blood quantity, thick sticky and purple colored menses, difficult to flow, distention in hypo, breast, and lower abd, depression, sighing; T: TWC; P: stringlike
What are points for irregular menses d/t Qi stag in LV RN6, KD14, PC5, LV5; distention in hyp and breast: + RN17, LV14; Mental depression: + HT7, LV3
What are s/s of irregular menses d/t KD deficiency? Scant light red blood flow in altering cycles, dizziness, tinnitus, weak achy low back and knees, frequent night urination, loose stool; T: pale w/ thing coat; P: deep weak
What are points for irregular menses d/t KD deficiency? RN4, UB23, KD8; wore and weak low back and knees: + KD10, Yaoyan; dizziness and tinnitus: + DU20, KD3
What are s/s for excess type dysmenorrhea? LV Qi stag, pain in lower abd before menses, slow scanty dark purple w/ clots, distending pain in lower abd, hypo, breast, pain cold in lower abd better w/ warmth, scanty dark red menses w/ clots; T: purplish or sticky white coat; P: deep stringlike
What are points for excess type dysmenorrhea? RN3, UB32, LI4, SP10, SP8, LV3; distending pain in lower back: + KD14, ST28; pain w/ cold in lower back + ST27, ST29
What are s/s of deficiency type dysmenorrhea? Dull pain appearing at the end of or after menses better w/ warmth and pressure, pink scanty and thin cycle, w/ aversion to cold, cold extremities, pale complexion, palp, dizziness; P: thready weak
What are points for deficiency type dysmenorrhea? RN4, UB20, UB23, ST36, SP6
What are s/s of amenorrhea d/t blood stagnation? Absence of menses for months, pain in lower abd, abd distention worse w/ pressure, hard mass in lower abd, distention and fullness in chat and hypo; T: dark purple coat w/ purplish spots on border; P: deep stringlike
What are points for amenorrhea d/t blood stagnation? RN3, ST29, SP10, LV3, LI4, SP6; pain in lower abd w/ hard masses worse w/ pressure: + KD14
What are s/s of amenorrhea d/t blood depletion w/ Qi and blood deficiency? Delayed menses, gradual decrease of menses and amenorrhea, sallow complexion in prolonged cases, lassitude, vertigo, dizziness, poor appetite, loose stools, dry skin; T: pale tongue w/ white coat; P: slow weak
What are s/s of amenorrhea d/t blood depletion w/ deficiency of essence and blood? Add dizziness, tinnitus, sore and weak low back and knees, dry mouth and throat, hot sensation in 5 hearts, afternoon fever and night sweats; T: pale w/ little coat; P: stringlike, thready
What points are used for amenorrhea d/t blood depletion? RN4, UB18, UB20, UB23, ST36, SP6
What are s/s of uterine bleeding d/t excessive heat? Sudden onset of profuse or prolonged continuous vaginal bleeding in deep red color, fidgeting, insomnia, dizziness; T: red w/ yellow coat; P: rapid
What are points for uterine bleeding d/t excessive heat? RN3, SP10, SP1, LV8; external heat: + LI11; excessive HT fire + HT8; excessive LV fire + LV3
What are s/s of uterine bleeding d/t Qi deficiency? Sudden profuse bleeding or continuous scanty bleeding marked by light red and thin blood, lassitude, SOB, aapathy, anorexia; T: pale; P: thready weak
What are points for uterine bleeding d/t Qi deficiency? DU20, RN4, ST36, SP6, SP1, SJ4; SP Qi def w/ anorexia and loose stools + UB20, UB21
What are s/s of morbid leucorrhea d/t deficiency of the SP? Profuse thick white or light yellow vaginal discharge w/o smell, pale or sallow complexion, lassitude, poor appetite, and loose stools, edema in LE; T: pale w/ white sticky coat; P: slow weak
What are points for morbid leucorrhea d/t deficiency of the SP? GB26, RN6, UB30, SP9, ST36
What are s/s of morbid leucorrhea d/t deficiency of the KD? Profuse and continuous discharge of thin and transparent discharge, severe soreness of lower back, cold in lower abd, frequent and excessive urine, loose stools; T: pale w/ thin coat; P: deep
What are points for morbid leucorrhea d/t deficiency of the KD? UB23, RN4, KD12, GB26, KD7
What are s/s of morbid leucorrhea d/t damp heat/ Sticky viscous stinky yellow discharge in large quantity, itchy vulva, dry stool and scant yellow urine; leucorrhea in reddish yellow color, bitter taste, dry throat irritability feverish palp, insomnia; T: sticky yellow coat; P: stringlike or soft rapid
What are points for morbid leucorrhea d/t damp heat? RN3, UB32, SP6, LV3; itchy vulva: + LV5; Reddish: + SP10; Heat: + LI11
What are common points for morning sickness? RN12, PC6, ST36
What are s/s of morning sickness d/t deficiency of SP/ST? N/v of liquid or undigested food immediately after meals, fullness and distending feeling in chest, lassitude, sleepiness; T: pale w/ white coat; P: slippery weak during 1st trimester
What are points used for morning sickness d/t deficiency of SP/ST? RN12, RN13, PC6, ST36, SP4
What are s/s of morning sickness d/t LV/ST disharmony? Vomiting of bitter or sour liquid, epi fullness and hypo pain, frequent belching and sighing, mental depression, dizziness and eye distention; T: yellowish coat; P: slippery stringlike in early gestation
What are points for morning sickness d/t LV/ST disharmony? RN17, RN12, PC6, ST36, LV3
What are s/s of prolonged labor d/t deficiency of Qi and blood? Dull and paroxysmal labor pains w/ mild weighing and distending sensation or profuse hemorrhage in light color, pale complexion, lassitude, palpitation, SOB; T: pale; P: weak
What are points used for prolonged labor d/t deficiency of Qi and blood? ST36, SP6, UB67
What are s/s of prolonged labor d/t Qi stagnation and blood stasis? Sharp pains in the waist and abdomen, scanty hemorrhage in dark red color, prolonged delivery course, dark bluish complexion, depressive mood, fullness in chest and epi, frequent nausea; T: dark; P: deep, forceful
What are points for prolonged labor d/t Qi stagnation and blood stasis? LI4, SP6, UB67
What are common points for insufficient lactation? ST18, RN17, SI1
What are s/s of insufficient lactation d/t deficiency of Qi and blood? Insufficient secretion of milk after delivery or even absence of milk or decreased secretion during lactation, no distention in the breast, pale complexion, dry skin, palp, lassitude, poor appetite, loose stools; T: pale w/ little coat; P: weak thready
What are points for insufficient lactation d/t deficiency of Qi and blood? ST18, RN17, SI1, UB20, ST36, SP6
What are s/s of insufficient lactation d/t LV Qi stagnation? Absence of mild secretion after delivery, distending pain of the breast, mental depression, chest distress, and hypo pain, epi distension loss of appetite; T: pink; P: stringlike
What are points for insufficient lactation d/t LV Qi stagnation? ST18, RN17, SI1, LV14, PC6, LV3
What points will stop milk production? GB41, GB37
What are s/s of prolapse of the uterus d/t Qi deficiency? Drop of uterus in the vagina or out of vulva several inches, sinking sensation in lower abd, lassitude, palp, SOB, frequent urine, leukorrhagia; T: pale w/ thin coat; P: weak
What are points for prolapse of uterus d/t Qi deficiency? DU20, RN6, RN12, ST36, ST29
What are s/s of prolapse of uterus d/t KD deficiency? Prolapse of uterus, sore weak low back and legs, bearing down sensation in lower abd, dryness in vagina, frequent urine, dizziness, tinnitus; T: pink; P: deep weak
What are points for prolapse of uterus d/t KD deficiency? RN4, LV8, KD6, Zigongxue
What are common points for acute infantile convulsion? Yintang, DU26, LV3
What are s/s of acute infantile convulsion d/t invasion of seasonal pathogenic factors? Unconsciousness, upward gazing, lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs w/ fever, H/A, cough, congested throat, thirst and irritability; d/t invasion of heat; P: rapid stringlike
What are points for acute infantile convulsion d/t invasion of seasonal pathogenic factors? Yintang, DU26, LV3, DU14, LI11, Jing wells
What are s/s of acute infantile convulsion d/t accumulation of phlegm fire? Contracture of limbs w/ anorexia, vomiting, abdominal distention and pain, sputum gurgling in the throat, constipation or defecation w/ stinking smell are present; d/t phlegm heat;
What are points for acute infantile convulsion d/t accumulation of phlegm fire? Yintang, DU26, LV3, SJ18, RN12, LI4, ST40
What are s/s of acute infantile convulsion d/t sudden fright? Contracture of limbs w/ no fever, but cold limbs, disturbed sleep or lethargy, crying and fear after waking and intermittent contraction of muscles, convulsion d/t sudden fright
What are points for acute infantile convulsion d/t sudden fright? Yintang, DU26, LV3, Sishencong, PC8, KD1
What are s/s of infantile chronic convulsion? Emaciation, pale complexion, lassitude, lethargy w/ eyes open, intermittent convulsion, cold limbs, loose stool containing undigested food, clear and profuse urination; P: deep, weak
What are points for infantile chronic convulsion? DU20, DU24, RN4, SP6, ST36; SP/KD yang def: + UB20, UB23, RN12; blood def: + LV3, KD2
What are s/s of infantile diarrhea caused by overfeeding? abd distention w/ borborygmus and fits of pain followed by BM and pain then relieved, presence of undigested milk and food in fecal matter, frequent eructation and anorexia; T: sticky coat; P: rolling rapid
What are points for infantile diarrhea d/t overfeeding? ST25, ST37, Sifeng, RN11, RN6
What are s/s of infantile diarrhea caused by damp heat? Distention w/ borborygmus and fits of pain followed by BM then relieved after, loose stools w/ yellow color and offensive smell, abd pain, fever, thirst, burning sensation in anus, scanty and dark urine; T: yellow sticky cot; P: rolling rapid
What are points for infantile diarrhea d/t damp heat? ST25, ST37, Sifeng, LI11, LI4, SP9
What points are used for infantile malnutrition? RN10, UB21, UB20, ST36, Sifeng, SP3; parasitosis: + Baichongwo
What points are used for infantile paralysis of the upper limb? LI15, LI11, LI4, SJ5, DU14, UB10
What points are used for infantile paralysis of the lower limb? ST31, ST36, ST41, GB30, GB34, GB39, SP6, UB60, HTJJ of lumbar region
What points are used for infantile paralysis of the abdominal muscles? ST21, ST25, GB26, RN4
What are points for infantile paralysis w/ an affected knee? Contracted knee: ST33; Reverse flexion of knee: UB36, UB40, UB57
What points are used for infantile paralysis w/ inversion and eversion of the foot? Inversion of foot: GB31, UB62, UB40; Eversion of foot: KD6, KD3
What points are used for infantile paralysis w/ difficult intorsion and extorsion of the hand? SJ4, LI5, SI3, SJ9, HT3
What points are used for infantile paralysis w/ drop of the wrist? SJ9, SJ5
What points are used for mumps? ST6, SJ17, SJ5, LI11, LI4; chills and fever + LU7; high fever + DU14, jingwells; swelling and pain of testes + LV3, LV8
What are common points for all patterns of urticaria? LI11, LI4, UB40, SP10, SP6
What are s/s of urticaria d/t wind heat? Red rashes w/ severe itching; P: floating rapid
What points are used for urticaria d/t wind heat? LI11, LI4, UB40, SP10, SP6, DU14
What are s/s of urticaria d/t wind damp? White or light red rashes accompanied by heaviness of the body; T: white sticky coat; P: superficial slow
What are points for urticaria d/t wind damp? LI11, LI4, UB40, SP10, SP6, SP9
What are s/s of urticaria d/t accumulation of heat in the ST and intestines? Red rashes complicated by abd or epi pain constipation or diarrhea; T: thin yellow coat; P: rapid
What points are used for urticaria d/t accumulation of heat in the ST and intestines? LI11, LI4, UB40, SP10, SP6, ST25, ST36
What are s/s of erysipelas d/t wind heat? Rapid onset of a defined patch of redness, hotness and burning pain, rapidly growing in size, color change from bright to dull red in several days and then healing; + chills fever, acute H/A; T: red w/ thin yellow coat; P: floating, rapid
What points are used for erysipelas d/t wind heat? LI11, LI4, PC8, UB40, SP10, GB20; fever + DU14; constipation + SJ6; pathogenic toxin attacking the interior + Jingwells of hand, PC8
What are s/ for erysipelas d/t damp heat? Rapid onset of a defined patch of redness, hotness and burning pain, rapid grow in size change color from bright to dull then heal; fever, irritability, thirst, stuffy sensation in chest, constipation, dark urine; T: yellow coat; P: soft rapid
What are points for erysipelas d/t damp heat? LI11, LI4, PC8, UB40, SP10, ST36, SP9; fever + DU14; constipation + SJ6; pathogenic toxin attacking the interior + Jingwells of hand, PC8
What patterns are associated w/ herpes zoster? Endogenous damp heat, hyperactivity of fire in the LV and GB or affection of exogenous toxin
What points are used for herpes zoster? 5 pricks 0.5” from head of zoster area then 5 pricks 0.5” from the tail and also pricks along both sides; LI11, SP10, UB40, GB34, LV3
Created by: kabrown
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