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UND 363 CT & Muscle

UND 363 Conn. Tissue and Muscle

What are the 4 basic tissue types Epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve
What are the types, function of epithelial tissue and what 2 types are there Covering, forms glans and parenchema of glands, 2 types (squamous and glandular). Glandular is made of columnar cells
What is the function of connective, muscle, and nerve tissue connective - support (not found on surface of body), Muscle - Movement, Nerve - Control (responds to stimuli and can conduct impluses)
What are the 6 functions of Connective tissue and give examples of each Framework (bone/cartilage), transport (blood), Protection (bone/cartilage/adipose), Support (Tendons/ligaments/capsules), Insulation/storage/cell protection (adipose/bone marrow), Defense (Blood/lymph/dense CT)
What are the 2 broad classes of connective tissue Connective tissue proper and specialized connective tissue
Describe Connective tissue proper and the types All organs and body cavaties, connecting one part with another (loose, dense, reticular, adipose)
give three types of specialized connective tisue and examples Fluid connective (blood for vascular/transport), supportive (bone), Cushioning (cartilage) *supportive and cushioning make up skeletal structure*
Name 5 types of Conn. tissue proper (plus one extra) Areolar (loose CT), dense, elastic, reticular, adipose *& ground substances*
give 7 facts about Areolar (loose) Conn. tissue most common/widespread, attaches skin to underlying tissue, fills in spaces between organs, has many cell types, fibrous component is made of collagen, high % ground substance, fibers in no particular pattern
what will be seen on H&E of areolar tissue pink collagen bands, and elastic fibers (appear thin and dark)
give 4 facts about Dense (fibrous) Conn. tissue ligaments and tendons, called fibrous due to increased fibers and decreased cells, increased % collagen fibers, usually in parallel
what are two types of dense (fibrous) conn. tissue regular dense (ligaments and tendon) or Irregular dense (in skin just under loose conn. tissue)
what are ground substances and give 4 facts IE non cellular components - gel like, also called extracellular matrix, provides support for fibers and cells embedded in it, composed of glycosamine glycans, proteoglycans and glycoproteins
Name three types of fibers and what they as a group are for Collagen, elastic, reticular (provide strength and elasticity)
2 facts about collagen fibers and the 5 stains for most commonly seen, thickest fibers (but are INelastic) - masson trichrome, gomori 1 step, van geison, verhoeff elastic, movat pentachrome
4 facts for elastic fibers and its 5 stains composed of elastin and microfibrils, stretch 150% of resting length, found in respiratory and circulatory system, CAN'T be spesifically seen with H&E - verhoeff elastic, aldehyde fuschin, movat pentachrome, gomori, weigert stain
facts about reticular fibers and 2 stains subtype of collagen, delicate support network in organs (spleen liver, Lnode), need special stain, affinity for silver salt (argyrophilic ie absorb silver from soln') - gomori, gordon and sweets (used more commonly)
how does collagen show up under the light, polarized and Electron microscope Light - pink, polarized - birefringent, E/M - shows cross striations
name the 7 CT Proper Cells fibroblasts, mesenchymal, adipose, mast, macrophage, plasma, blood
facts about fibroblasts most common cell in ct proper, seen between bundles of collagen, appear as flattened nuclei, produce collagen, elastic and reticular fibers
facts about mesenchymal cells derived from mesoderm, embryologic precursor of adult conn. tissu (primitive, undifferentiated cells, may develop into other differientated cells), appear similar to fibroblasts
facts about adipose (fat) cells do synthesis, storage and release of fat (stained H&E look like chicken wire) - use oil red O or sudan black to stain, if in paraffin can use osmium tetroxide to stain, can be done with FS
facts about mast cells and stains for contain secretory granules in cytoplasm (contain heparin and histamine), found in blood vessels and inflammatory skin disease - stain metachromatic (toluline blue, azure A, bismarck brown)
facts about macrophages ones found in loose conn. tissue are derived from monocytes in circulating blood (therefore called tissue monocytes), phagocyte cell - are garbage collectors and protect the body
facts about plasma cells and 2 stains derived from type B lymphocytes (create antibodies), seen in inflammed areas or where foreign substances have entered. larger cell (w/ nucleus to one side, cytoplasm next to called hof), 2-3 week lifespan, stain with IHC or methyl green pyronin stain
facts about basement membrane (and 1 stain) AKA basal lamina, Acellular (no cells), support layer for epithelial cells, is between epithelial cell and conn. tissue, functions as support, cellular attachemtn and filter, stains with PAS (magenta)
facts about muscle cells elongated, either striated or smooth (depends on presence of bands), can be voluntary or involuntary contraction
What is striated muscle called due to the light and dark cross bands, types (skeletal - striated voluntary & cardiac - striated INvoluntary)
what is smooth muscle has no bands and is INvoluntary
facts about skeletal muscle striated, dark and light bands (made of thin actin filaments and thick myosin filaments), have nuclei at the edge, voluntary and are paired (flexor and extensor), respond to nerve stimulus
what can be used to stain skeletal muscle PTAH stain (not done much anymore), immunoperoxidase done instead
describe cardiac muscle striated, 1 central nucleus, myogenic (self contracting), connected by intercalated discs (desmosomes)
describe smooth muscle NON striated, makes up walls of hollow organs (blood vessel, bladder, uterus), involuntary, made of short spindle cells with 1 central nucleus, cytoplasm contains actin and myosin but in diff. ratio (and randomly arranged) therefore no cross striations.
Created by: mustangvxd
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