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Root Words

iso- equal; same
-ist person who deals with
-itis inflammation; disease
-ium refers to a part of the body
-kary- cell nucleus
kel- tumor; swelling
kerat- horn
kilo- thousand
kine- move
lachry- tear
lact- milk
lat- side
leio- smooth
-less without
leuc-; leuk- white; bright; light
lign- wood
lin- line
lingu- tongue
lip- fat
lith-; lite- stone; petrifying
loc- place
-log- word; speech
-logist one who studies
-logy study of...
lumin- light
-lys-; -lyt-; lyst decompose; split; dissolve
macr- large
malac- soft
malle- hammer
mamm- breast
marg- border
mast- breast
med- middle
meg- million; great
mela-; melan- black; dark
-mer part
mes- middle; half
met-; meta- between; along; after
-meter; -metry measurement
micro- small; millionth
milli- thousandth
mis- wrong; incorrect
mito- thread
mole- mass
mono- one; single
mort- death
-mot- move
morph- shape; form
multi- many
mut- change
my- muscle
myc- fungus
mycel- threadlike
myria- many
moll- soft
nas- nose
necr- corpse; dead
nemat- thread
neo- new
nephro- kidney
-ner- moist; liquid
neur- nerve
noct-; nox- night
-node knot
-nom-; -nomy ordered knowledge; law
non- not
not- back
nuc- center
ob- against
ocul- eye
oct- eight
odont- tooth
-oid form; appearance
olf- smell
oligo- few; little
-oma abnormal condition; tumor
omni- all
onc- mass; tumor
oo- egg
opthalm- eye
opt- eye
orb- circle; round; ring
-orium; -ory place for something
ornith- bird
orth- straight; correct; right
oscu- mouth
-osis abnormal condition
oste- bone
oto- ear
-ous full of
ov- egg
oxy- sharp; acid; oxygen
pachy- thick
paleo- old; ancient
palm- broad; flat
pan- all
par-; pars- beside; near; equal
path-; -pathy disease; suffering
-ped- foot
-ped- child
pent- five
per- through
pen- around
permea- pass; go
phag- eat
pheno- show
-phil- loving; fond of
phon-; -phone sound
-phore; pher- bear; carry
photo- light
phren- mind; diaphragm
phyc- seaweed; algae
phyl- related group
-phyll leaf
physi- nature; natural qualities
phyt-; -phyte plant
pino- drink
pinni- feather
plan- roaming; wandering
plasm-; -plast- form; formed into
platy- flat
pleur- lung; rib; side
pneumo- lungs; air
-pod foot
poly- many; several
por- opening
port- carry
post- after; behind
pom- fruit
pre- before; ahead of time
prim- first
pro- forward; favoring; before
proto- first; primary
pseudo- false; deceptive
psych- mind
pter- having wings or fins
pulmo- lung
puls- drive; push
pyr- heat; fire
quadr- four
quin- five
radi- ray
re- again; back
rect- right; correct
ren- kidney
ret- net; made like a net
rhag-; -rrhage burst forth
rhe-; -rrhea flow
rhin- nose
rhiz- root
rhodo- rose
roto- wheel
rubr- red
sacchar- sugar
sapr- rotten
sarc- flesh
saur- lizard
schis-; schiz- split; divide
sci- know
scler- hard
-scop- look; device for seeing
-scribe; -script write
semi- half
sept- partition; seven
-septic infection; putrefaction
sess- sit
sex- six
-sis condition; state
sol- sun
solv- loosen; free
som-; somat-; -some body
somn- sleep
son- sound
spec-; spic- look at
-sperm- seed
-spher- ball; round
spir-; -spire breathe
-spor- seed
stat-; -stasis standing; placed; staying
stell- stars
sten- narrow
stern- chest; breast
stom-; -stome mouth
strat- layer
stereo- solid; 3-dimensional
strict- drawn tight
styl- pillar
sub- under; below
super-; sur- over; above; on top
sym-; syn- together
tachy- quick; swift
tarso- ankle
tax- arrange; put in order
tele- far off
telo- end
terr- earth; land
tetr- four
thall- young shoot
-the-; -thes- put
-thel- cover a surface
-therm- heat
-tom- cut; slice
toxico- poison
top- place
trache- windpipe
trans- across
tri- three
trich- hair
-trop- turn; change
-troph- nourishment; one who feeds
turb- whirl
-ul-; -ule diminutive; small
ultra- beyond
uni- one
ur- urine
-ura tail
vas- vessel
vect- carry
ven-; vent- come
ventr- belly; underside
-verge turn; slant
vig- strong
vit-; viv- life
volv- roll; wander
-vor- devour; eat
xanth- yellow
xero- dry
xyl- wood
zo-; -zoa animal
zyg- joined together
zym- yeast
Created by: jeromewachholz
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