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SAT vo-cab

brevity briefness or conciseness in speech or writing
concise using few words in speaking or writing
laconic using few words in speech
pithy brief and full of meaning and substance
quiescent quiet, still, inactive
reticent not talking much
succinct clearly or briefly stated
taciturn silent, closed mouthed
terse using only words that are necessary to make a point, almost to the point of rudeness
bombastic using language in a showy way
circumlocution speaking in circles, roundabout speech
colloquial common day speech, conversational
diffuse spread out, wordy
digress to wander off from the subject spoken about
eloquence artful ease with speaking, speech that can influence peoples feelings
garrulous talkative
grandiloquent using big fancy words when speaking to influence others
loquacious very talkative, liking to talk
prattle to speak on and on in a senseless manner, to talk foolishly
ramble to talk on and on pointlessly
rant to talk very loudly
rhetorical speech that is used to persuade or have some effect
verbose using or expressed in more words than are needed
arrogant overbearing, proud
braggart one who boasts a great deal
complacent self satisfied, smug
contemptuous lacking respect
disdainful full of bitter scorn and pride
egotistical excessively self absorbed
haughty having great pride in ones self and dislike in others
insolent boldly disrespectful speech or behavior
narcissistic having to do with extreme self adoration and feeling superior to everyone else
ostentatious having to do with showing off
presumptuous too forward of bold, overstepping proper bounds
pretentious claiming or pretending increased importance
supercilious looking down on others, proud and scornful
swagger to walk around in a proud showy manner
Created by: apaigej1
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