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Chapter 11


What contains the Afferent Nerves & function Dorsal root. * sends info to spinal cord from sensory receptor
What contains the Efferent Nerves & function Ventral root *carry messages from spinal cord to body(effector) in grey matter
Where do the Efferent Nerves transfer info? Into autonomic and somatic NS
Autonomic NS Involuntary, maintains homeostasis *contains glands and muscles of Internal organs (smooth&cardiac muscle) *occurs at subconscious level like sweating
What's the Autonomic NS divided into parasympathetic & sympathetic NS
parasympathetic NS Activity dominant during relax state *rest&digest *increase gastrointestinal activity *decrease heart rate &BP
sympathetic NS Fight/Flight respond *pupil dilate *decrease gastrointestinal activity *increase heart rate & BP
Somatic NS Controls skeletal muscles *voluntary
What is the effector organ of the Somatic NS? muscular system, 1 neuron system
Motor unit Motor neuron&the muscle fibers it innervates
Property of Motor unit *1MN can innervate many neuron fibers *each muscle fiber can only be innervated by 1 MN *MN come from ventral part of spinal cord
Neuromuscular junction Synapse between a motor neuron&muscle fiber
Terminal bouton on neuron
motor end plate specialized muscle membrane @ junction that opposite terminal bouton on muscle fiber
Neurotransmitter Chemical released by neuron (Acetylcholine)
Receptors @ motor end plate called nicotinic receptors * can be triggered by cigarettes
Neuromuscular junction 1.AP arrives @terminal bouton 2.Voltage-gated Ca channels open 3.Ca enters cell triggering Ach 4.Ach diffuses across cleft & binds to nicotinic receptors on motor end plate 5.Ach triggers opening of channels for small cations(Na in, K out)
Neuromuscular junction cont'd movement of + charge in(depot) 7.EPP causes AP in muscle cell 8.AP spread though muscle causing contraction
End plate potential EPP is sufficient to trigger AP
Myasthenia Gravis (disease) Autoimmune(attacks nicotinic receptors, which is made of proteins, then it can't find Ach & Function)
what does Myasthenia Gravis cause fatigue in muscles
Curare (drug) extracted from plant *bind to nicotinic receptors using up its space so Ach can no longer bind. *used in hunting or relaxants
Created by: izis
Popular Physiology sets




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