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list 8

abstruse Difficult to understand; obscure
aleatory Dependent on chance or luck; characterized by gambling
antediluvian Extremely old; of the era before the Flood in the Bible
aphorism A terse statement of truth or opinion; an adage
apocryphal Of doubtful authority or authenticity; erroneous, fictitious
apotheosis Deification
apposite Strikingly appropriate or relevant
argot A specialized vocabulary peculiar to a particular group
arrant Completely or thoroughly
asseverate To declare seriously or positively; to affirm
atrabilious Inclined to melancholy; peevish or surly
bosky Having many bushes, shrubs or trees
bromide A commonplace remark or platitude; a platitude
brumal Of, relating to, or occurring in winter
callipygian Having a beautiful or curvaceous ass
captious Disposed to find and point out trivial faults
cataract A downpour or deluge; opacity of the lens of the eye
cloture A parliamentary procedure in which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken
commodious Spacious or room
condign Deserved; adequate
contemn To scorn or despise
contumacious Rebellious
corona A faintly colored luminous ring which hazily appears to surround a celestial body
cynosure An object that serves as the focal point of attention or admiration
daedal Intricate in design or function
dais A raised platform for speakers
denouement The final resolution of a dramatic or narrative plot; the outcome
deracinate To pull out by the roots; to displace from a native location
descant A discussion on a theme
desuetude A state of disuse or inactivity
doggerel Clumsy verse, often having irregular form and monotonous rhymes
edacious Characterized by voracity
effluvium A (usu.) invisible emanation or exhalation; waste
encomium Warm, glowing praise
eremite A recluse or hermit (esp. a religious recluse)
euphonious Pleasing to the ear
expurgate To remove erroneous or offensive material from a book
extirpate To pull up by the roots; to destroy totally
factotum An assistant or employee who serves in a wide range of capacities
fatidic Of or relate to fate; prophetic
febrile Feverish
feculent Full of foul or impure matter; fecal
fey Having or displaying an otherworldly or fairylike aspect; clairvoyant; touched in the head (as if under a spell)
fugacious Fleeting
fulsome Offensively flattering or insincere; offensive to one’s sensibilities
homiletics The art of preaching
inchoate In an initial or early stage; incipient
insouciant Marked by blithe unconcern; nonchalant
jejune Lacking in nutritive value; childish; boring
limn To describe; to depict by painting or drawing
lucubrate To write in a scholarly fashion
luculent Easily understood; clear or lucid
lugubrious Indicating sorrow, often ridiculously
macerate To make or become soft by steeping in a liquid; to emaciate
masticate To chew
mawkish Excessively sentimental; sickening or insipid in taste
meretricious Attracting attention in a vulgar manner; plausible but false or insincere; of or relating to prostitutes or prostitution
mien The external appearance or manner of a person
minatory Threatening or menacing
monoglot A person who knows only one language
mordant Bitingly sarcastic or painful; incisive or trenchant
morganatic Pertaining to a marriage between a person of noble birth and a partner of lower rank
nave The hub of a wheel; the central part of a church
noisome Bad smelling
nostrum A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved; a quack remedy
nugatory Of little or no importance; trifling
obloquy Abusive language; calumny
obstreperous Noisily and stubbornly defiant; aggressively boisterous
paratactic Juxtaposed side-by-side
paroxysm A sudden outburst of emotion or action; a sudden attack or fit
parvenu A person who has suddenly risen to a higher social and economic class but has not yet been gained social acceptance in that class
penumbra A partial shadow; an area in which something exists to a lesser degree
peripeteia A sudden change of events or reversal of circumstances
persiflage Light, good-natured talk; banter
philately The study or collecting of stamps
physiognomy The art of judging human character from facial features only; facial features (esp. when revealing character)
picaresque Of or involving clever rogues
piebald Spotted or patchy (esp. in black and white)
pied Patchy in color or splotchy
protean Exhibiting many shapes or varieties
puerile Childish
puerperal Related to, connected with or occurring during childbirth
puissance Power
pusillanimous Lacking courage; cowardly
pyretic Relating to, producing or affected by fever
quaternary Consisting of four
quean A disreputable young woman; a prostitute
quiddity The real nature of a thing; the essence
recondite Not easily understood; abstruse
recrudesce To break out anew or come into renewed activity
repine To be disconnected or in low spirits; to complain, fret or yearn for
repugn To oppose or contend against
salubrious Conducive or favorable to health or well-being
salutary Beneficial or remedial to health
saturnine Melancholy or sullen
scintilla A minute amount; an iota
sclerotic Hardened
seraph A celestial being having three pairs of wings (pl. seraphim)
sequacious Persisting in a continuous intellectual or stylistic direction; disposed to follow others
shibboleth A custom or practice that betrays one as an outsider; a commonplace saying or idea
simper To smile in a self-conscious and often coy manner; such a smile
sinecure A position or office with no duties or work that pays a salary
splenetic Ill-humored or irritable
steatopygia The condition of having a enormously large or fat ass
stentorian Extremely loud
stipple To draw, paint or engrave in dots or strokes; the act of doing so
stochastic Conjectural
stygian Gloomy, dark or hellish; infernal
suzerain A nation that controls another but allows it domestic sovereignty
sybarite A person devoted to luxury or pleasure; a voluptuary
synod A council or assembly (usu. ecclesiastical)
synesthete One who experiences one sense as another (i.e. smells a sound)
tetchy Peevish or testy
tortuous Winding or twisting
treacle Cloyingly sweet speech or sentimentality
ursine Have bear-like qualities or characteristics
uxorious Excessively submissive or devoted to one’s wife
virago A woman regarded as noisy, scolding or domineering; a large, strong, courageous woman
xero- Prefix indicating dry or arid (e.g. xeroderma ‘dry-skin’)
xylo- Prefix indicating wood (e.g. xylography ‘wood-engraving’)
yaw To swerve off course temporarily
Created by: msbabione
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