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NAVEDTRA 14295B Ch17

HM Chapter 17: Radiology

What is the name of the tube that was discovered in 1895? Crooke's tube
characteristics and properties of Xrays are They travel in straight lines at the speed of light • They affect photographic film by producing a hidden They travel in straight lines at the speed of light,they affect photographic film by producing a hidden image made visible by processing,cause certain substances to fluoresce(glow),irritation of living cells,can cause necrosis of the cells.
The rule that applies to the principle of radiation safety is? A good rule is the acronym, ALARA, "As Low As Reasonably Achievable."
The time setting on the X-Ray machine is measured by using which of the following methods? The MAS (milliampere per second) controls the exposure time to the patient14
The film badge should be placed behind the lead-lined barrier at least what number of feet from the tube head? 6
What are the safety precautions for taking radiographs? NEVER stand in the path of the central Xray beam during exposure,NEVER hold the X-ray film packet in the patient's mouth during a dental exposure,NEVER hold the tube head or the tube head cylinder,ALWAYS stand behind a lead-lined window.
Contraindication for chest PA Rash and streaking
Which of the following oragns will not be seen in a KUB radiograph? the liver
A patient presenting with chronic cervical spine pain should be ordered what type of radiograph? AP Cervical Spine
The bisecting angle technique Use the bisecting-angle technique when paralleling devices are not available; when a patient finds it painful or impossible to close on the bite-block; or when an X-ray is needed when a rubber dam is in place.
What X-Ray machine settings should you use when exposing a maxillary occlusal radiograph on an adult? Set the X-ray machine at 10 mA, 90 kVp, and 60 impulses (1 second).
What vertical angulation setting should you use when exposing a maxillary anterior occlusal radiograph? +65
When exposing a maxillary posterior occlusal radiograph, you should use what vertical angulation setting? +75
When exposing a mandibular anterior occlusal radiograph, what vertical angulation should you use? -10
You should wait what number of seconds between films before inserting another film into the automatic processor? 15
The developer and fixer solutions in the automatic processor should be changed at what minimum frequencies? every 3 to 4 weeks
When mounting radiographs, the raised dimple should be facing? you
Radiation exposure should be managed by what 4 factors time, distance, amount, shielding
What is the form number Radiologic Consultation Request/Report? SF 519
Created by: RabbittDK10
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