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Scarlet Letter V2


veneration commanding respect due to age or associated dignity
expiation to atone for; to make amends for
erudite learned or scholarly (smart)
scurrlious grossly or obscenely abusive
obviate to anticipate and prevent or eliminate; render unnecessary
propinquity nearness in place; proximity
sedulous diligent in application or attention; perserving
precocity having mature qualities at a young age
acrid extremely or sharply stinging or bitter
enigma a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or event
asperity harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner
loquacity exceedingly talkitive
misanthropy hatred, dislike, or distrust of mankind
colloquy conversation; dialogue
denizen an inhabitant; resident
inured to accustom to hardship; toughen or harden
vicissitude unexpectedly changing circumstances
pithy brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; forcible
effervescence to show enthusiasm or liveliness
tempestuous turbulent; stormy
probity adherence to the highest principles or ideals; uprightness
necromancy communication with the dead; black art
apotheosized elevation to divine status
conjectural forming an opinion or theory without proof
penitence regret for one's wrong doings; repentance
Created by: lovewarmth10
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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