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NCCAOM Theory Basic

NCCAOM Fundamentals Exam - Basic Theory

In the yin/yang cycle, what is yang w/in yin - season, time, organ? Spring 12am - 6am LV
In the yin/yang cycle, what is yang w/in yang - season, time, organ? Summer 6am - 12pm HT
In the yin/yang cycle, what is yin w/in yang - season, time, organ? Autumn 12pm - 6pm LU
In the yin/yang cycle, what is yin w/in yin - season, time, organ? Winter 6pm - 12am KD
In the yin/yang cycle, what is yang w/in yin known as and what is the pulse? Growth of Yang; Rolling & tense pulses [tense/tight: cold, yin excess yang or yang w/in yin]
In the yin/yang cycle, what is yang w/in yang known as and what is the pulse? Maximum of Yang; Superfical, Excess, Abrupt, Rapid, String-taut [SEARS]
In the yin/yang cycle, what is yin w/in yang known as and what is the pulse? Growth of Yin; Surging [heat injuring body fluids]
In the yin/yang cycle what is yin w/in yin known as and what pulses are associated? Maximum of Yin; Deep, Slow, Deficient, Hesitant, Thready, Soft, Weak, Knotted, Regularly Intermittent
What season, direction and grain are associated w/ the wood element and yin/yang? Spring; East; Wheat; Lesser Yang
What planet, color, sound, and smell are associated w/ wood? Jupiter; Green; Shouting; Rancid
What are the pre- and post-heaven numbers associated w/ wood? Pre-heaven = 3; Post-heaven = 8
What season, direction and grain are associated w/ the fire element and yin/yang? Summer; South; Beans; Utmost Yang
What planet, color, sound, and smell are associated w/ fire? Mars; Red; Laughing; Scorched
What are the pre- and post-heaven numbers associated w/ fire? Pre-heaven = 2; Post-heaven = 7
What season, direction and grain are associated w/ the earth element and yin/yang? No season; Center; Rice; Center
What planet, color, sound, and smell are associated w/ earth? Saturn; Yellow; Singing; Fragrant
What are the pre- and post-heaven numbers associated w/ earth? Pre-heaven = 5; Post-heaven = 10
What season, direction and grain are associated w/ the metal element and yin/yang? Autumn; West; Hemp; Lesser Yin
What planet, color, sound, and smell are associated w/ metal? Venus; White; Weeping; Rotten
What are the pre- and post-heaven numbers associated w/ metal? Pre-heaven = 4; Post-heaven = 9
What season, direction and grain are associated w/ the water element and yin/yang? Winter; North; Millet; Utmost Yin
What planet, color, sound, and smell are associated w/ water? Mercury; Black; Groaning; Putrid
What are the pre- and post-heaven numbers associated w/ water? Pre-heaven = 1; Post-heaven = 6
What are the functions and side-effects of sour? Generates fluids and yin, Astringent and can control perspiration and diarrhea; Makes phlegm worse
What are the functions and side-effects of bitter? Clears heat, sedates and hardens, Clears DH and it subdues rebellious Qi; Injures SP, Injures Yin
What are the functions and side-effects of Sweet? Tonifies, balances, and moderates, Is used to tonify deficiency and to stop pain; Creates damp
What are the functions and side-effects of Pungent (Acrid)? Scatters, Is used to expel pathogenic factors; Injures Yin
What are the functions and side-effects of Salty? Flows downwards, softens hardness, Is used to Tx constipation and swelling; Injures fluids
What precautions regarding tissues should be taken w/ sour taste? Sour goes to the nerves and can upset the LV, should be used sparingly if pt suffers from chronic pain
What precautions regarding organs should be taken w/ sour taste? Sour taste goes to LV; If SP is diseased one should not eat sour foods
What precautions regarding tissues should be taken w/ bitter taste? Goes to the bones, and an excess of it should be avoided in bone diseases
What precautions regarding organs should be taken w/ bitter taste? Goes to the HT; If LU is diseased one should not eat bitter foods
What precautions regarding tissues should be taken w/ sweet taste? Goes to the muscles and an excess of it can cause weakness of the muscles
What precautions regarding organs should be taken w/ sweet taste? Goes to the SP; If KD is diseased one should not eat sweet foods
What precautions regarding tissues should be taken w/ pungent taste? Scatters Qi and should be avoided in Qi deficiency
What precautions regarding organs should be taken w/ pungent taste? Goes to the LU; If LV is diseased one should not eat pungent foods
What precautions regarding tissues should be taken w/ salty taste? Can dry the blood, and should be avoided w/ blood deficiency
What precautions regarding organs should be taken w/ salty taste? Goes to the KD; If HT is diseased one should not eat salty foods
What are the 3 treasures and their relationship with blood? Shen, Qi and Jing; they are the material basis for blood but blood is not a treasure
What is Shen as a treasure, and the organ and level associated with it? Vitality behind Jing and Qi; HT; Heaven
What is Qi as a treasure, and the organ and level associated w/ it? Ability to activate and move; SP/ST; Human
What is Jing as a treasure, and the organ and level associated w/ it? Source of Life; KD; Earth
Where is post-heaven essence created and stored? Created in MJ but stored in KD
What are the functions of essence? (5) Growth, reproduction and development; Basis of KD-Qi; Producer of Marrow; Basis of constitutional strength; basis for the 3 treasures
Females have __ year cycles, describe the first 2. 7; 7 y/o KD energy becomes abundant, her baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones and the hair grows; 14 y/o dew of heaven (menses) begins, Chong channel is flourishing, periods come regularly and she can conceive
Describe the next 2 cycles of the female flow of essence. 21 y/o KD essence peaks, the wisdom teeth come out and growth is at its utmost; 28 y/o tendons and bones become strong, the hair grows longest and the body is strong and flourishing
Describe the next 2 cycles of the female flow of essence. 35 y/o Yangming channels begin to weaken, the complexion starts to wither and the hair begins to fall; 42 y/o The 3 yang channels are weak, the face darkens and the hair begins to turn grey
Describe the last cycle of the female flow of essence. 49 y/o RN channel is empty, chong channel depleted, dew of heaven dries up, Earth passage (uterus) is not open, so weakness and infertility set in
Males have __ year cycles, describe the first 2. 8; 8 y/o The boy’s KD energy is abundant, his hair and teeth grow; 16 y/o his KD energy is more abundant, dew of heaven (sperm) arrives, essence is luxuriant and flowing, yin and yang are harmonized and he can produce a child
Describe the next 2 cycles of the male flow of essence. 24 y/o KD energy peaks, tendons and bones are strong, wisdom teeth appear and growth is at its peak; 32 y/o tendons and bones are at their strongest and the muscles are full and strong
Describe the next 2 cycles of the male flow of essence. 40 y/o KD is weakened, hair begins to fall out and the teeth become loose; 48 y/o yang Qi is exhausted, the face becomes darker and the hair turns grey
Describe the last 2 cycles of the male flow of essence. 56 y/o LV energy is weakened, tendons cannot move, dew of heaven is dried up, KD becomes weak and the body begins to grow old; 64 y/o hair and teeth are gone
What is Qing Qi and its function? Air Qi (from heaven) inhaled by the LU
What is Gu Qi and its function? Food/Grain Qi (from earth) produced by the SP & ST
What is Zong Qi and its function? Pectoral/Gathering Qi; from air + food Qi, stored in the chest, promote the LU function of controlling respiration, promote HT function of dominating the blood and vessels
What is Yuan Qi and its function? Primary/Original Qi; derived from congenital essence, supplemented and nourished by food essence, takes root in the KD, spreads to the entire body via the SJ
What is Zhen Qi and its function? Vital/True Qi; The last stage of transformation of Qi, meridian Qi
What is Wei Qi and its function? Defensive Qi; Circulates outside the vessels, protect the surface, defend the body against pathogens, control opening and closing of the pores, moisten the skin and hair, readjust body temperature and warm the zangfu
Describe the circulation of Wei Qi in 24 hours. 25 times during the day Taiyang -> Shaoyang -> Yangming; 25 times during the night KD -> HT -> LU -> LV -> SP
What is Ying Qi and its function? Nutrient/Nutritive Qi; Circulate in the vessels, produce blood and to circulate w/ it, providing further nourishment of blood (ying-blood)
What is Zangfu Qi and its function? Organ Qi; Every organ is conceived of as having its own Qi, its activity is characterized by the organ
What is Zhong Qi and its function? Middle/Central Qi; True Qi of SP/ST, SP’s function of transportation and transformation, SP’s function of raising Qi
What is Zheng Qi and its function? Righteous/Upright Qi; Defensive Qi + Nutritive Qi + KD essence, defense of the body from invasion by external pathogens, contrasted to pathogenic factor (Xie Qi)
What are the functions of blood (5)? Nourishes the body, Circulates w/ nutritive Qi, Moistens the body, Houses the mind, Determines menstruation
What do the SP, LU, HT, and KD do during the process of forming blood? SP is main source of blood; LU pushes food-Qi to the HT; HT food-Qi is transformed into blood in the HT; KD second source of blood through marrow and KD essence
What does the HT do w/ blood? Governs blood, responsible for circulation
What does the SP do w/ blood? Makes blood, ensures that blood remains in the blood vessels
What does the LV do w/ blood? Stores blood, nourishes sinews, moistens eyes, regulates uterus
Describe Jin fluid, its character, circulation, and controller. Yang fluid that is clear, light and thin-watery; travels w/ defensive qi on the exterior; controlled by LU (UJ)
What are the functions of Jin fluid? Moistens and partially nourish skin and muscles, manifests as sweat, tears, saliva and mucus, become a component of the fluid part of blood
Describe Ye fluid, its character, circulation, and controller. Yin fluid that is more turbid, heavy and dense; travels w/ nutritive Qi in the interior; controlled by SP & KD (MJ and LJ)
What are the functions of Ye fluid? Moisten the joints, spine, brain and bone marrow; Lubricate the orifices of the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose and mouth)
What are characteristics of the Shen (normal)? Physical appearance and color is bright; spirit of the eyes shows alertness and is shiny; mind is clear, clear speech, normal behavior; respiration is even and smooth; appetite is good and BM are normal
What are characteristics of a disturbed Shen? Pt is thin, emaciated; face is dull, color of organs is exposed; mind is not clear, confused, body mvmt is erratic; speech is incoherent; respiration is uneven, shallow, SOB; internal organs are exhausted; Px is poor
What are characteristics of a false Shen? Sudden revival before death d/t floating up of yang Qi; Yin and Yang separate – indicates end of life; from chronic Dz where essence is exhausted; very high fever will exhaust yin
Where does the Hun reside and what is it responsible for? LV; sleep, plans, projects, life aims, coming and going of Shen
What are the functions of the Hun? Has a profound influence on a person’s capacity of planning his/her life by rooting and steadying the Ethereal Soul
Where does the Shen reside and its responsibility? HT; consciousness, thinking, affections, memory, sleep
What are the functions of the Shen? Mostly used for emotional and psychological problems related to the HT i.e. anxiety, insomnia, depression
Where does the Yi reside and its responsibility? SP; thinking, memory, concentration
What are the functions of the Yi? Tonifies the mental aspect of the SP i.e. memory, concentration and capacity for study
Where does the Po reside and its responsibility? LU; feelings, sensations
What are the functions of the Po? Has a very soothing effect on the spirit and it nourishes Qi when this is dispersed by a prolonged period of sadness or grief
Where does the Zhi reside and its responsibility? KD; will-power, drive, determination
What are the functions of the Zhi? Strengthens will-power and determination which are the mental-spiritual phenomena pertaining to the KD
What are functions of the GB? Unusual yang organ; controls secretion of bile; controls judgment
What are functions of SI? Controls receiving and transforming; separates fluids
What are functions of SJ? Official of irrigation; avenue for original Qi – carries yuan source Qi throughout body
What are functions of ST? Rotting and ripening; controls transportation of food essence; controls the descending of Qi; is the origin of fluids
What are functions of LI? Receives and transforms
What are functions of UB? Stores and excretes urine; controls certain emotions
Describe the LV’s function of regulating blood volume in relation to rest and activity. When a person moves, blood goes to the channels, when at rest it goes to the LV; Glucose convert to glycogen and stored in LV
Describe the LV’s function of regulating menstruation. LV blood normal = regular and normal menses; LV blood def = scanty periods or amenorrhea; LV blood stasis = painful periods; LV blood heat = heavy periods
Describe the LV’s function of smoothing the flow of Qi and the affect on emotional state. Frustration, depression, anger w/ hypochondriac pain, plum pit, irritability, breast distention, PMS
Describe the LV’s function of smoothing the flow of Qi and the affect on digestion. Stagnation invades ST preventing movement of Qi, belching, sour regurgitation, n/v/d [nausea/vomiting/diarrhea]
Describe the LV’s function of smoothing the flow of Qi and the affect on secretion of bile. Stagnation obstructs bile flow -> bitter taste, jaundice
Describe the LV’s function of controlling the sinews and contraction and relaxation of sinews and tendons depends on moisture from LV blood. LV blood normal = supple sinews/tendons, free movement; LV blood def = cramps, numbness, tingling; LV blood stasis = stiffness of sinews, rigidity, pain; LV wind = convulsions, tremors
Describe the LV’s manifestation in the nails as the by-product of sinews and controlled by LV blood. LV blood def = ridged, dry, brittle and cracked; LV blood stasis = dark or purple
Describe the LV’s function of opening in the eyes when nourished and moistened by LV blood. LV blood normal = good vision; LV blood def = blurred vision, floaters, myopia, dry, gritty; LV yin def = dry, gritty; LV blood stasis = painful; LYR = watery eyes; LV fire = dry bloodshot eyes (can be red, swollen and painful); LV wind = eyeballs moving
What manifestations can occur with other organs than the LV affecting the eyes? Decline of KD essence = chronic eye disease; HT fire = pain and redness of the eye; KD yin def = failing eyesight and dryness of the eyes
Describe the LV’s function w/ controlling tears and the 2 types of tears. Basal tears lubricate the eyes and reflex tears occur when a foreign body enters the eyes; LV blood/yin def = dryness; LYR = watery eyes
What is the Hun (Ethereal Soul) the source of? Life dreams, vision, aims, projects, inspiration, creativity, ideas, coming and going of Shen
Describe the relationship b/w LV blood and the Hun. LV blood normal = Hun firmly rooted and can help w/ a sense of direction in life; LV blood weak = Hun is not rooted and cannot direct; LV blood/yin very weak = Hun may even leave the body temporarily at night during sleep or just before going to sleep
What does anger include and what does it cause? Frustration, resentment, anger, rage; LV Qi stagnation, LYR, LV fire
Describe the mutual relationship b/w the LV and anger. Anger causes a LV pathology and vice versa, a LV pathology may cause the person to become irritable
What dreams can result w/ LV excess? Dreams of being angry
What dreams result w/ LV deficiency? Dreams of very fragrant mushrooms; in spring, dreams of lying under a tree w/o being able to get up; dreams of forests in the mountains
Describe the HT’s function in governing the blood. Food-Qi is transformed into blood in the HT; HT-blood controls circulation of blood, influences menstruation indirectly, houses the mind
Describe the HT’s function of influencing the state of the blood vessels. HT blood stasis = hardening of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis); HT def = weak pulse or irregular beat
Describe the HT’s function of manifesting in complexion. HT blood def = dull; HT yang def = bright white; HT blood stasis = purplish or dark; HT heat = red
How does the Shen manifest when HT is strong and blood is abundant? Normal mental activity, balanced emotional life, clear consciousness, good memory, keen thinking and good sleep
How does the Shen manifest when HT is weak and blood is deficient? Mental emotional problems (such as depression), poor memory, dull thinking, insomnia or somnolence and in extreme cases, unconsciousness
How does the HT influence the tongue? Tongue itself: ulcers or soreness; talking and speech: talking a lot, difficult speech, stuttering, aphasia
Describe what occurs w/ deficient HT and blood and body fluids having a common origin. HT Qi/Yang def -> spontaneous sweating; HT yin def -> night sweating
What is the PC in relation to the HT? Membrane wrapping around HT (protection) also governs blood and houses mind
What are actions of PC points? Invigorate blood, cool blood, calm mind
What happens w/ PC and the ying stage of wenbing? PC Heat (high fever and delirium)
What effects do PC dysfunction have on the mind? PC blood def = depression, anxiety; PC blood heat = anxiety, insomnia, agitation; PC phlegm = mental confusion, mental illness; relationship problems can cause PC pathology
What is the relationship of the PC w/ the uterus? It is related to the uterus vessel (Bao Mai); PC def = scanty periods or amenorrhea; PC fire = heavy periods; PC blood stasis = painful periods
What occurs when the SP’s function of TTD is healthy and when it’s dysfunctional? Healthy = good digestion, appetite, regular BM; Dysfunction = poor appetite, indigestion, abdominal distention, loose stools
What does SP Qi ascend? Qi, Food Qi, Fluid => LU
What does SP ascend and ST descend? SP ascends clear yang and ST descends turbid yin
What does the SP’s lifting function control and what happens when the SP is def? Keeps internal organs in place; def = prolapse of uterus, ST, KD, UB, anus
What is SP’s function w/ blood and the vessels and what happens in cases of deficiency? Keeps blood in vessels preventing bleeding; def = hemorrhages, varicose veins, black and blue marks
What is SP’s function w/ formation of blood and what happens in cases of deficiency? Makes blood from essence of food (source of blood); def = anemia
What is SP’s function w/ controlling the muscles and 4 limbs and what occurs in cases of deficiency? Extracts Gu Qi from food to nourish tissues, especially motor muscles and 4 limbs; def = weak muscles and in severe cases atrophy
What is the SP’s function w/ the mouth and what occurs in deficiency and heat? Enables chewing and taste: chewing prepares SP for TTD; def = no taste or flat, sticky taste, no appetite; heat = sweet taste
What is the SP’s function w/ the lips and how do they appear normally, in def and heat? Lips are the indicator of the state of the SP; normal = rosy and moist; def = pale; heat = dry
What organs are involved w/ memory and what are their functions? SP: concentrating, studying, memorizing schoolwork; HT: clear thinking and long term memory (distant events); KD: nourishes brain and influences short term memory (recent events)
What is pensiveness and how does it affect the SP? Thinking too much, brooking, hankering after the past, obsessive thinking; SP def -> includes pensiveness/pensiveness injures SP
Describe the LU’s function w/ Qi and respiration. LU inhale pure Qi and exhale dirty Qi; Qing Qi + Gu Qi = Zong Qi + Yuan Qi = Zhen Qi and LU send this Qi down
Describe the LU’s function of controlling channels and blood vessels. LU govers Qi -> control all (acu) channels; Qi is the commander of blood -> LU influences all blood vessels (LU9)
What is the LU’s function w/ diffusing Qi and body fluids? Diffuse Qi for Wei Qi; Diffuse body fluids for sweating
What is the LU’s function w/ descending Qi and blody fluids? Descend Qi to KD; Descend body fluids to KD/UB
What is the LU’s function w/ dispersion of wei Qi and what occurs when it is deficient? Disperses wei Qi and body fluids over entire body b/w skin and muscles; Def = exterior pathogenic factors invade
What is the LU’s function w/ dispersion of Jin-Ye and what occurs in cases of def and excess? Moisten skin and regulate pores (sweat); def = spontaneous sweating; excess = no sweat, w/ edema
What is the LU’s function w/ descending fluids to KD and UB and what occurs in cases of deficiency? Descend to KD/UB; Def = chest congestion -> SOB, cough, urine retention
How does the LU regulate physiological activities? Governs Qi, controls breathing, controls all channels and blood vessels, controls the ascending-descending and entering-exiting of Qi
LU is affected by worry, grief and sadness how do these manifest? Worry knots Qi and gives shoulder, breast tension; Sadness and grief deplete Qi and give tiredness, fine pulse, a feeble weepy voice; all can give chest tightness and slight breathlessness
What is the KD’s function with storage of Jing? Pre-heaven essence; store post-natal essence; material basis for KD yin/yang; have a yin (essence) & yang (minister fire) aspect; basis of transformation of KD yin to KD Qi influenced by KD yang
Describe the KD’s function of marrow production. Marrow is substance that generates spinal cord and makes up the brain; transformed into bone marrow; marrow + bone marrow => bones
What are manifestations of marrow deficiency? Poor memory and concentration, dizziness, dull thinking, weak bones, loose teeth
What makes up the Sea of Marrow? Brain and Spinal Cord
Describe the KD’s function of governing water. Controls the body fluids in the LJ; Def = profuse or scanty urination; Separate pure (-> LU) from impure (-> UB); KD yang provides heat to SP and intestines for fluid transformation
Describe the KD’s function in the control of reception of Qi. KD grasp or recive the Qi from the LU; Def = breathlessness, easy exhalation but difficult inhalation
Describe the KD’s function in the control of the 2 lower yin. KD influence the urethra, spermatic duct, and anus
Describe the KD’s function as the house of will-power (Zhi). Zhi (will-power): determination, single-mindedness and tenacity; KD control memory: short-term memory
Describe the function of the Ming Men Fire (Gate of Life) Root of original Qi; source of fire for all organs; warms LJ and UB; Warms SP/ST to aid digestion; Harmonizes sexual function and warms essence and uterus; Assists KD reception of Qi; Assists HT housing mind
What is the LV’s official position and the function? Army’s General from whom the strategy is derived
What is the HT’s official position and the function? The Monarch and it governs the Mind
What is the PC’s official position and the function? The Ambassador and from it joy and happiness derive
What is the SP’s official position and the function? Granary official from whom the five tastes are derived
What is the LU’s official position and the function? Prime Minister in charge of regulation – water and Qi
What is the KD’s official position and the function? Strong Official from whom ingenuity is derived
What is the GB’s official position and the function? Upright official that makes decisions
What is the SI’s official position and the function? Official in charge of receiving, being filled and transforming
What is the SJ’s official position and the function? Official in charge of irrigation and it controls the water passages
What is the ST’s official position and the function? Official in charge of food storage and from whom the 5 flavors are derived
What is the LI’s official position and the function? Official in charge of passage and conduction
What is the UB’s official position and the function? District capital, it stores fluids which are then excreted by the power of Qi transformation
What is the GB’s function with sleep? Has an influence on the quality and length of sleep; def= awakens early in the morning unable to fall asleep again
Describe the SI’s function with controlling receiving and transforming. SI receives food and drink from ST and separates clear and turbid; clear => SP; turbid => LI and UB
Describe the SI’s function with mental aspect. Discernment: ability to distinguish relevant issues w/ clarity before making a decision; SI: discrimination and judgment; GB: courage to make decisions
Describe the SJ’s function w/ mobilization of Yuan (Original) Qi. Yuan Qi: the transformation power of Qi in all Zang Fu; SJ mobilizes Yuan Qi: differentiate for several organs
Describe the SJ’s function w/ controlling the transportation and penetration of Qi. SJ controls the ascending-descending and entering-exity of Qi inall Zang Fu; SJ is the avenue of all types of Qi
Describe the SJ’s function w/ controlling the water passages and the excretion of fluids. SJ is the official in charge of irrigation; controls the transportation of excretion of fluids from the body – UJ: sweat, MJ: ST fluid, LJ: urine
Describe the SJ’s function w/ the upper jiao, what organs, fluid and Qi? LU, HT, PC; fog (sweat); Zong Qi
Describe the SJ’s function w/ the middle jiao, what organs, fluid and Qi? SP, ST, GB; froth (ST fluids); Ying Qi
Describe the SJ’s function w/ the lower jiao, what organs, fluid, and Qi? LV, KD, UB, SI, LI; ditch (urine); Yuan Qi
Describe the SJ’s mental aspects. Fire nature (w/ PC): SJ assists the Shen and Hun; Wood nature (w/ GB): SJ assists the LV in ensuring the smooth flow of emotions
Describe the ST’s function as it controls receiving. ST receives food and drink and holds them down; receiving also has a relationship w/ the appetite; ST is called the ‘great granary’ and the ‘sea of food and drink’
Describe the ST’s function as it controls the rotting and ripening of food. ST macerates food to break it down; prepares for SP to separate and extract essence from food; is the origin of Qi and blood as food-Qi (Gu) is extracted from ST; Strong ST-Qi = good Px; Weak ST-Qi = poor Px
Describe the ST’s function as it controls the transportation of food essences. Transports food essence all over the body; SP/ST responsible for transportation to limbs; if impaired person feels tired w/ weak limbs
Describe the ST’s function of transportation of food essences and how it manifests w/ the tongue and pulse. ST transports Qi of food to the pulse; ST transports dirty damp to tongue, producing a normal coating
Describe the ST’s function as the origin of fluids. Through process of maceration of food and drink, a ST fluid def leads to yin def; ST is the gate of fluids to KD; to perform rotting and ripening needs lots of fluids; Liquid portion of food and drink condenses to form Jin-Ye
Describe the ST’s mental aspects. Easily suffers from fire or phlegm-fire which easily agitates the mind and causes mental Sx; Serious: manic behavior such as uncontrolled talking, laughing, singing, taking off one’s clothes; Mild: mental confusion, anxiety, etc.
Describe the LI’s function of controlling passage and conduction. Receives food and drink from SI and extracts water from food, excretes stools
Describe the LI’s function of transforming stools and reabsorbing fluids. Transforms digested food to form stools and reabsorbs some of the fluids
Describe the LI’s mental aspect. LI influences our capacity for “letting go” and for not dwelling in the past – can be physically or emotionally constipated
Describe the LU & LI relationship. Descent of LU Qi aids the downward movement of LI if LU descent is def -> constipation; LU’s ability to send Qi downwards depends on LI’s role in excreting waste, if def -> breathlessness; As LU controls skin LI also influences
Describe the UB’s mental aspect. In adults: feeling of jealousy, suspicion, long-standing grudges; In children: fears, anxieties or insecurities which leads to a sinking of UB Qi
Why does emotional stuff affect the UB? HT heat drains from SI to UB
What is the definition of an extraordinary yang organ? Function like a yin organ but have the shape of a yang organ
What are the extraordinary yang organs? Uterus, Brain, Marrow, Bones, Blood Vessels, GB
What extraordinary yang organs are linked to KD essence? Uterus, Brain, Marrow, Bones, and Blood Vessels
Why is GB considered an extraordinary yang organ? b/c it stores a pure substance (bile) and does not deal w/ food, drink or waste products
What is the main significance of GB as an extraordinary yang organ? On a psychological level GB affects our capacity to make decisions and our courage to act on them
What part of the GB has a special link to the Hun? Qi of GB gives the Ethereal Soul the capacity for movement
What are internal causes of Disease? Emotions: Anger, Joy, Pensiveness, Worry, Sadness (greif), Fear, Shock (fright)
What are external causes of Disease? Climates: Wind, Cold, Heat/Fire, Summer-heat, Dampness, Dryness
What are other cuases of Disease? Constitution, Over-exertion, Excessive sexual activity, Improper diet, Traumatic injury, Parasites and poisons, Wrong Tx
What does anger do to Qi? Makes it ascend or rise up
What does fear do to Qi? Makes it decline or descend (precipitate)
What does joy do to Qi? Causes it to relax or slow down
What does worry and pensiveness do to Qi? Causes it to stagnate or knot
What does sadness do to Qi? Causes it to dissolve or be consumed
What does Shock do to Qi? Deranges or scatters Qi
What are s/s of pensiveness as an affect? poor appetite, epigastric discomfort, abdominal distention
What are s/s of worry as an affect? Discomfort in chest, breathlessness, tense shoulder, epigastric discomfort, abdominal disention
What are s/s of sadness as an affect? Breathlessness, discomfort in chest
What are Sx when wind affects the skin? Aversion to cold, fever, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, occipital stiffness, floating pulse
What are Sx when wind affects the channel? Stiffness, rigidity, sudden muscle contraction
What are Sx when wind affects the joint? Joint pain that moves from place to place esp in the upper part of the body (wind-bi)
What are Sx when fire/heat invades? Aversion to heat, high fever, sweating, mental confusion, thirst, overflowing-rapid pulse, red tongue w/ yellow coating
What are Sx when summer-heat invades? Aversion to cold, fever, sweating, H/A, dark urine, thirst, floating-rapid pulse
What are Sx when dampness affects sinews? Heavy limbs, dull ache of the muscles
What are Sx when dampness affects the joints? Pain, heaviness and swelling of the joints, esp the lower part of the body (damp-bi)
What are other Sx of dampness? Acute urinary discomfort, acute vaginal discharge, acute skin Dz w/ vesicles or papules, acute digestive upsets
What are general Sx when dryness invades? Acute dry cough, aversion to cold, fever, dry mouth and nose
What are Sx when cold affects sinews? Stiffness, contraction of muscles, pain, and chilliness
What are Sx when cold affects joints? Severe joint pain (cold-bi)
Created by: kabrown
Popular Acupuncture sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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