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Skeletal Axial

Skeletal Axial Human Anatomy 232 Brown S14

Suture Fibrous joints between the cranial bones
Frontal bone large solid bone in adults at forehead
Zygomatic process projection from the temporal bone towards the zygomatic bone that contributes to the zygomatic arch
Occipital bone base of the skull has condyles and foramen magnum
Foramen Magnum big hole in occipital bone transmits the spinal cord
What are the cranial bones? Frontal bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone
Where is the Sagittal suture? Midline of cranium connecting the 2 parietal bones
Where is the Maxilla? Anterior portion of face, forms upper jaw and parts of hard palate
What is the Mandible? Forms the lower jaw
What are the Zygomatic bones? Forms cheek and lateral part of the orbit
Temporal bone inferior and lateral wall of cranium
Frontal Bone Forms superior and anterior parts of the skull
Foraman Magnum The large hole at the base of the skull that allows passage of the spinal cord.
Aleveolar Margins contain upper teeth
Lambdoid suture Between parietal and occipital bones
Zygomatic arch temporal process and Zygomatic process "Cheekbones"
Mastoid Process large bump posterior & inferior to ear for SCM attach
Sutural (wormial bones) extra bones in sutures
Sagital Sutures between the parietal bones
Lacrimal Bone smallest bone in the skull and supports the eye.
Zygomatic Process (Temporal Bone) Extends to zygomatic process to make zygo arch
Coronal Suture Between frontal and parietal bones
Temporal bone markings Zygomatic process, external acoustic meatus, mastoid process, and styloid process
Condyle Smooth, large, round/knuckle-like articulation
Hard Palate consists of maxilla and palatine bone
Parietal bones (L & R) walls of cranium
external occipital protuberance Attachment point for ligament and muscle
The cranium is composed of how many bones? 8 bones
Nasal bone Bridge of nose
Occipital condyle articulate with what bone(s) Cervical bone 1
Styloid process (temporal bone) attachment for tongue muscle
Anatomical Variation measure of a certain part of the human body
Mandible Lower Jaw
What is TMJ? Temporomandibular Joint
Vomer Part of boney nasal septum
Crista galli a thin mid-sagittal elevation of the ethmoid bone
Vertebral Foramen (Neutral Canal) AKA neural foramen- is an opening between vertebrae through which spinal nerves leave the spine and extend to other parts of the body.
Cervical Vertebrae C1-C7, permits range of motion in neck, small
intervertebral discs shock absorbing structure between each vertebra
cribriform foramina transmits nerve fiber bundles that constitute the olfactory nerve (CN-1)
Manubrium widest superior portion of the sternum
Transverse Process Lateral process coming from a vertebra for muscle attachment
Dental Alveolus Space the tooth actually sits in
Lumbar Bottom 5 vertebrae. -huge body. -SP has almost no angle. -short and fat in shape
Tranverse Foramen Hole in the transverse process, unique feature in cervicle vertebrae, transmits vertebral arteries
Inferior Nasal Conchae Curved bones that project from lateral walls of nasal cavity
Inferior Nasal Conchae Funcions Increase airflow turbulence in nasal cavity. Humidifies, warms, and cleans air coming in through nose to lungs.
Atlas Has no body, found in cervical spine. articulates with occipital condyles and C2
Middle Nasal Concha A thin lamella of the ethmoid bone descending from the cribriform plate
Annulus Fibrosus the outer,fibrous,ring-like portion of a intervertebral disc
Perpendicular plate (ethmoid bone) forms superior part of the nasal septum
Alveolar process contain upper teeth
Thoracic vertebra 12 bones, inferior to cervical vertebra, articulate with ribs
Bifid means two feet
sella turica cradles the pituitary gland
Cribriform plate horizontal plate of ethmoid bone on both sides of crista galli
Spinous process Posterior projection for muscle attachment
Axis 2nd cervical vertebra (C2)
Ribs 12 pairs, extending from thoracic vertebra
True Ribs individually connected to sternum (1-5)
False Ribs shares connection via cartilage (6-10)
Floating Ribs not connected to sternum (11&12)
Suprasternal notch large indention on top of manubrium
Hyoid U-shaped bone attacked to neck; supports tongue
Sternum long flat bone artic w/cartilage of ribs
Coccyx triangular bone at apex of sacrum, tailbone
Sacroilia c joint artic w/ os coxae (hipbone)
Anterior Fontanel diamond shape soft space btw frontal & parietal bone
Nucleus Pulposus Jelly-like substance inside intervertebral disk
Sternum known as the breast bone; it is composed of three divisions and serves as protection for the heart.
Sacrum five fused bones at base of spinal column.
Sacral foramina four pairs of rounded foramina which allows spinal nerves and sacral vessels to pass through.
Coracoid Process Sup and Ant portion of scapula. muscle attachment point and articulates with humerus and clavical
Suprasternal notch Indentation between the Clavicular notches
Scoliosis Condition in which a person's spine is curved side to side
Glenoid Cavity Articulates with the head of the humerous
Lordotic Curve The normal posterior curve of the cervical and lumbar spine.
Sacral Apex Inferior end of the sacrum, articulates with coccyx
True Rib Connect individually to sternum
olecranon fossa accommodates olecranon process of ulna; posterior depression
pubic symphysis fibrocartilage disc joins 2 pubic bones
Created by: Dr Jay Brown
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