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Word List 26-30

Infringe v. violate; encroach
Ingenious adj. clever; resourceful
Ingenuous adj. naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated
Ingrained adj. deeply established; firmly rooted
Ingrate n. ungrateful person
Ingratiate v. become popular with
Inherent adj. firmly established by nature or habit
Inhibit v. restrain; retard or prevent
Inimical adj. unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental
Inimitable adj. matchless; not able to be imitated
Iniquitous adj. wicked; immoral; unrighteous
Initiate v. begin; originate; receive into a group
Injurious adj. harmful
Inkling n. hint
Innate adj. inborn
Innocuous adj. harmless
Innovation n. change; introduction of something new
Innuendo n. hint; insinuation
Inopportune adj. untimely; poorly chosen
Inordinate adj. unrestrained; excessive
Inquisitor n. questioner (especially harsh); investigator
Insalubrious adj. unwholesome; not healthful
Insatiable adj. not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy
Inscrutable adj. impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious
Insensate adj. without feeling
Insensible adj. unconscious; unresponsive
Insidious adj. treacherous; stealthy; sly
Insightful adj. discerning; perceptive
Insinuate v. hint; imply; creep in
Insipid adj. lacking in flavor; dull
Insolence n. impudent disrespect; haughtiness
Insolvent adj. bankrupt; lacking money to pay
Insomnia n. wakefulness; inability to sleep
Insouciant adj. indifferent; without concern or care
Instigate v. urge; start; provoke
Insubordination n. disobedience; rebelliousness
Insubstantial adj. lacking substance; insignificant; frail
Insularity n. narrow-mindedness; isolation
Insuperable adj. insurmountable; unbeatable
Insurgent adj. rebellious
Insurmountable adj. overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable
Insurrection n. rebellion; uprising
Intangible adj. not able to be perceived by touch; vague
Integral adj. complete; necessary for completeness
Integrate v. make whole; combine; make into one unit
Integrity n. uprightness; wholeness
Intellect n. higher mental powers
Intelligentsia n. intellectuals; members of the educated elite [often used derogatorily]
Inter v. bury
Interdict v. prohibit; forbid
Interim n. meantime
Interloper n. intruder
Interminable adj. endless
Intermittent adj. periodic; on and off
Internecine adj. mutually destructive
Interpolate v. insert between
Interregnum n. period between two reigns
Interrogate v. question closely; cross-examine
Intervene v. come between
Intimate v. hint
Intimidate v. frighten
Intractable adj. unruly; stubborn; unyielding
Intransigence n. refusal of any compromise; stubbornness
Intrepid adj. fearless
Intrinsic adj. essential; inherent; built in
Introspective adj. looking within oneself
Introvert n. one who is introspective; inclined to think more about oneself
Intrude v. trespass; enter as an uninvited person
Intuition n. immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning
Inundate v. overwhelm; flood; submerge
Inure adj. accustomed; hardened
Invalidate v. weaken; destroy
Invective n. abuse
Inveigh v. denounce; utter censure or invective
Inveigle v. lead astray; wheedle
Inverse adj. opposite
Invert v. turn upside down or inside out
Inveterate adj. deep rooted; habitual
Invidious adj. designed to created ill will or envy
Invincible adj. unconquerable
Inviolable adj. secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable
Invocation n. prayer for help; calling upon as reference or support
Invoke v. call upon; ask for
Invulnerable adj. incapable of injury
Iota n. very small quantity
Irascible adj. irritable; easily angered
Irate adj. angry
Iridescent adj. exhibiting rainbow like colors
Irksome adj. annoying; tedious
Ironic adj. occurring in an unexpected and contrary manner
Irony n. hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean
Irreconcilable adj. incompatibly; not able to be resolved
Irrefutable adj. indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable
Irrelevant adj. not applicable; unrelated
Irremediable adj. incurable; uncorrectable
Irreparable adj. not able to be corrected or repaired
Irrepressible adj. unable to be restrained or held back
Irreproachable adj. blameless; impeccable
Irresolute adj. uncertain how to act; weak
Irretrievable adj. impossible to recover or regain; irreparable
Irreverence n. lack of proper respect
Irrevocable adj. unalterable; irreversible
Isotope n. varying form of an element
Isthmus n. narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land
Itinerant adj. wandering; traveling
Itinerary n. plan of a trip
Jabber v. chatter rapidly or unintelligibly
Jaded adj. fatigued; surfeited
Jargon n. language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish
Jaundiced adj. prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful); yellowed
Jaunt n. trip; short journey
Jaunty adj. lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree
Jeopardize v. endanger; imperil; put at risk
Jettison v. throw overboard
Jibe v. agree; be in harmony with
Jingoist n. extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist
Jocose adj. given to joking
Jocular adj. said or done in jest
Jocund adj. merry
Jollity n. gaiety; cheerfulness
Jostle v. shove; bump
Jovial adj. good-natured; merry
Jubilation n. rejoicing
Judicious adj. sound in judgment; wise
Juggernaut n. irresistible crushing force
Juncture n. crisis; joining point
Junket n. trip, especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense
Junta n. group of persons joined in political intrigue; cabal
Jurisprudence n. science of law
Justification n. good or just reason; defense; excuse
Juxtapose v. place side by side
Kaleidoscope n. tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass produce interesting symmetrical effects
Ken n. range of knowledge
Kernel n. central or vital part; whole seed (as of corn)
Killjoy n. grouch; spoilsport
Kindle v. start a fire; inspire
Kindred adj. related; similar in nature or character
Kinetic adj. producing motion
Kismet n. fate
Kleptomaniac n. person who has a compulsive desire to steal
Knave n. untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel
Knead v. mix; work dough
Knell n. tolling of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.; sound of the funeral bell
Knit v. contract into wrinkles; grow together
Knoll n. little round hill
Knotty adj. intricate; difficult; tangled
Kudos n. honor; glory; praise
Labile adj. likely to change; unstable
Laborious adj. demanding much work or care; tedious
Labyrinth n. maze
Laceration n. torn ragged wound
Lachrymose adj. producing tears
Lackadaisical adj. lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; languid
Lackluster adj. dull
Laconic adj. brief and to the point
Laggard adj. slow; sluggish
Lagoon n. shallow body of water near a sea; lake
Laity n. laypersons; person not connected with the clergy
Lambaste v. beat; thrash verbally or physically
Lament v. grieve; express sorrow
Lampoon v. ridicule
Lancet n. small surgical tool for making incisions
Languid adj. weary; sluggish; listless
Languish v. loose animation or strength
Languor n. lassitude; depression
Lank adj. long and thin
Lap v. take in food or drink with one’s tongue; splash gently
Larceny n. theft
Larder n. pantry; place where food is kept
Largess n. generous gift
Lascivious adj. lustful
Lassitude n. languor; weariness
Latent adj. potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden
Lateral adj. coming from the side
Latitude n. freedom from narrow limitations
Laud v. praise
Lavish adj. liberal; wasteful
Lax adj. careless
Leaven v. cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven
Lechery n. gross lewdness; lustfulness
Lectern n. reading desk
Leery adj. suspicious; cautious
Leeway n. room to move; margin
Legacy n. a gift made by a will
Legend n. explanatory list of symbols on a map
Legerdemain n. sleight of hand
Leniency n. mildness; permissiveness
Leonine adj. like a lion
Lethal adj. deadly
Lethargic adj. drowsy; dull
Levee n. earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding
Levitate v. float in the air (especially by magical means)
Levity n. lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity
Levy v. impose (a fine); collect (a payment)
Lewd adj. lustful
Lexicographer n. compiler of a dictionary
Lexicon n. dictionary
Liability n. drawback; debts
Liaison n. contact that keeps parties in communication; go-between; secret love affair
Libel n. defamatory statement; act of writing something that smear a person’s character
Libertine n. debauched person (roué)
Libidinous adj. lustful
Libido n. emotional urges behind human activity
Libretto n. text of an opera
Licentious adj. amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained
Lien n. legal claim on a property
Ligneous adj. like wood
Lilliputian adj. extremely small
Limber adj. flexible
Limbo n. region near heaven or hell where souls are kept; prison (slang)
Limn v. draw; outline; describe
Limpid adj. clear
Lineage n. descent; ancestry
Lineaments n. features, especially of the face
Linger v. loiter or dawdle; continue or persist
Linguistic adj. pertaining to language
Lionize v. treat as a celebrity
Liquidate v. settle accounts; clear up
List v. tilt; lean over
Listless adj. lacking in spirit or energy
Litany n. supplicatory prayer
Lithe adj. flexible; supple
Litigation n. lawsuit
Litotes n. understatement for emphasis
Livid adj. lead colored; black and blue; ashen; enraged
Loath adj. reluctant; disinclined
Loathe v. detest
Lode n. metal bearing vein
Lofty adj. very high
Log n. record of a voyage or flight; record of day to day activities
Loiter v. hang around; linger
Loll v. lounge about
Longevity n. long life
Loom v. appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form)
Lope v. gallop slowly
Loquacious adj. talkative
Lout n. clumsy person
Low v. moo
Lucid adj. easily understood; clear; intelligible
Lucrative adj. profitable
Lucre n. money
Ludicrous adj. laughable; trifling
Lugubrious adj. mournful
Lull n. moment of calm
Lumber v. move heavily or clumsily
Lumen n. unit of light energy (one candle’s worth)
Luminary n. celebrity; dignitary
Luminous adj. shining; issuing light
Lunar adj. pertaining to the moon
Lunge v. make a quick forward dive or reach; thrust
Lurid adj. wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome
Lurk v. stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived
Luscious adj. pleasing to taste or smell
Luster n. shine; gloss
Lustrous adj. shining
Luxuriant adj. abundant; rich and splendid; fertile
Macabre adj. gruesome; grisly
Mace n. ceremonial staff; club like medieval weapon
Macerate v. soften by soaking in liquid; waste away
Machiavellian adj. crafty; double-dealing
Machinations n. evil schemes or plots
Maculated adj. spotted; stained
Madrigal n. pastoral song
Maelstrom n. whirlpool
Magisterial adj. authoritative; imperious
Magnanimity n. generosity
Magnate n. person of prominence or influence
Magniloquent adj. boastful, pompous
Magnitude n. greatness; extent
Maim v. mutilate; injure
Maladroit adj. clumsy; bungling
Malady n. illness
Malaise n. uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health
Malapropism n. comic misuse of a word
Malcontent n. person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs
Malediction n. curse
Malefactor n. evildoer; criminal
Malevolent adj. wishing evil
Malfeasance n. wrongdoing
Malicious adj. hateful; spiteful
Malign v. speak evil of; badmouth; defame
Malignant adj. injurious; tending to cause death; aggressively malevolent
Malingerer n. one who feigns illness to escape duty
Malleable adj. capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable
Malodorous adj. foul-smelling
Mammal n. vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
Mammoth adj. gigantic; enormous
Manacle v. restrain; handcuff
Mandate n. order; charge
Mandatory adj. obligatory
Mangy adj. shabby; wretched
Maniacal adj. raging mad; insane
Manifest adj. evident; visible; obvious
Manifestation n. outward demonstration; indication
Manifesto n. declaration; statement of policy
Manifold n. numerous; varied
Manipulate v. operate with one’s hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully
Mannered adj. affected; not natural
Manumit v. emancipate; free from bondage
Marital adj. pertaining to marriage
Maritime adj. bordering on the sea; nautical
Marked adj. noticeable; targeted for vengeance
Marred adj. damaged; disfigured
Marshal v. put in order
Marsupial n. one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in their pouch
Martial adj. warlike
Martinet n. disciplinarian
Martyr n. one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her religion or cause; great sufferer
Masochist n. person who enjoys his own pain
Masticate v. chew
Materialism n. preoccupation with physical comfort and things
Maternal adj. motherly
Matriarch n. woman who rules a family or larger social group
Matriculate v. enroll (in college or graduate school)
Matrix n. point of origin; array of numbers or algebraic symbols; mold or die
Maudlin adj. effusively sentimental
Maul v. handle roughly
Mausoleum n. monumental tomb
Mauve adj. pale purple
Maverick n. rebel; nonconformist
Mawkish adj. mushy and gushy; icky sticky sentimental; maudlin
Maxim n. proverb; a truth pithily stated
Mayhem n. injury to body
Meager adj. scanty; inadequate
Mealymouthed adj. indirect in speech; hypocritical; evasive
Meander v. wind or turn in its course
Meddlesome adj. interfering
Mediate v. settle a dispute through the services of an outsider
Mediocre adj. ordinary; commonplace
Meditation n. reflection; thought
Medium n. element that is a creatures natural environment; nutrient setting in which microorganisms are cultivated
Medium n. appropriate occupation or means of expression; channel of communication; compromise
Medley n. mixture
Meek adj. submissive; patient and long-suffering
Megalomania n. mania for doing grandiose things
Melancholy adj. gloomy; morose; blue
Melee n. fight
Mellifluous adj. sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious
Memento n. token; reminder
Memorialize v. commemorate
Menagerie n. collection of wild animals
Mendacious adj. lying; habitually dishonest
Mendicant n. beggar
Menial adj. suitable for servant; lowly; mean
Mentor n. counselor; teacher
Mercantile adj. concerning trade
Mercenary adj. motivated solely by money or gain
Mercurial adj. capricious; changing; fickle
Meretricious adj. flashy; tawdry
Merger n. combination (of two business corporations)
Mesmerize v. hypnotize
Metallurgical adj. pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores
Metamorphosis n. change of form
Metaphor n. implied comparison
Metaphysical adj. pertaining to speculative philosophy
Mete v. measure; distribute
Meteoric adj. swift; momentarily brilliant
Methodical adj. systematic
Meticulous adj. excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous
Metropolis n. large city
Mettle n. courage; spirit
Miasma n. swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere, often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence
Microcosm n. small world; world in miniature
Migrant adj. changing its habitat; wandering
Migratory adj. wandering
Milieu n. environment; means of expression
Militant adj. combative; bellicose
Militate v. work against
Millennium n. thousand year period; period of happiness and prosperity
Mimicry n. imitation
Minatory adj. menacing; threatening
Mincing adj. affectedly dainty
Minion n. a servile dependent
Miniscule adj. extremely small
Minute adj. extremely small
Minutiae n. petty details
Mirage n. unreal reflection; optical illusion
Mire v. entangle; stick in swampy ground
Mirth n. merriment; laughter
Misadventure n. mischance; ill luck
Misanthrope n. one who hates mankind
Misapprehension n. error; misunderstanding
Miscellany n. mixture of writings on various subjects
Mischance n. ill luck
Misconstrue v. interpret incorrectly; misjudge
Miscreant n. wretch; villain
Misdemeanor n. minor crime
Miserly adj. stingy; mean
Misgivings n. doubts
Mishap n. accident
Misnomer n. wrong name; incorrect designation
Created by: fiutobot
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