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list 6

ablution A washing or cleansing (esp. of the body)
abrade To wear down or rub away through friction
adage A traditional saying or proverb
adumbrate To give a sketchy outline of or foreshadow
aggrandize To make appear greater, larger, more powerful
anachronism The representation of someone or something as existing outside their proper time
antebellum Period before war
aplomb Self-confident assurance
apoplectic Extremely angry; furious
apposition The placement of something next to or side by side
arabesque An intricate pattern or design
arbiter One empowered or chosen to judge or decide a disputed issue
arboreal Of or pertaining to trees
asperity Harshness or roughness of manner
attenuate To make slender, small, fine or less dense; to weaken
august Inspiring awe or admiration; majestic
aver To affirm positively; to assert as fact
baleful Portending evil; ominous; harmful in intent
balk To refuse stubbornly and abruptly
ballast Something that gives balance or stability (esp. in character)
blandishment Flattery or wheedling intended to coax
blithe Carefree
brusque Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt
calumny A false statement intended to injure another’s reputation; slander
circumlocution Evasion in words or speech; a roundabout expression
circumspect Heedful of circumstance and potential consequences; prudent
cloy To cause distaste by supplying too much of something which was originally pleasant (e.g. by being too sweet)
coeval Existing during the same period of time; a contemporary
compendium A short, complete summary
compunction A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt
corporeal Of or relating to the body; of a physical nature; tangible
cravat A band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie
deciduous Falling off or shedding at a specific season; ephemeral
decry To condemn openly
deign To deem worthy of account
desideratum Something considered necessary or highly desirable
discountenance To look upon with disfavor
disinter To remover from a grave or tomb; exhume
donnybrook An uproar or free-for-all
dulcet Pleasant to the ear
dynamo A machine that generates energy; an extremely energetic and forceful person
eave The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof
ebullient Zestfully enthusiastic; boiling or bubbling
effulgence Splendor
elegy A poem or song lamenting the dead
entreat To ask for or request earnestly
epicurean Devoted to the pursuit of pleasure
epistle A letter
epithet A term used to characterize a person or thing; an insult
equipoise Equality in distribution of weight
espy To catch sight of
exculpate To relieve of blame
expectorate To spit or cough up
expedient Appropriate to a purpose; self-serving
expiate To make amends for; to atone
expropriate To deprive of possession; to transfer (another’s property) to oneself
exscind To cut out
extant Still in existence; not extinct
extempore In an impromptu manner; done without preparation or forethought
extenuate To lessen the seriousness or importance of
extradite To hand someone over to the legal jurisdiction of another authority
facile Easy
finical Finicky
fledge To take care of a young bird until it can fly; to cover with feathers
florid Ruddy; flowery
garrulous Tiresomely talkative
gibe To make jaunting, heckling, or jeering remarks
gossamer A soft, sheer gauzy fabric; light, delicate or tenuous
grandstand To perform ostentatiously so as to impress
hallow To make or set apart as holy; to revere
hermetic Completely sealed; impervious to outside influence
hew To cut down (with an ax)
hibernal Of or relating to winter
hirsute Hairy
hubris Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
idyll A short poem or prose piece which romanticizes pastoral life
imbroglio A difficult situation or entanglement; a confused disagreement
imperious Arrogantly dominating or overbearing; fearless
improvident Not providing for the future; thriftless; rash
impugn To attack as false or questionable (esp. in argument)
indefatigable Tireless or seemingly tireless
indigence Poverty; neediness
inimitable Defying imitation; matchless
inveterate Deep-rooted; habitual
jibe To be in accord
lackadaisical Lacking spirit, interest or liveliness; languid
libation The pouring of a liquid offering as a religious ritual; an intoxicating beverage
libertine One who acts without moral restraint; one who defies religious precepts
licentious Lacking moral discipline or self restraint (esp. sexually); wanton
lode A rich source or supply of something
loll To stand, move or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner
lucre Money or profits
matriculate To admit or be admitted into a group (esp. a college or university)
maudlin Effusively or tearfully sentimental
mollycoddle To be overprotective and indulgent towards
monomania A pathological obsession with one idea or subject
moribund About to die
obdurate Stubbornly impenitent; hardhearted or intractable
obeisance A gesture or movement that expresses homage or deference
oblique Slanting; indirect or evasive
ossify To turn into bone
ostentation Pretentious display meant to impress others
ostracize To exclude from a group
oxymoron A rhetorical device in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined (e.g. deafening silence)
palpitate To tremble, shake or quiver
panoply A splendid or striking array; the entire armory of a warrior
patois A regional dialect, esp. one without a written tradition
pathos Sympathy, sadness or tenderness aroused by experience or art
pecuniary Of or relating to money
penurious Pettily unwilling to spend money
peremptory Putting an end to all debate or action
perjury The deliberate giving of false or misleading information under oath
perturbation The act of being greatly disturbed; agitation
philistine A smug or ignorant person hostile or indifferent to arts and culture
pleat A fold made in cloth by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place; a to press or arrange in pleats
presage To foretell or portend; an omen or portent
prescience Knowledge of events before they take place
preternatural Out of or beyond the course of what is natural; extraordinary or supernatural
prim Stiffly proper
profundity Great depth of intellect, feeling or meaning
propitious Presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious
proscribe To denounce or condemn; to prohibit or forbid
proxy A person authorized to act for another; an agent or substitute
punctilious Strictly attentive to minute details of form in action or conduct
purloin To steal
quail To shrink back in fear; to cower
quorum The minimum number of people to be present for a meeting or transaction to be valid
quotidian Everyday or common; occurring daily
ramify To divide or subdivide into branches or subdivisions
recapitulate To repeat in concise form; to summarize
redress To set right or rectify
regicide The killing of a king
rotund Rounded in figure; plump
sagacious Having or showing keen judgment and discernment; wise
salacious Appealing to or stimulating sexual desires
sardonic Scornfully or cynically mocking
sepulcher A burial vault
shellac A thin varnish used to finish wood; to batter or beat severely
shunt To turn or move aside to an alternate course; an object, act or process which
moves something to an alternate course
somniferous Inducing sleep; soporific
somnolent Sleepy or drowsy
sonorous Having or producing sound
stanch To check or stop the flow of
stave To break or smash inward; stave off ‘to repel’
striated Striped, grooved or ridged
subsume To include in a more comprehensive category
sundry Various; miscellaneous
supplicate To beg
surreptitious Obtained or done by clandestine or stealthy means
teetotal Pertaining to complete abstinence from alcohol; total
temperance Moderation; abstinence from or restraint in the use of alcohol
tendentious Marked by a strong implicit point of view; partisan
tertiary Third
timorous Lacking courage
toady A person who flatters or defers to for self-serving reasons; a sycophant
torrid Excessively hot
tout To solicit customers or votes brazenly; to promote or praise enthusiastically
transmogrify To change in shape or form
trite Made commonplace from overuse or repetition; hackneyed
turpitude Depravity or baseness
turgid Swollen or bloated; bloated or overly ornate language
upbraid To reproach or reprove sharply
usury The act of lending money at an exorbitant or illegally high rate
vacuity A total absence or lack of
veracious Honest or truthful; precise or accurate
verdant Green with vegetation
veritable Real, true or genuine
wheedle To obtain through flattery; to cajole
whelp The young offspring of a mammal
winsome Attractive
woo To court a woman romantically
wrangle To bicker or quarrel; to obtain through argument; to herd
wreak To bring about, cause or inflict (usu. something destructive)
yeoman An assistant or other subordinate; workmanlike
Created by: msbabione
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