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Crucible vocab

Answers to Crucible vocabulary

prodigious extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force
gaunt extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture; emaciated
gibbet a gallows with a projecting arm at the top, from which the bodies of criminals were formerly hung in chains and left suspended after execution.
excommunication The process of cutting off from communion with a church or excluding from the sacraments of a church by ecclesiastical sentence.
conciliatory tending to overcome the distrust or hostility of; placate; win over
floundering to struggle clumsily or helplessly
statutes an enactment made by a legislature and expressed in a formal document.
adamant utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc.
bridegroom a newly married man or a man about to be married.
swine the domestic hog, a contemptible person.
disputation an academic exercise consisting of the arguing of a thesis between its maintainer and its opponents.
calamity a great misfortune or disaster, as a flood or serious injury.
strive to exert oneself vigorously; try hard
sibilance characterized by a hissing sound
embodiment the state or fact of being provided with a body; incarnate
indictment a formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes.
tantalized to torment with, or as if with, the sight of something desired but out of reach; tease by arousing expectations that are repeatedly disappointed.
dictating saying or reading (something) aloud for another person to transcribe or for a machine to record
scaffold an elevated platform on which a criminal is executed, usually by hanging.
purged rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleansed; purified.
penitence the state of regretting one's wrongdoing or sinning; contrition; repentance
vestry a room in or a building attached to a church, in which the vestments, and sometimes liturgical objects, are kept
contemptuous showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful; disrespectful.
contentious tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome
affidavit a written declaration upon oath made before an authorized official.
contempt (law) willful disobedience to or open disrespect for the rules or orders of a court (contempt of court) or legislative body.
deposition a statement under oath, taken down in writing, to be used in court in place of the spoken testimony of the witness.
deferentially showing respect
befuddled to confuse, as with glib statements or arguments
plaintiff a person who brings suit in a court (opposed to defendant).
forfeit something to which the right is lost, as for commission of a crime or misdeed, neglect of duty, or violation of a contract.
anonymity state of being of an unknown name; whose name is withheld
effrontery shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity:
immaculate free from moral blemish or impurity; pure; undefiled.
reproach disgrace, discredit, or blame incurred
sublime impressing the mind with a sense of grandeur or power; inspiring awe, veneration.
callously insensitively, indifferently, unsympathetically, in a hardened manner.
auger a boring tool, similar to but larger than a gimlet, consisting of a bit rotated by a transverse handle.
indignation strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteous anger.
qualm an uneasy feeling or pang of conscience as to conduct; compunction
probity integrity and uprightness; honesty.
incredulously in a manner which is indicating or showing unbelief
solemn grave, sober, or mirthless, as a person, the face, speech, tone, or mood; serious or earnest
perjury the willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation, before a competent tribunal, upon a point material to a legal inquiry.
vanity excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain
guile clever or crafty character or behavior
envy a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
unperturbed not disturbed or disquieted greatly in mind
confounded bewildered; confused; perplexed.
base morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; mean spirited; selfish; cowardly.
transfixed to make or hold motionless with amazement, awe, terror, etc.
gulling deceiving, tricking, or cheating.
allegiance loyalty or devotion to some person, group, cause, or the like.
quail to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger; shrink with fear.
ladle utensil used to serve food; to serve food
clods a lump or mass, especially of earth or clay.
heifer cow
magistrate judge
falter stumble
pallor quality of being pale
ameliorate to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve
compact an official agreement
jabberer someone who speaks nonsense
deceit a lie
drawn tense; haggard.
pious having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
pewter any of various alloys in which tin is the chief constituent, originally one of tin and lead.
ordained selected for or appointed to an office, usually as minister or priest.
covet to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others: to covet another's property.
flinch to draw back or shrink, as from what is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant.
mongrel a dog of mixed or indeterminate breed; of mixed breed, nature, or origin.
calamity a great misfortune or disaster, as a flood or serious injury.
avid showing great enthusiasm for or interest in
blasphemy impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.
wrath strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
providence a manifestation of divine care or direction.
act A major division in a play.
antagonist Opponent who struggles against or blocks the hero, or protagonist, in a story.
catastrophe The "turning downward" of the plot in a classical tragedy.
climax The decisive moment in a drama, the climax is the turning point of the play to which the rising action leads.
coincidence the workings of fate in such a way that there is no cause/effect relationship between events.
comedy in general, a story that ends with a happy resolution of the conflicts faced by the main character or characters.
comic relief the inclusion of a humorous character or scene to contrast with the tragic elements of a work, thereby intensifying the next tragic event.
dialogue The lines spoken by a character or characters in a play, essay, story, or novel, especially a conversation between two characters.
drama A narrative involving conflict between a character or characters and some external or internal force. Playwrights usually design dramas for presentation on a stage in front of an audience.
fate The all but inevitable course of events. The irresistible power or agency that determines the future, whether in general or of an individual.
fourth wall an imaginary wall that separates the events on stage from the audience.
hamartia A term from Greek tragedy that literally means a tragic flaw, especially a misperception, a lack of some important insight, or some blindness that ironically results from one's own strengths and abilities.
hubris Excessive pride or ambition that leads to a character’s downfall.
monologue a speech given by one character.
peripety The sudden reversal of fortune in a story, play, or any narrative in which there is an observable change in direction.
proscenium An arch that frames a set and holds the curtain, thus creating a sort of invisible boundary through which the audience views the on
protagonist the central character in a story, the one who initiates or drives the action.
scene A dramatic sequence that takes place within a single locale (or setting) on stage. Often scenes serve as the subdivision of an act within a play.
tragedy in general, a story in which a heroic character falls from a high position to a low one, many times death, through the working of fate or a tragic flaw.
tragic flaw In a tragedy, the quality within the hero or heroine which leads to his or her downfall. (hamartia)
tragic irony When a character’s good intentions produce the opposite effect of what is expected.
Created by: erunion
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