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Carroll U Pharm 1

Stack #147067

Effectiveness elicits responses for which it has been administered.
Safety drug does not produce a harmful effect over extended period of time.
Selectivity elicits only those responses for which it is given, not such thing.
Pharmacokinetics study of drug absorption, distribution in the body, metabolism in the liver and kidneys, and excretion.
Pharmacodynamics study of a drug at the site of action and the EFFECT ON THE BODY.
Toxicology study of harmful effects of chemicals including drugs, environment toxins, and poisons.
Graded Dose Respose Curve *for 1 patient, used to determine the EC50 which is the dose in a patient that will result in half the EMax.
Potency the more potent the drug requires lower dose to produce the same effect as a higher dose of a second drug, **determined by affinity for its receptor and the ability of the drug to reach its site of action., Only in 1 patient.
Efficacy determined by type of interaction with receptor, and limitations on amount that can be administered,
EMax. = max effect produced
Quantal Dose Response Curve biological variability among people/populations, graphs Y
Hyperreactive Pt. need a very low dose before a response is seen.
Hyopreactive Pt. need very high does before a response is seen.
Tolerance Time related loss of resonse to a drug (weeks to months)
Idiosyncratic drug response infrequently observed drug effect. Ex: 1 out of 300,000 people have some side effect.
Tachyphylaxis Tolerance that happens very quickly (minutes to hours)
Hypersensitivity allergic reaction to a drug.
Therapeutic Index TD50/ED50 TD50=median toxic dose 50% of pop. exhibits adverse effects ED50= median effective dose 50% pop. responds in a specified manner. Indicator of drug safety, the greater the TI, the safer the drug.
Bioavailability extent to which the drug reaches systemic circulation, get first pass effect of given orally, 100% if IV
Volume of Distribution body space into which a drug can diffuse Ex: asprin only in bloodstream Vd=8.4L
Clearance amount of blood or other fluids from which all drug is removed per unit time (steady state concentrations)
Half Life dosing regimen to achieve steady state concentration of drug in blood, take half life x 4
Absorption dependent on: administration mode, product chemistry, disease state, drug interactions, first pass effect, and pH
Distribution dependent on: drug charac's (lipid soluble, size, ionized), binding to plasma protein (only free drug can be transported), blood flow to tissues absent in abscesses or tumors, BBB, pass b/w capillaries
Metabolism Phase I
Elimination Filtration( protein binding, molecular size and charge), passive transport (dependent on pH & lipid solubility), active transport (requires ATP)
Receptors proteins with unique binding sites inside cell or on surface, interact w/ endogenous and exogenous cmpds, interpret a signal from the drug and transfer that info into effect, middle man b/w drug and body.
Signal Transduction 1.ligand binds to the receptor 2. receptor propagates a signal 3. proteins are turned on and mobilize 2nd messanger molecules to amplify signal 4. 2nd messangers active other proteins that carry the signal further 5. physiological response 6. termination
Second Messengers take an external stimulus and turn it into a cellular response and allow for quick movement of a signal.
Drug Selectivity related to both affinity and efficact, influences only 1 particular tissue and induces a specific response, side effects.
Affinity refers to the attraction between a receptor and ligand.
Efficacy refers to the ability of a ligand to bind to the receptr, activate it, and lead to some physiological response.
Agonist a drug that binds to the receptor and causes a response
Antagonist a drug that binds to the receptor without a response, BLOCKER!
Created by: jmulroe
Popular Pharmacology sets




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