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abdicate To relinquish (power or responsibility) in a formal manner
aberrants Different from an accepted norm or group (usu. considerably so)
abet To urge, encourage or help someone or something (oft. an offense)
aboriginal Having existed from the beginning
abridge To shorten or condense
acclimate To accustom oneself to a climate or situation
accost To approach and speak to someone (oft. rudely so)
acquiesce To comply or consent passively; submit
adamant Stubborn or unyielding; an extremely hard substance
adulterate To make impure through the addition of a foreign element; to corrupt
adversity Hardship
aesthetic Relating to the appreciation of beauty
affable Easy and pleasant to talk to; approachable
affinity A natural attraction or feeling of kinship
aggregate Total; in a dense cluster
aghast Horrified
alienate To make unfriendly; to isolate emotionally
alleviate To make more bearable; to lighten
altruism Selfless benevolence or generosity
ambiguous Open to more than one interpretation; uncertain
ambivalent Feeling the coexistence of opposing emotions or attitudes
amenable Responsive to advice, authority or suggestion
amorphous Lacking definite form; shapeless
analogous Similar in such a way as to permit the comparison to something otherwise dissimilar
anarchy Absence of government; chaos or lawlessness
anomalous Deviating from the usual or common order, form or rule
antipathy Strong feelings of aversion
antiquated Very old; outmoded
apathy A lack of interest or concern; indifference
appease To pacify
assimilate To make similar or cause to resemble
audacity Daring; bold recklessness
auspicious Attended by favorable circumstances
austere Severe or stern in character; bare or simple; somber or grave
autonomous Independent
avarice Greed
axiom A self-evident truth
banal Drearily commonplace; trite
belittle To disparage; to make someone feel small or unimportant
benefactor One that gives aid (esp. financial)
boisterous Loud and noisy (oft. in a rough manner)
boorish Rude; possessed of little refinement
bourgeois A member of the middle class; typical of the middle class
canon A law or code of laws
catharsis A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions
caustic Corrosive; biting (remark)
coagulate To harden into a semi-solid
cogent Appealing to the intellect; compelling
collusion A secret agreement with deceitful intent
commiserate To sympathize with
compliant Willing to agree or obey
condone To overlook, forgive or tolerate an offense without protest
conducive Promoting or leading to
connoisseur A person with expert knowledge or training (esp. in the fine arts)
consensus An agreement between all parties
contentious Quarrelsome
convoluted Intricate or complicated
covenant Sacred pact
covert Not openly practiced, engaged in or shown
credence Claim to legitimacy or trustworthiness
credulous Gullible
cynical Inclined to believe the worst; skeptical; scornful
dauntless Fearless
dearth A scarcity or lack of
defame To damage someone’s or something’s reputation
delineate To sketch out or depict
despot A ruler with absolute power
destitute Lacking or devoid of; poor
deterrent Something that discourages
devoid Lacking
devout Devoted to religion
digress To turn away from (esp. the main subject of a conversation)
disabuse To free from misconception
discerning Exhibiting good judgment; perceptive
discord Strife; lack of agreement
discretion Ability to act sensibly; freedom to act on one’s own
disingenuous Not straightforward; crafty
disparate Entirely dissimilar
disseminate To scatter widely; to promulgate
dissent Disagreement
dissolution Decomposition into fragments or parts; debauchery
distend To swell or stretch
divest To get rid of
divulge To make known (esp. a secret)
dogmatic Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of principles that are unproved or can’t be proofed
dormant Asleep or inactive
eclectic Made up from a variety of sources; unusual
eloquence Persuasive discourse
embellish To make beautiful by decoration; to add fictitious details to a story
ennui Boredom
enumerate To count (out); to list
esoteric Meant for or understood by only a small group of people; particular to a small group; confidential
euphemism A mild substitute for an unpleasant or offensive term
euphoria A feeling of great happiness or well-being
exacerbate To increase the severity, violence or bitterness of; to aggravate
exasperate To make angry or annoy greatly
exhibitionist Someone who deliberately behaves to attract attention
exonerate To free from blame
extol To praise highly or exalt
facetious Playfully jocular; humorous
facilitate To assist or make easier
fallacy A false notion
fathom To comprehend; a measure of marine depth
fervor Great warmth and intensity of emotion; intense heat or passion
fickle Capricious
filibuster Prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action
fledgling An inexperienced person; a young bird
flout To show contempt for; to scorn
forsake To give up or abandon
fortuitous Lucky
foster To bring up or nurture
frugal Economical
gratuitous Unearned or unjustified; unnecessary; free
gregarious Sociable, outgoing
hamper To hinder or prevent; a large basket
harry To vex or annoy
hedonism Pursuit of pleasure
hypocritical Speaking contrary to one’s true beliefs or actions
imminent About to occur
imperative A command or order; extremely necessary
imperturbable Unshakably calm and collected
impervious Impenetrable
impetuous Impulsive or rash
implicit Implied; not expressly stated
impulsive Rash; acting on impulse rather than thought
impunity Exempt from penalty, punishment or harm
inadvertent Marked by unintentional lack of care
incendiary Tending to inflame; an agitator
incipient Beginning to exist or to appear
incontrovertible Undeniable or impossible to dispute
incorrigible Incapable of being corrected or informed; difficult to control
indifferent Without bias
indomitable Unconquerable
inert Unable to move or act; sluggish or lethargic
inherent Naturally a part of; intrinsic
inhibit To hold back or forbid
inimical Harmful in effect; hostile
insatiable Impossible to satisfy
insidious Deceitfully harmful; treacherous
insipid Tasteless; lacking stimulation or interest
insufferable Intolerable
insular Of or relating to an island; narrow or provincial in outlook
intangible Incapable of being perceived by the senses
intractable Difficult to manage; stubborn
intrepid Fearless
inundate To cover, overwhelm or flood with water; to swamp
itinerary The route or proposed route of a journey
judicious Having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent
laudatory Expressing praise
levity Lightness of manner; frivolity
lucid Easily understood; intelligible
lurid Gruesome; marked by sensation
magnanimous Courageously noble in mind and heart; generous or unselfish
magnate A powerful or influential person (esp. business)
malevolence Ill-will
misanthrope One who hates or mistrusts mankind
mundane Commonplace or ordinary; everyday
narcissism Excessive love of oneself
nascent Just born; emerging
nonplused In a state of confusion, bewilderment or perplexity
noxious Harmful to one’s health, mind or morals
omnipotent Having unlimited power
onerous Burdensome
oscillate To swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to waver
paradigm An example that serves as a model or pattern
paragon A model of excellence; a peerless example
parody A literary work that mockingly mimics a well-known story; a mocking imitation
parsimonious Excessively sparing or frugal
paucity Smallness of number; fewness
pedantic Showing off one’s bookish knowledge (in a negative manner)
penchant A definite liking; a strong inclination
philanthropy Charitable aid; love of human kind
piety Religious devotion; reverence
pious Religiously devout; marked by false devoutness
platonic Spiritual love; love between friends
posthumous After death
pragmatic Concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical
precarious Dangerously lacking in security or stability
precursor One that indicates something to come; a forerunner or predecessor
preponderance Superiority in weight, force, importance or influence
presumptuous Beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward
pretentious Believing you are better than you are; showy or ostentatious
pretext An excuse; an effort to conceal something
prevaricate To stray from or evade the truth; to lie or equivocate
problematic Posing a problem; difficult to solve
prodigal Rashly or wastefully extravagant
prodigious Impressively great in size, force or extent; enormous
prodigy A person with exceptional talents or powers; an omen
profligate Recklessly wasteful
profound Coming as if from the depths of one’s being; deep
prolific Producing offspring in great abundance; producing a lot (of anything)
propensity An innate inclination; a tendency
proportionate Properly related in size
propriety Polite behavior
prosaic Lacking in imagination; dull
pundit A (supposedly) learned critic or expert
pungent Sharp smelling or tasting; penetrating, biting or caustic
recant To withdraw formally a previously held belief
relegate To banish or exile
renege To fail to carry out a promise or commitment
renounce To reject or disown (usu. by formal announcement)
reprehensible Deserving blame
reproach To express disapproval; to blame
repudiate To reject the authority or validity of
requisite Necessary; something that is required
rescind To make void; to repeal or annul
reticent Restrained or reserved; reluctant or unwilling
retribution Punishment; reward
reverent Worshipful
rhetoric The art of using language persuasively (or artistically); language that is insincere
sanctimonious Faking righteousness
sanction To approve authoritatively
satiate To satisfy
satire A literary work that attacks human folly through wit or sarcasm
schism A separation into factions
secular Not specifically related to religion; occurring once in a century or from century to century
severance The act or condition of being severed; separation
skeptical Doubtful or questioning
solvent Having sufficient funds to pay all debts
squander To spend wastefully
stupefy To amaze or stun
stymie To thwart or stump
sullen Gloomy; sulky
supercilious Feeling or showing haughty disdain
superfluous Beyond what is needed or required
synthesis The combining of separate elements to form a coherent whole; the result of that combining
tacit Silent; unstated or implied
tenuous Long and thin; slender or slight
terse Brief and to the point
transient Remaining in one place only a brief time; one that does so
ubiquitous Everywhere
ulterior Lying beyond what is evident or revealed (oft. intentionally so as to deceive);occurring later or subsequent
untenable Impossible to maintain or inhabit
untoward Not favorable; troublesome or adverse
urbane Polite, refined and often elegant in manner
vacillate To sway between two sides, positions or opinions; to waver
venerable Commanding respect; worthy of reverence
veracity Truthfulness
verbose Wordy
vernacular The language of everyday people (as opposed to that of literary works)
vex To annoy, bother or harass
viable Useable; able to survive; capable of success
vilify To make vicious and defamatory statements about
vivacious Lively or full of spirit
volatile Prone to quick and marked change
voluminous Having great size or volume
voracious Ravenous
xenophobia Fear of hate of anything foreign (esp. people)
zealot A person who is fanatically committed to an idea or cause
Created by: msbabione
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