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Lit terms midterm

Lit terms midterm

Rhetorical Nonreal
Literal Real
Personification Giving a nonliving object living features
Hyperbole Exageration
Simile A comparison using "Like" or "as"
Metaphor A comparison using indirect references
Extended Metaphor When an author exploits a certain metaphor through multiple references of such metaphor using key peices of info from the comparison
Tone the general character of the book as an indicator of the attitude or view of the person who produced it
Mood How a peice of literature makes someone feel
Satire Literary words poking fun at society
Diction Author's choice of words
Visual Imagery Using descriptive words to discribe literary enviroronments and places
Sensory Imagery Using descriptive words to discribe what a character feels, tastes, and hears both physically and psychologically
Alliteration Repitition of words that sound like or begin with the same first letters
Syntax The arrangement of words to portray a certain idea
Narrative A explaination of what's happening in a story, given by the Narrator.
Expository The opening info in a story
Prose Normal sort of writing or speach void of Poetical rhythem or structure
Narrative Prose A Type of prose that's main purpose is to discribe all relevent information such as events and characters- as well as keep the reader's interest and curiosity
Structure Framework of a work of literature; the organization or over-all design of a work: chapters, acts, series.
Parallel structure A pattern is within a group of sentences
form The numbers that reflect the rhyme scheme and pattern of each line in a poem; some poems' form is defined physically by it's shape sometimes resembling the subject of the poem.
First Person Point of Veiw The "I" and "Me" Point of view
Second Person Point of Veiw Talking to a person using "You" Point of view
Third Person Point of Veiw The all-knowing Point of view
Speaker The voice in the poem or narrator of the story
Perspective A synonym for viewpoint
Connotation Second meanings to a word
Denotation Literal meaning of a word
Style The unique way in which an author tells a story
Verbal Irony Writer or speaker says one thing and means something entirely different
Situational Irony Writer shows a discrepancy between expected results of some action or situation -and it's actual result
Dramatic Irony Reader/ Audience perceives something that a character in the story doesn't know.
Allusion A reference to an outside event or object, either past or present.
Argumentative A type of writing used to fight for, persuade, or defend a certain clause, event, and or subject
Understatement Statements that lessen the point
Paradox A proposition or statement that although seems legitimate, its result seems logically unacceptable, or self contradictory
Selection of Detail When the writer uses certain words to create a picture.
meter A rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables which are organized into patterns called feet
Rhythm A repeated regular beat or pattern
Rhyme Scheme A pattern of rhyming that makes a poem organized
Internal Rhyme A rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next.
Euphemisms A mild or indirect word or expression for one too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing
Abstraction The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events
Elegy (elegiac) A sad mournful or plaintive poem especially a funeral song
Epigram A short satirical poem dealing concisely with one subject usually ending with a witty or ingenious turn of thought
Confidante a person whom private matters are confined in
Puns A joke exploiting several meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound similar to that word
Oxymoron A series of words that contradict each other in the same sentence.
Antecedent A thing or event that preceded another
Apostrophe A punctuation mark used to represent possession or to combine two words
Discriptive Prose A type of prose that's purpose is to describe and to give an accurate and intriguing profile of a certain character or object.
Didactic Prose A type of Prose that intends to influence it's reader's way of thinking
Discursive Prose A type of prose that reveals the author's opinion on a subject.
Created by: Mitch120
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