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Chapter 4

Integumentary system

adipose fatty
alopecia lack of hair; baldness
apocrine glands show during and after puberty; secrete glands
ceruminous glands secrete wazy substance on surface of ear
collagen major proein substance; tough flexible; forms connective tissue
corium beneath epidermis
cuticle thin band of epidermis; surounds nails except for top
dermis layer of skin beneath epidermis; has blood vessels, nerves, some glands
eccrine glands sweat glands; all over body; cept where apocrine are
diaphoresis excretion of fluid by sweat glands; sweating
apidermis outer portion of skin
exocrine glands secrete through ducts toward outside of body
hair follicle tublike sac in dermis; hair shaft develops
hair root beneath skin surface
hair shaft visible above skin surface
hypodermis subcutaneous; below dermis
integumen skin and all elements contained or arise from it
keratin horny protein forms nails and hair
lunula half moon on base of nail plate
melanin by melanocytes; determine hair, eye, skin color
melanocyte in epidermis produces melanin
nail thin layer of keratin coers distal portion of fingers and toes
papillary layer thin sublayer of dermis containing small papillae
pore opening in skin
reticular layer bottom sublayer of dermis containing reticula
sebaceous glands in dermis open to hair follicles and secrete sebum
sebum oily substance
squamous epithelium flat scaly layer make up epidermis
stratified squamous epithelium make up strata of epithelium of epidermis
stratum layer of tissue; layer of skin
stratum corneum top sublayer of epidermis
stratum germinativum bottom sublayer of epidermis
striae stretch marks made in collagen fibers of dermis layer
subcutaneous layer bottom layer of skin containing fatty tissue
sweat glands coiled; secrete perspiration to regulate body temp and excrete waste
adip fat
dermato skin
dermo skin
hidro sweat
ichthyo fish scaly
kerato horny tissue
lipo fatty
melano black
myco fungus
onycho nail
pilo hair
sebo sebum
steato fat
tricho hair
xantho yello
xero dry
bx biopsy
DLE discoid lupus erythematosus
MRSA form of staphylocococcus aureus; resistant to common antibiotics
PPD purified protein derivative
PUVA psoralen UV A light therapy
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
VRE form of enterococcus that is resistant to most antibiotics
dermatology medical specialty deals with diseases of skin
exudate excreted out of tissue; injury to skin
intradermal test injects antigen between layers of skin
mantoux test tuberculosis which small dose of tuberculin injected intradermally with syringe
patch test allerigc sensitivity which small dose of antigen applied to skin on small piece of gauze
schick test test fo diphtheria
scratch test allergic sensitivity scatched onto surface
tine test test for TB
abscess collection of pus
acne inflammatory eruption of skin
acne vulgaris inflammatory eruption of skin
actinic kertosis overgrowth of horny skin form from over exposure to sunlight; sunburn
albinism lack of pigmentation
alopecia areat loss of hair in patcches
basal cell carcinoma slow growing cancer of basal cell
birthmark lesion visible at birth
black head open hair follicle filled with bacteria and sebum
bulla bubble like blister on surface
burn damage to skin caused by exposure to heat
callus mass of hard skin form as cover over broken skin
candidiasis yeast like fungus on skin; pruritus, white exudate, peeling and easy bleeding
carbuncle infected area of skin producing pus
cellulitis inflammation of dermis; enters skin thru opening
cherry angioma dome shape vascular lesion; elderly
chloasma fairly large, pigmented facial patches
cicatrix fibrous tissue inside wound form scar
cold sore eruption around mouth; herpes simplex virus type 1
comedo hair follicle filled with bacteria and sebum
corn hard skin
crust hard layer; dried pus; scab
cyst abnormal sac containing fluid
decubitus ulcer chronic ulcer on skin over bony parts under constant pressure
depigmentation loss of coor of skin
dermatitits inflammation of skin
discoid lupus erythematosus mild form of lupus
ecchymosis purplish skin patch caused by broken blood vessels beneath surface (bruise)
eczema inflammatory of skin
erosion wearing away of surface of skin
exanthematous viral disease viral disease that causes rash
exoriation injury to surface caused by scratch
fever blister eruption around mouth
first degree burn injury to surface of skin w/o blistering
fissure deep slit in skin
furuncle skin infection; boil
gangrene death of area of skin; loss of blood to area
genital herpes transmitted from one person to another
herpes inflammatory skin disease caused by viruses
herpes simplex virus type 1 around mouth during iral illness; state of stress
herpes simple virus type 2 recurring on genitalia; from person to person
herpes zoster painful herpes affects nerve roots; shingles
hives reddish wheals; caused by allergy
urticaria reddish wheals; caused by allergy
impetigo type of pyoderma
kaposi's sarcoma skin cancer associated with AIDS
keratosis lesion on epidermis containing keratin
lesion wound damage injury to skin
leukoderma absence of pigment in skin
leukoplakia white patch of mucous membrane on tongue
macule small colored spot on skin
malaignant melanoma skin cancer orgination in melanocyt usually caused by over exposure to sun
neoplasm abnormal tissue growth
nevus birthmark
nodule small knob of tissue
onychia, onychitis inflammation of nail
onychopathy disease of nail
papule soild elecation on skin
paronychia inflammation of fold surrounding nail plate
patch small area differing in color; plaque
pediculated polyp polyp projects upward from sleder talk
pediculosis lice infestation
pemphigus autoimmune disease causes skin blistering
petechia tiny hemorrhage benath surface of skin
pilonidal cyst containing hair found on lower end of spine
plantar wart wart of sole of foot
plaque small area differing in color
polyp bulging mass of tissue that projects ouward from skin surface
pressure sore ulcer on skin over bony parts under constant pressure
pruritus itching
psoriasis skin condition with scaly lesions
purpura extensive hemorrhage underneath skin vocering wide area
pustule small elevation on skin containing pus
pyoderma inflammation of skin producing pus
ringworm fungal infection
rosacea vascular disease blotchy patches
roseola skin eruption of small red patches
rubella causes viral skin rash; german measles
rubeola causes viral skin rash; measles
scabies skin eruption caused by mite burrowing into skin
scale small plate of ard skin that falls off
scleroderma thickening of skin caused by increase in collagen formation
sebaceous cyst cyst containin yellow sebum
seborrhea overproduction of sebum by sebaceous glands
second degree burn moderate severe burn; affects epidermis and dermis; involves blistering
sessile polyp projects upward from broad base
shingles viral disease affecting peripheral nerves and caused by herpes zoster
squamous cell carcinoma cancer of squamous epithelium
systemic lupus erythematosus most severe form of lupus; internal organs
telangiectasia permanent dilation small blood vessels
third degree burn most severe burn; complete destruction of skin
tinea fungal infection; ringworm
tumor any mass of tissue; swelling
ulcer openlesion
varicella contagious skin disease; chicken pox
vascular lesion lesion in blood vessel show thru skin
verruca flesh colored growth; wart
vesicle raised sac containing fluid
vitiligo white patches appear other wise normally pigmented skin
wart flesh colored growth
wheal itchy patch of raised skin
white head closed comedo doesnt cnotain dark bacteria present in blackheads
allo graft skin graft using donor skin from one species to another xenograft
homograft skin graft using donor skin from one species to another xenograft
cryosurgery surgery removes tissue by freezing with liquid nitrogen
autograft skin graft using skin of one's own body
cauterize apply heat cause coagulation and stop bleeding
curettage removal of tissue by scraping
debridement removal of dead tissue from wound
dermabrasion removal of wrinkles, scars, tattoos, by scrapin with brushes and emery papers
electrodesiccation dryin with electrical current
fulguration destruction of tissue using electric sparks
mohs' surgery remove thin layers of malignant tissue using nomalignant tissue
plastic surgery repair/ reconstruct
skin graft placement of fresh skin over damaged skin
xeno graft skin graft usin donor skin from one species
heterograft skin graft using donor skin from one species
alphahydroxy agent added to cosmetics; improve skin appearance
anesthetic relieves pain by blocking nerve
antibacterial kills growth of bacteria
antibiotic kills growth of microorganism
antifungal kills growth of fungus
antihistamine controls allergiv reaction block histimines in body
antiinflammatory relieves symptoms of inflammation
antipruritic controls itching
antiseptic kills growth of microorganism
astringent removes excess oils from surface of skin
chemotherapy treatmen of cancer with chemicals
corticosteroid antiinflammatory properties
emoolient smooths skin
keratolytic aids in removal of warts and corns
parasiticide kills growth of parasites
raiation therapy uses radiation to destroy malignant cells
topical anesthetic anesthetic applie to surface of skin
uv light artifical sunlight to treat some skin lesions
Created by: cs3516
Popular Medical sets




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