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NCCAOM Points Indiv

NCCAOM Points - Individual Points

What channels are included in the Earth Circuit? LU, LI, ST, SP
What channels are included in the Heaven Circuit? HT, SI, UB, KD
What channels are included in the Human Circuit? PC, SJ, GB, LV
What is the difference b/w front mu and back shu? Front mu collects evil Qi and sedates [regulation or drain excess]; Back shu transmits good Qi and tonifies
When do you use LU1 or UB13? LU1 in cases of excess; UB13 in cases of deficiency [LU1 regulate Qi in chest exp w/ cough and asthma
What does LU1 do? Regulates LU for cough, Qi rebellion
What does LU5 treat? Phlegm-heat in the LU
What does LU6 treat? Coughing blood or hemorrhoids [Xi Cleft treats pain and/or bleeding issues]
What does LU7 treat? WC, nape and neck, opens water passages for yang edema; confluent for RN; luo connecting and exit point
What does LU9 treat? Vessels, yuan source, tonify LU and HT [Zong Qi governs LU respiration ability and HT’s ability to move blood, similar to LU9]
What does LU10 treat? LU heat [ying spring]
What does LU11 treat? Sore throat [prick to bleed; WH w/ severe sore throat]
What are actions of LI4? Disperses exterior wind; stops pain; command point of the face; promotes delivery during labor C/I during pregnancy
What is the exit point of the LU channel and entry point of the LI channel? LU7 meets with LI4
What does LI6 treat? Opens LU water passage for yang edema w/ LU7 [exterior invasion wind water; wind water looks like WC but w/ swelling]
What does LI11 treat? Clears any excess heat [fire truck next point tells where to put fire out]
What does LI15 treat? Benefit sinews, expel wind, stop pain and promote Qi circulation in channels; w/ KD7 and KD27 to detox LV
What are actions of LI20? Opens the nasal orifice; also where ST channel originates
What are needling depths of ST1 and ST2? ST1 = 0.5-1.0”; ST 2 = 0.2-0.3”
What does ST4 help? Facial paralysis and Bell’s palsy threaded w/ ST6 1-1.5” + LI4 & ST44
What does ST8 treat? Major local point for dizziness d/t damp/phlegm [clear yang to head for steadiness and balance]
What does ST18 treat? Local point for breast: mastitis [w/ GB21], pre-menstrual swelling, lump; regulates lactation for nursing mother
What does ST21 do? Supports RN12; Mac: MJ deficiency; local point for ST prolapse + ST36, DU20, RN6
What does ST25 treat? Acute/chronic constipation + SJ6, KD6, ST25, UB25; acute diarrhea + ST36
What are the key words for ST27, 28, 29? Key for stagnation of…ST27: Qi, ST28: Water [urinary problem]; ST29: Blood;
What does ST28 do? Opens the water passage [for edema below RN8]
What does ST29 treat? Excess case of gynecological Dz [d/t excess not def; T: purple, P: choppy]; remove blood stasis and regulate menses; amenorrhea d/t blood stasis
What does ST34 do? It is a Xi Cleft point so stops pain, abdominal, local, breast, anywhere along the channel
What are some facts about ST36? One of the most popular points; wide etiology: excess/def, heat/cold; command point of abdomen (regulates); Major point to tonify Qi and blood
What are combinations of ST36 for abdomen, epigastrium, tonify MJ, and boosting the immune system? Abdomen: + RN12 [around RN8]; Epigastrium: + RN12 + PC6; Tonify MJ: + SP3; Boost immune system: + LI10
What are combinations of ST36 to prevent Dz w/ moxa? + GB39 to prevent stroke d/t internal wind; + UB12 prevent cold d/t external wind
What does ST37 do? Regulates the ST and intestines; + ST25 for dysentery
What is ST38 good for? Empirical distal point for shoulder pain – frozen shoulder, esp if pain along LI channel
What does ST39 do? Regulates SI for SI Qi pain and SI Qi tied w/ GB34, LV3, SP6, RN6
What does ST40 treat? Any type of phlegm visible/invisible/channel
What does ST44 treat? ST fire [T: red, yellow coat; P: rapid] + LI11; also distal point for face + LI4
Where is Inner-neiting? Plantar side of ST44, good for food stag
What does SP1 do? Treats uterine bleeding [any kind] w/ moxa
What attribute does SP3 have and what does that do? Horary point, tonifies SP especially w/ ST36
What depths are appropriate for needling SP3 and SP4? SP3 perpendicular 0.3-0.5”; SP4 perpendicular 0.5-0.8”
What does SP4 treat? Stagnations of cold, food, blood; can treat damp/phlegm and Qi stag; does not treat heat stagnation; tonifies deficiency of blood
What does SP5 treat? Resolves dampness and treats Dz of the ankle; yin edema d/t yang deficiency [swelling of feet]
What does SP6 do? Nourishes yin, calms Shen, gynecological actions (amenorrhea, labor induction), treats male and female genital areas; [strongest to nourish whole body yin; C/I in pregnancy
What does SP8 treat? Dysmenorrhea b/c Xi cleft
What does SP9 treat? Dampness of any kind = Damp heat, cold damp, edema, lin syndrome [damp can form in SP, KD and LU, phlegm rises up, damp sinks
What does SP10 do? Cools and moves blood; treats skin problems; keeps blood in the vessel [by cooling]
What does SP15 do? Supports ST25 for abdominal complaints; also treats abdominal pain when LV => SP
What does SP21 do? Moves blood in the minute luo-connecting channels; indication of general body soreness such as fibromyalgia
What does HT5 do? Tonifies HT Qi; Tx aphasia; can also be used in combination to Tx SI heat [UTI]
What does HT6 do? Nourishes HT yin especially for night sweating
What does HT7 do? Nourishes HT blood to calm the mind and can be used in combination for insomnia; [builds house and calms shen at night – insomnia cases of trouble falling asleep
What does HT8 do? Clears HT heat; red tip on tongue
What does HT9 do? Opens the HT orifices; Good for excess like in cases of phlegm harassing the min
What does SI1 treat? Breast disorders such as insufficient lactation and breast abscess
What category is SI3? DU confluent point/opening point/master point; can be useful for vertex H/A
What does SI6 do and how is it located? Treats blurred vision/eye diseases esp in cases of LV blood deficiency causing eye stuff; Locate w/ palm facing chest in bony cleft on radial side of ulnar styloid process
Where is SI7, category, and indication? 5” up; luo-connecitng point; difficulty in rotating the neck w/ Luo Zhen
Where is Luo Zhen? On the dorsum of the hand b/w the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones about 0.5" posterior to the MCP
What crosses at SI19 and what does the point do? GB, SJ, SI channels [21-19=2]; benefits the ears for tinnitus, deafness
What sort of ear problems do SJ21, SI19, and GB2 treat? SJ21: structural problems; SI19: structural and functional problems; GB2: structural problems
What crosses at UB1? Yang Qiao, Yin Qiao, UB, SI, ST
What do the yin Qiao and yang Qiao vessels treat when paired w/ UB1? Yin Qiao closes eyes so treats insomnia; Yang Qiao opens eyes so treats somnolence
What does UB10 do? Local point for occipital H/A; Clears brain
What category is UB11 and what does it treat? Bone influential point; bone bi, promote bone formation in children, prevent bone degeneration in elderly, treat bone deformities in chronic arthritis; often paired w/; GB39
What does UB12 do? Called Wind Gate so releases exterior wind (WH, WC); + LI4 for exterior wind; + ST36 to prevent cold
What does UB13 do? Tonifies and regulates LU so Tx cough and asthma
What does UB15 do? Tonfies HT; bsic point for palpitation
What does UB17 do? Diaphragm shu, basic point for hiccups; also influential point of blood so regulates blood for any blood issue
What does UB18 do? Tonifies LV for LV diseases like jaundice, hepatitis, and def or excess eye diseases
What does UB19 do? Regulates GB for jaundice
What does UB20 do? Tonifies SP for blood and Qi; basic point for chronic diarrhea or any chronic SP dysfunction
What does UB21 do? Regulates ST by tonifying for chronic MJ issues
What does UB22 do? Regulates SJ for water metabolism for conditions like Lin syndrome, wind water, etc
What does UB23 do? Tonfies KD yin/yang/Qi/Essence like KD3
What does UB25 do? Regulates LI for constipation
What does UB28 do? Regulates UB esp for lin syndrome
What does UB32 do? It is the most important point in the 4 bone holes; treats gynecological issues by moving LJ blood stasis and regulates menstruation; +SP6 e-stim to promote labor
What does UB39 do? Lower he-sea of SJ; regulates water metabolism especially for yang edema
What does UB40 treat? Command point for low back; basic point for summer-stroke; blood heat for skin disorders
What does UB47 do? Profound influence on a person’s capacity for planning life by rooting and steadying the Hun
What does UB44 do? Mostly used for emotional and psychological problems related to the HT like anxiety, insomnia and depression
What does UB49 do? Tonifies the mental aspect of the SP for memory, concentration and capacity for study
What does UB42 do? Has a very soothing effect on the spirit and nourishes Qi when this is dispersed by a prolonged period of sadness and grief
What does UB52 do? Strengthens will power and determination which are the mental-spiritual phenomena pertaining to the KD; tonifies KD especially essence
What does UB43 treat? Very chronic Dz w/ great debility; tonifies LU and w/ moxa treats TB
What does UB57 treat? Empirical point for hemorrhoids
What does UB58 treat? Distal point for LBP, sciatica; + KD3 treats LBP w/ weakness of legs [weird walking problems]
What does UB60 do? Unblocks UB channel for pain along the channel such as H/A, backache
What does UB62 open and treat? Yang Qiao; Spine and brain w/ SI3 opening DU; if needle UB62 first treats insomnia by closing eyes
What does UB67 treat w/ needles or moxa? Needle: vertex H/A and easy labor [oxytocin]; moxa: breach baby
What does KD1 treat? Excess above, deficiency below; restores consciousness for excess type unconsciousness
What does KD2 do? Clears deficient heat; remember KD has no excess patterns; use direct moxa to guide fire out of channel
What does KD3 do? Tonifies KD Qi, Yang, Yin, Essence
What does KD6 treat? KD yin [like RN4]
What does KD6 do in combination w/ UB62 or LU7? + UB62 insomnia or somnolence; + LU7 nourishes the throat, KD not grasping LU
What does KD6 do in combination w/ SJ6, SP6, HT6? + SJ6 constipation d/t dryness; + SP6 nourish whole body yin; + HT6 nourish HT/KD yin; good for any issues d/t yin deficiency
What does KD7 treat? Tonifies KD yang [like DU4]; + LI4 regulates spontaneous swelling; + HT6 regulates night sweating
What do KD12 and KD14 treat? Local points for male/female problems; KD12 for spermatorrhea; KD14 for irregular menstruation
What is KD22 on top of? Apex of the HT oblique 0.3-0.5”; it is also the exit point of the KD channel
What does KD25 treat? Asthma when KD not receiving Qi and calms spirit
What category is PC4 and what does it treat? Xi Cleft point – chest pain d/t blood stasis, arrhythmia, palpitations
What does PC5 treat? Non-substantial phlegm – phlegm misting the HT; empirical point for malaria
What does PC6 treat? Tropism: chest, diaphragm, epigastrium; [ANY distress/discomfort in chest, epigastrium, hypochondrium such as palpitations, LV Qi stagnation, breathing]
What is PC6 the basic point for? Epigastric pain, vomiting, hiccup
What does PC7 do? Treats warm febrile disease in the Ying stage; source point for HT channel calms shen – stronger than HT7 used more for females; clears PC heat
What does SJ3 do? Benefits the ear for deafness, tinnitus, deaf-mutism
What is special about SJ4 and what does it help? Source of the Source; water metabolism
What does SJ5 do? Confluent for Yang Wei exterior conditions so disperses WH > WC; ear infection, tinnitus, deafness; + GB41 treat LV issues w/ heat
What does SJ6 do in combination? Moves Qi or increases fluids; + KD6 moistens bowels for constipation; + GB34 hypochondriac pain; + GB31 Herpes Zoster
What does GB13 do? Expel wind, clear brain, calm mind for H/A, vertigo, epilepsy, bipolar
What does GB20 do? Treats external and internal wind and excess eye issues; clears LV fire, Calm LV yang and wind, clear eyes
What does GB21 treat? Shoulder/neck pain; gynecology descend GB21 line for excess breast issues like breast abscess, promotes lactation, retention of placenta after childbirth; C/I in pregnancy
What is GB24 used for? Excess in GB – draining
What does GB26 treat? Leukorrhea – regulates Dai Mai
What does GB30 treat? Sciatica, crossing point of GB and UB; also pain in the lower back and leg; perpendicular 1.5-2.5”
What does GB31 treat? Skin diseases like hives, herpes zoster; stroke point [diminishes wind]; Only wind point in lower part of body – skin issues that itch
What does GB34 do? Clears DH; soothes LV Qi; Sinew influential point will treat tendon bi
What does GB 37 do? Benefits the eye to improve eyesight and eliminate floaters for deficiency eye issues (LV blood)
What does GB39 influence? Marrow; + UB11 treats bone bi; + ST36 (M) daily prevents wind stroke
What does GB40 do? Strengthens the GB mental aspect like lack of courage, difficulty making decisions [aimless, no gall]
What attributes are applied to GB41 and what does it do? Confluent, horary, exit point; clears GB heat
What does LV1 treat? Cold in the LV channel; moxa warms channel to treat frequent urination, bladder issues d/t cold in the LV channel
What does LV2 treat? Clears LV fire/heat; only treats excess
What does LV3 do? Soothes LV Qi, Subdues LV yang/LV wind; treats both excess and deficiency; + LV8 tonifies LV blood
What does LV5 treat? LV luo channel flow to the genital area for priapism, itching, vaginal discharge
What nerve is under LV5 and needling depth? Saphenous nerve; subQ 0.3-0.5”
What does LV8 do? Tonifies LV blood and resolves lower jiao dampness
What does LV13 do and categories? Soothes LV Qi, relieves food retention, benefits SP/ST; Front mu of SP, influential point of Zang, Origin of Dai Mai; perpendicular 0.5-0.8; better for LV overacting on SP
What does LV14 treat? Basic point for hypochondriac pain; better for LV overacting on ST
What crosses at RN1? RN, DU, Chong vessels start in abdomen and emerge at RN1
What does RN1 do? Benefits essence; emergency point for drowning
What does RN3 do? Treats Lin syndrome; clear UB DH; gynecological excess amenorrhea/dysmenorrhea d/t blood stasis; Good for any LJ excess; 3 leg yin cross here
What does RN4 do? Tonifies KD yin/yang; yin w/ needle, yang w/ moxa; 3 leg yin also cross here
What does RN6 do? Tonifies Qi and yang, raises yang Qi, regulates Qi in GI tract; tonifies Qi of the whole body and moves Qi in MJ and LJ
What does RN8 do? No needle; rescues yang moxa w/ salt; strengthens SP by activating yang
What does indirect moxa using ginger or garlic treat? Ginger: SP yang deficiency diarrhea, abdominal pain, painful joints; Garlic: skin/channels, scrofula, TB, skin ulcer, boils, insect bite
What does indirect moxa using salt and Fu Zi treat? Salt: MJ: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, hernia; Yang collapse: excessive sweating, cold limbs, minute pulse; Fu Zi: KD yang deficiency impotence, premature ejaculation [guides yang to source]
What does RN9 do? Promote transformation of fluids; controls water passages for indications like damp, edema, phlegm-fluids, ascities; rids body of pathogoical fluids
What area of the ST are RN10, 12, and 13 associated w/ and what do they do? RN13 Fundus descends Qi; RN12 Body regulates Qi; RN10 pylorus descends Qi
What does RN12 treat? Abdominal problems; harmonizes ST; Qi regulator of MJ
What does RN14 treat? Front mu of HT for palpitation, mental Sx
What does RN15 treat? Itching of the abdominal skin
What does RN17 do? Regulates Zong Qi for circulation and respiration
What does RN22 do? Benefits the throat, stops cough and asthma, treats plum pit Qi
Needling depth and angle for RN22? 0.2” perpendicular then 0.5-1” going down
What does RN23 treat? Local point for the tongue aphasia, slurred speech
What does RN24 do? Local point for facial problem like Bell’s palsy/paralysis
What does DU1 do? Regulates the DU channel; supporting point for rectal prolapse
What is DU3 used for? Basic point for LBP [Yaoyan 3.5” lateral to DU3]
What does DU4 do? Tonifies KD yang, warms the mingmen
What does DU9 do? Resolves DH in the LV/GB; empirical for jaundice
What does DU10 do? Empirical point for boils
What does DU12 do? Eliminate internal wind for spasm, convulsion, tremor, epilepsy
What does DU14 do? Clears heat but can warm 4 limbs w/ moxa
What does DU15 do? Clears the mind and stimulates speech; perpendicular 0.5-0.8” medulla beneath DU15
What does DU16 treat? Wind of exterior or interior origin; medulla is also under this point; 16 usually WC since 14 so good for heat
What does DU20 do? Clears the mind, lifts the spirit, promotes resuscitation, eliminates interior wind, ascends SP yang
What does DU23 do? Opens the nose
What does DU26 do? Promotes resuscitation as crossing point of the DU, LI, ST; reduces facial swelling locally; treats acute lumbago from traumatic injury; 0.3-0.5” obliquely upward
What points are C/I in metopism? DU22, DU23
What points are C/I in pregnancy? LI4, SP6, UB60, UB67, GB21, (ST12)
What do Jing-well points treat, generally? Mental illness, chest stifling, fullness under the HT; Pneumonics: Most Sane [mental, stifling]; Heart
What do Ying-spring points treat, generally? Febrile, complexion change, hot sensations; Pneumonics: Families [febrile]; Heat
What do Shu-stream points treat, generally? Bi, wind, damp, heaviness, joint pain; Pneumonics: Are [arthritis]; Heavy
What do Jing-river points treat, generally? Asthma, cough, hot/cold sensations, voice sound change; Pneumonics: Against [asthma]; Hacking
What do He-sea points treat, generally? Fu organs, ST, intestines, rebellious Qi, Diarrhea; Pneumonics: Incest [intestines]; Hiccups
What are usages for the 4 gates according to CAM? Wind stroke, tense case; syncope, excess; dysmenorrhea, excess; amenorrhea, excess; Regulates excess
What are the inner 4 gates used for? Powerful Qi and blood tonic; for strong immunity, moxa to keep healthy
What are the Window of the Sky Points? SCM: ST9, LI18, SI16, SI17, SJ16; Neck: RN22, UB10, DU16; Off neck: LU3, PC1
Where does the LU channel originate? Middle Jiao
Where does the ST channel originate? LI20
Where does the HT channel originate? Heart
Where does the KD channel originate? Beneath the little toe
Where does the PC channel originate? Chest
What artery is ST9 over? Carotid
What vein is LI17 over? Jugular
What is under ST12? Brachial plexus
What is under DU15, 16? Medulla Oblongata
What is under SP12? Femoral artery
What is under PC6? median nerve
What is under LU9? Radial artery
What is under LI11? Radial nerve
What is under HT1? Axillary artery
What is under LI15? Axillary nerve
What is under RN12? 7th ICS nerve
What is under LV5? Saphenous nerve
What does LU6 treat as a Xi Cleft point? Hemoptysis
What does ST34 treat as a Xi Cleft point? Abdominal pain
What does SP8 treat as a Xi Cleft point? Dysmenorrhea
What does HT6 treat as a Xi Cleft point? Night sweating
What does SI6 treat as a Xi Cleft point? Eye disease
What does PC4 treat as a Xi Cleft point? Chest pain
What does Lan Wei Xue treat? Appendicitis
What does Dan Nang Xue treat and where is it located? Cholecystitis; Tender spot 1-2” directly below GB34
What does Bai Chong Wo treat? Eczema, parasites
What does Yao Qi treat and where is it located? Epilepsy; 2” directly above the tip of the coccyx
What does Yao Yan treat? Lumbar pain
What does Wei Guan Xia Shu treat and where is it located? Diabetes; 1.5” lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T8
What does Si Feng treat? Malnutrition in children
What does Si Shen Cong treat? Poor memory
What is the cun measurement from the eyebrows to DU14? 18”
What is the cun measurement from the level of the superior border of the pubic symphysis to the medial epicondyle of the femur? 18”
What is the cun measurement from the protuberance of the greater trochanter to the middle of the patella? 19”
What is the cun measurement from the inferior border of the tibia to the tip of the medial malleolus? 13”
What is the cun measurement from the left to right mastoid process? 9”
What are the DU ghost points? DU26, DU23, DU16, DU1
What are the Jing-well ghost points? LU11, SP1
What are the PC ghost points? PC8, PC7
What are the ghost points on the face? ST6, Jinjin/Yeye, RN24
What are the ghost pints of the arm and leg? LI11, UB62
What is the pathological manifestation of the RN channel? Leukorrhea, irregular menstruation, infertility in both sexes, hernia, nocturnal emission, enuresis, retention of urine, pain in the epigastric region and lower abdomen and pain in the genital area
What is the pathological manifestation of the DU channel? Stiffness and pain in the spinal column, opisthotonus, H/A and epilepsy
What is the pathological manifestation of the Chong Mai? Spasm and pain in the abdomen, irregular menstruation, infertility in both sexes and asthmatic breathing
What is the pathological manifestation of the Dai Mai? Distention and fullness in the abdomen, weakness of the lumbar region, leucorrhea, prolapse of the uterus and muscular atrophy, weakness and motor impairment of the lower limbs
What is the pathological manifestation of the Yang Qiao Mai? Epilepsy, insomnia, redness and pain in the inner canthus, pain of the back and lumbar region, eversion of the foot and spasm of the lower limbs
What is the pathological manifestation of the Yin Qiao Mai? Epilepsy, lethargy, pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar andhip regions referring to the pubic region, spasm of the lower limbs and inversion of the foot [yin goes in]
What is the pathological manifestation of the Yin Wei Mai? Interior syndromes such as chest pain, cardiac pain and stomachache
What is the pathological manifestation of the Yang Wei Mai? Exterior syndromes such as chills and fever
What is the group luo point for the 3 arm yang? SJ8
What is the group luo point for the 3 arm yin? PC5
What is the group luo point for the 3 leg yang? GB35 (GB39-CAM)
What is the group luo point for the 3 leg yin? SP6
What is the exit point for the LU channel? LU7
What is the exit point for the ST channel? ST42
What is the exit point for the KD channel? KD22
What is the exit point for the PC channel? PC8
What is the exit point for the SJ channel? SJ22
What is the exit point for the GB channel? GB41
What is the muscle meridian meeting area for the 3 arm yang? GB13, ST8, forehead
What is the muscle meridian meeting area for the 3 arm yin? GB22, thoracic cavity
What is the muscle meridian meeting area for the 3 leg yang? SI18, ST3, eyes
What is the muscle meridian meeting area for the 3 leg yin? RN3, genital
What points are level w/ RN8? KD16, ST25, SP15, GB26
What points are level w/ RN7? KD15, ST26
What points are level w/ RN5? KD14, ST27, SP14 (1.3” below SP15)
What points are level w/ RN4? KD13, ST28
What points are level w/ RN3? KD12, ST29, SP13 (0.7” lateral/superior to SP12)
What points are level w/ RN2? KD11, ST30, SP12
What points are level w/ RN17? KD23, ST17, PC1, SP18
What points are level w/ RN11? KD18, ST22, SP16
Created by: kabrown
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