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el embrollon

el embrollon vocabulary

alegre happy-go-lucky
bastante enough, very, quite (adv.)
el defectillo defect
informal late, unreliable
el cumplir completion
la cámara de comercio the Chamber of Commerce
la puntualidad punctuality
asistir to attend
la escopeta the rifle
cazar to hunt
el papel (not paper) role
el personaje the character
los bienes goods, belongings
los conocidos aquaintances
en seguida right away
contar con to count on
enfáticamente emphatically
el crédulo the believer
acudir to come to the aid of
la estación the station
roto,a broken
marchita withered, aged
flaca thin
chata flat-nosed
espantosamente frighteningly
bizca cross-eyed
a pesar de in spite of
ponerse a la moda to become in fashion
lindo,a pretty, precious
hechicera bewitching
la conquista the conquest
fracasar to fail
instar to insist
porfiar to persist
denuedo valor
volverse loco to go crazy
casamiento marraige
rendirse to give up
señalar to point out
retratos portraits
seco,a dry
el cabello hair
la mariposa butterfly
las alas wings
volar to fly
el cura the priest
repleto,a replete
inexpugnable impregnable
pensativo,a thoughtful
extraño,a strange
atrevido,a daring
asombrado,a astonished, amazed
el suceso the event
el asunto the issue
la solterona old maid
abominable abominable
la gente people
sensata sensible
recobrar to recover
el ultraje insult
el fondo background
arrepentirse to repent
el daño damage
volver al altar return to the altar
el amor propio self-esteem
le pareció a él it seemed to him
la boda the wedding
fingir to pretend
sonoro sonorous, rich, resonant
retumbar to boom, to thunder
desmayarse to faint
la venganza the revenge
el gozo enjoyment
entristecerse to become depressed
Created by: span4rohawk
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