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Unit 1

MGCCC Level 2 Lab and Diagnostics

Hematocrit level men 40-54%
Hematocrit level women 36-46%
Hematocrit Panic Value <15% >60%
Hemoglobin men 13.5-17
Hemoblobin women 12-15
Platelet Count 150,000-400,000 Promotes Coagulation
WBC 4,500-10,000check for infection
Sodium 135-145Compare with all other electrolytes
BG 70-110
BG Panic <40 >700
Potassium 3.5-5.3
Chloride 95-105check chloride level in relation to K, Na, and acid base balance
CO2 22-30determine metabolic acid-base abnormalities
CO2 Panic level <15>45
BUN 5-25 End product of Protein metabolism excreted by kidneys. Purpose: Detect renal disorders
Albumin 3.5-5 Synthesized by liver. Maintain vascularfluidPurpose:
Alt/sgpt 10-35
Ast/sgpt 8-38enzyme found in heart muscle, liver and skeletal muscles
Bilirubin 0.1-0.2 Breakdown of hgb excrited by bilepurpose: to detect liver disorder or jaundice
Ct scan Invasive if contrast used. Allergies? Examines body sections from many angles
Barium Enema normal filling of large intestine. Clear liquid 18-24 post: clear bowel of barium!
MRI Central nervous system. Clostraphobic? Metal?
Bronchoscopy informed consent. Gag reflex, no dentures, inspects laynx,trachea,bronchi
EGD visualize esophogus, stomach,duodenum,void before procedure, npo 8-12 b4 surger, consent, gag reflex
Elevated alt/sgpt Liver disease, Patient exposed to toxic chemicals
decreased alt/sgpt exersize alot, alot ot aspirin
Elevated BUN Kidney Diseases, CHF, Drugs: Nephro toxic drugs
decreased BUN Severe liver damageOver hydration
Elevated Hematocrit dehydration eclampsia surgery, burns
Decreased Hematocrit blood loss, anemias, leukemias
s/s anemia fatigue, paleness, and tachycardia
Meds that decrease Hematocrit antinioplastic agents(cancer meds)antibiodics
Decreased Platelet Cancer, anemias, liver diseaseMonitor s/s of bleeding. pt teaching: avoid injury
Elevated platelet trauma, tuberculis
Decreased Bilirubin Iron defiecincy anemia
Elevated bilirubin Liver disease, cancer, gallstone
Elevated Albumin dehydration
Decreased Albumin cirrhosis of liver, acute liver failure, malnution. Peripheral edema, ascites.Offer foods high in protein (meats, cheese, beans)
Elevated Potassium acute renal failure, crushing injury, burns
s/s of elevated potassium bradycardia, oliguria, tingling and twitchin or numbness of extremities
decreased Potassium dehydration, malnutrition, exsessive licorice
s/s decreased potassium dizziness, cardiac dysrythmias, muscle weakness, and leg cramps
Decreased Hemoglobin Anemias, severe hemorrage, cirrhosis of liver, leukemia
s/s hemorrhage increased ht decreased bp, bleeding, blood in stool and or vomit
Anemic? Hemoglobin <10.5
elevated hemoglobin Dehydration, High altitudes, CHF
decreases sodium diuretic, low sodium diet, Burns
s/s low sodium apprehension, anxiety, muscular twitchin, muscutlr weakness, headache, tachycardia, hypotension
elevated sodium CHF, hepatic failure, High sodium
elevated chloride cardiac, kidney dysfunction
decreased chloride acute infection, diuretics
elevated CO2 hypothyroidism, Potassium deficit
decreased CO2 starvation, diuretics
decreased ast/sgot Pregnancy
elevated ast/sgot heart attack, liver disease, muscleoskeletal diseaseelevates during MI & liver damage
decreased WBC viral infections alcoholism, rheumetoid arthritis
elevated WBC acute infections, bacterial infections
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