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AP English


understatement the opposite of exaggeration; a technique for developing irony and/or humor where only one writes or says less than intended
tone the author's attitude towards his/her subject
syntax the grammatical structure of prose and poetry
synecdoche a figure of speech that utilizes a part as representative of the whole ("all hands on deck")
syllogism the format of a format argument that consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion
structure the organization and form of a work
pedantic used to describe writing that borders on lecturing
point of view the method of narration in a literary work
rhetoric refers to the entire process of written communication
satire a mode of writing based on ridicule, that criticizes the foibles and follies of society without necessarily offering a solution
parody an imitative work created to mock
oxymoron a work or phrase that contradicts itself
onomatopoeia a word that sounds like the sound it makes
metonymy a figure of speech in which a thing is called not by its name but something it is associated with
irony the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite
inference a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
induction a method of reasoning using given examples to create a general rule
hyperbole extreme exaggeration
extended metaphor a metaphor that is developed through a specific piece of work
allegory a word that functions on a symbolic level
allusion a reference contained in a work
analogy a literary device employed to serve as a basis for comparison
anecdote a story/brief episode told by the writer or a character to illustrate a point
attitude the relationship an author has toward his/her subject and/or his/her audience
balance a situation in which all parts of the presentation are equal, whether in sentences or paragraphs or sections of a longer work
colloquial the use of slang in writing
connotation the interpretive level of a word based on its associated images rather than its literal meaning
deduction the process of moving from a general rule to a specific example
denotation the literal or dictionary meaning of a word
diction the author's choice of words that creates tone, attitude, and style, as well as meaning
Created by: christinav
Popular Literature sets




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