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2nd Semester Vocab

Counteract 1. Verb: To act in opposition to; frustrate by contrary action. 2. Synonyms: Annul, back, cancel, cancel out, check, contravene, correct
Antidote 1. Noun: A medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc. 2. Synonyms: Antitoxin, antivenin, corrective, counteractant, counteractant, counteragent
Genealogy 1. Noun: A record or account of the ancestory and descent of a person, family, group, etc. 2. Synonyms: Ancestory, blood line, derivation, descent, extraction, generation, genetics
Fate 1. Noun: Something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune. 2. Synonyms: Chance, circumstance, consequence, destiny, effect, future, issue, outcome
Malign 1. Verb: To speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame Adjective: Evil in effect; pernicious; baleful; injurous. 2. Synonyms: Adjective; antagonistic, antipathetic, bad, baleful, evil verb; insult, taint, smear, turnish
Vigil 1. Noun: Wakefulness maintained for any reason during the normal houra for sleeping; watch. 2. Synonyms: Observance, patrol, attention, awareness, duty, guard, lookout, monitoring
Shroud 1. Noun: A cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial. Verb: To wrap or cloth for burial 2. Synonyms: Cloak, pall, veil
Eerie 1. Adjective: Uncanny, so as to inspire superstious fear; weird 2. Synonyms: Awesome, bizarre, creepy, fantastic, frightening, ghostly, mysterious, scary, strange, supernatural, uncanny, weird
Proffer 1. Verb: To pur before a person for acceptance; offer 2. Synonyms: Propound, extend, gift, give, hand, pose, present, proposition, submit
Solace 1. Noun; aka solacement: Comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble; alleviation of distress or discomfort. 2. Synonyms: Alleviation, assuagement, conddement, condolence, consolation, pity, relief.
Fallacy 1. Noun: Deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc. 2. Synonyms: Aberration, ambiguity, artifice, bias
Aghast 1. Adjective: Struck with overwhelming shock or amazement; filled with sudden fright or horror. 2. Synonyms: Agog, amazed, anxious, appalled, awestruck, dismayed, shocked, stunned.
Reverberate 1. Verb: To reecho or resound 2. Synonym: Echo, resound, react, rebound, recoil, resound, reecho, ring
Oppressive 1. Adjective: Burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical 2. Synonyms: Brutal, burdensome, cruel, depressing, dictorial, harsh, handy-handed
Manifest 1. Adjective: Readily percieved by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain. 2. Synonyms: Glaring, palpable, unmbiguous, unmistakable
Negligence 1. Noun: The quality, fact, or result of being negligent; neglect. 2. Synonyms: Disreguard, failure, forgetfulness, inattention, in attentiveness
Emancipation 1. Noun: The act of freeing or state of being freed; liberation 2. Synonyms: Independence, liberation, deliverance, delivery, enfranchisement, liberty, release
Conjecture 1. Noun: The formation or expression of an opinion or theory without suffcient evidence for proof. 2. Synonyms: Guess work, hunch, hypothesis, inference, supposition
Compliance 1. Noun: The act of condorming, acquiesing, or yield. 2. Synonyms: Conformity, consent, assent, obedience, observance, resignation
Congenial 1. Adjective: Agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character 2. Synonyms: Affable, agreeable, convivial, cordial, favorable, genia;, gracious, harplonious, jovial, mellow, pleasant, pleasing, socialable
Morbid 1. Adjective: Suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwhole somely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc. 2. Synonyms: Aberrant, abnormal, ailing, brooding, dark, deadly, depressed
Ill-gotten 1. Adjective: Acquired by dishonest, improper, or evil means. 2. Synonyms: Amoral, corrupt, corrupted, criminal, dark, devious, dishonest
Prosaic 1. Adjective: Commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative 2. Synonyms: Banal, drab, everyday, humdrum, mundone, workaday
Enthrall 1. Verb: To cativate or charm 2. Synonym: Beguile, bewitch, enchant, enrapture, fasinate, hypnotize.
Audible 1a. Adjective: Capible of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard. 1b. Noun: Also called automatic, checkoff 2. Synonyms: Deafening, detectable, discernible, distinct, loud, preciptible
Amiable 1. Adjective: Having or showing pleasant, good natured personal qualities; affable. 2. Synonyms: Affable, amicable, charming, cheerful, cordial, delightful, engaging, friendly
Placid 1. Adjective: Pleasantly calm or peaceful unruffled; serenely, quiet, or undisturbed. 2. Synonyms: Easygoing, even-tempered, gentle,peaceful,quiet,serene,tranquil 2. Synonyms: Easygoing, even-tempered, gentle, peaceful, quiet, serene, tranquil
Frivolous 1. Adjective: Characterized by lack of seriousness or sense. 2. Synonyms: Foolish, idiotic, impractical, petty, pointless, senseless
Created by: BFFsrule2012
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