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Modern LA Final

Terms & Names

Dedazo Mexican Presidents are handed power by PRI under genteel successions
Ejido Distribution of rural lands to farmers by the state
ISI Mexican Revolution: Import Substitution Industrialization (domestic>imports)
Meguel Aleman (1946-52) More ISI, Pro-worker, but more pro-order, attacked labor union (CTM)
The Gorilla Ordaz (1968) Supressing PAN (liberal) movement, orders massacre of students at Tlatelolco
Lopez Portillo (1976-82) Hikes up oil prices against U.S., leverages, loses huge loans, $$$ loss in 1978 oil crash
De la Madrid (1982-88) Promises of improvement, allow PAN victories, 1985 earthquake shows gov't = inept
Salinas Gortari (1988) Election fraud, agrees to NAFTA, allows private property (article 27), increase capitalism
Zedillo More int'l trade, U.S. trade, IMF austerity, Clinton's loan, more democratic
Vicente Fokes (2000) First liberal, non-PRI president elected w/o fraud
Don Figueres (1948) COSTA RICA - Leads revolutionary army, coup of dictator, new republic, voting, rights, social welfare, no fraud, less nt'l guard
Arevalo (1944) Guatemala - Elected after Ubico dictatorship, labor laws, populism, disability benefits
Arbenz (1950) Guatemala - Econ independence, communism, agrarian reform act (1952), U.S. persuaded by UFCO to overthrow Arbenz -> return to oligarchic control
Duvalier (1957) Haiti - terror, army, cult of personality, oppression of opposition, no elections
Tonton Macoutes Militia used by Duvalier in Haiti
Baby Doc Duvalier (1971) Haiti - Less harsh than dad, U.S. relations, still poverty
Carter-Torrijos Treaty (1977-99) Panama gains control of canal in 1999 but U.S can permanently defend canal
Batista (1952-58) Anti-communist, pro-U.S., mafiacracy, military strength, no popular support
Moncada Raid (1953) Castro attacks military barracks and armory, defeated, but rallied ppl to cause
Granma forces (1956) 2 days late, given up by student rebellion, 80->15 rebels left (M-26)
M-26 Revolutionary forces in Cuba, started in countryside poor, hit & run, victory (1959), brutal force to suppress ideologies and increase socialism
Fidel Castro (1959) Urban and Agrarian reform - Can't own >1000 acres, 2 houses, wage laws, utility regulation,, luxury tax (400%)
Cordobazo (1969) Argentina - Resistance Group: kidnappings, bombings, chaos, disrupting system
Night of Canes (1966) Beating of professors in Universities who spoke out against security state
AAA Argentina - Gestapo-like para-military group to suppress ppl -> Dirty War
Videla General Group (1976) 10,000-30,000 ppl disappear/die
Malvinas-Falkland Island War (1982) Argentina vs. Britain to gain control, UK Crushes Argentina w/ Navy, down with the state
Cassação (1964) Brazil - Forcibly removing congressmen, dismantling social welfare, austerity
General Giesel (1974) Brazil - Dirty War general, suppression, disappearances, censorship
João Figueiredo (1979) Brazil - Denied turn to democracy, voted out in 1985
Tancredo Neves-Sarney (1985) Brazil - Elected Prez
Alessandri (1958) Chile - Free/U.S. trade, but sputtering economy, left rising
Eduardo Frei (1964) Chile - Capitalist/Socialist compromise, some socialism w/o state-siezing (land reform, mine nationalization)
Allende (1970) Chile - Capitalism & in-betweens don't effect change, need more/slow socialism, nationalization: mines, finances, trade, monopolies; 3 properties: state, private, blend; redistribution of wealth ->MORE socialism
Lost Decade 1980s - Struggle for stable economies by any gov't system (even security states failing)
Fernando Baluande Peru - Free market, pro-business, democratization, liberalism, personal greed=good for economy, efficiency
Raul Alfonsin (1983) Argentina - Plan Austral: peg currency to dollar, laissez faire economics, pro-business
Sarney (1985) Brazil - Cruzado (II, novo) plan: freeze wages and prices, trying to stop inflation, failing, removing zeros from currency
Fernando Collor (1989) Brazil - privatization, curb inflation, impeached (1992)
Carlos Menem (1989) Argentina - austerity, privatization, liberalism
Created by: mwright555
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