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Ocular Diseases #6

Questions for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in Caucasians. T or F False
Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in African Americans. T or F True
Field defects occur early in glaucoma. T or F False
Patients have symptoms early in glaucoma disorder. T or F False
The central vision is the last thing to go in glaucoma. T or F True
The earliest VF sign in glaucoma is a peripheral defect. T or F False
The earliest VF sign in glaucoma is a small paracentral scotoma and then a nasal step. T or F True
Arcuate scotoma is pretty diagnostic of glaucoma. T or F True
Damage is reversible with early treatment of glaucoma. T or F False
What test will demonstrate glaucoma damage the earliest? OCT or HRT
What is true for a normotensive glaucoma? IOP below 20mm / VF, OCT, or C/D ratio is abnormal
What is true for ocular hypertension? IOP above 20mm / VF, OCT, or C/D ratio is normal
Narrow or closed angle glaucoma is more common in myopes. T or F False
Narrow or closed angle glaucoma is more common in hyperopes. T or F True
Halos around lights occur with a narrow or closed angle glaucoma. T or F True
Pain and eye redness is associated with narrow or closed angle glaucoma. T or F True
There is no eye redness associated with narrow or closed angle glaucoma. T or F False
The cornea is clear with narrow or closed angle glaucoma. T or F False
The cornea is cloudy with narrow or closed angle glaucoma. T or F True
Is the globe firm and tender or does it feel normal with narrow or closed angle glaucoma? Firm and tender
Nausea and vomiting may be present with narrow or closed angle glaucoma. T or F True
How is narrow or closed angle glaucoma cured? Laser iridotomy
What drug can cause secondary glaucoma? Corticosteroids
What is the most accurate method at present to take the IOP? Goldman applanation tonometer
What four things are consistent with glaucoma? Asymmetrical C/D ratios / Splinter hemorrhages at the edge of disc / Increased C/D ratio / Nasal step VF defect
What three things are true for gonioscopy? Requires anesthetic- Proparacaine / Used to view the AC angle / Used to view the posterior retina
YAG iridotomy can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F False
Argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT) can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F True
Peripheral iridectomy can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F False
Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F True
Surgical trabeculectomy can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F True
Seton implants into AC can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F True
I-stent placed in trabecular meshwork can be used to treat open angle glaucoma. T or F True
Buphophthalmos is seen in ____________. Congential (infantile) glaucoma
What does the OCT and HRG in glaucoma analysis measure? Optic disc rim thickness / C/D ratio / Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness
What five disorders can cause secondary glaucoma? Uveitis / Pigment dispersion from iris / Pseudoexfoliation / Neovascularization of iris / Swollen lens (Phacomorphic)
Created by: Leequa
Popular Medical sets




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