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World Geo

Chapter 18-20 Vocab

Domestication The process of training and breeding animals for use by humans.
Communism A system of government in which the government controls the means of productions, determining what goods will be made, how much workers will be paid, and how much items will cost.
Eurasia The name some geographers suggest should be used for the landmass of Europe and Asia.
Inland Sea A sea that is almost completely surrounded by land.
Tundra A dry, treeless plain where temperatures are always cool or cold winters and only specialized plnats can grow.
Taiga Thinly scattered, coniferous forest found in Europe and Asia.
Steppe A temperature grassland found in Europe.
Multiethnic Composed of many ethnic groups.
Ethnic Group People who share such things as culture, language, and religion.
Acid Rain Rain whose high concentration of chemicals, usually from industrial pollution, pollutes water, kills plant and animal life, eats away at the surface of stone and rock; forms of chemical weathering.
Infant Mortality The number of children per 1,000 live births who die within the first year.
Maternal Mortality The number of women who died due to pregnancy an childbirth complications per 100,000 live births.
Life Expectancy The number of years an individual is expected to live as determined by statistics.
National Identity A peoples sense of what makes them a nation.
Ghetto A section of a city in which a particular minority group is forced to live.
Holocaust The execution of 6 million Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
Velvet Revolution A revolution without bloodshed, which took place in Czechoslovakia during the late 1980s
Privatization The process of selling government-owned industries and business to private owners.
Collective Farming A government-owned farm managed by workers who share the profits from their produce.
Balkanize To break up into small, manually hostile political units, as occurred in the Balkans after world war I.
Entrepreneur A go-getter individual who starts and builds a business.
Multiplier Effect The effect an investment has in multiplying related jobs throughout the economy.
Annex To formally incorporate into a country or state the territory of another.
Diversity To increase the variety of.
Chemozem A rich top soil found in the Russian steppes and other mid-latitude grasslands.
Permafrost A layer of soil just below the earths surface that stays permanently frozen.
Czar An emperor of Russia.
Abdicate To surrenders ones office, throne, or authority.
Soviet In the former Soviet Union, any one of various governing councils.
Command Economy An economic system that is controlled by a single central government.
Glassnost A policy of openness introduced in the Soviet Union in the late 1980's.
Perestroika In the former Soviet Union, a policy of economic restructuring.
Ruble The currency of Russia.
Black Market The system of selling goods and services outside of official channels.
Created by: Edgar Gonzalez
Popular Geography sets




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