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Ms. Thiers 2nd Test

Cummulative SAT Words

Abstruse ADJ- difficult to understand
Ambivalence NOUN- feeling of being pulled in two directions; indecision
Apathy NOUN- lack of interest or concern
Benign ADJ- gentle, kindhearted, mild
Chastise VERB- scold, punish, castigate
Condone VERB- excuse, pardon, overlook
Conviction NOUN- an opinion that is strongly held
Denounce VERB- criticize, condemn
Dilatory ADJ- causing lateness, stalling
Effervesence NOUN- the quality of being bubbly or full of life
Enhance VERB- intensify, improve
Extol VERB- praise
Flippancy NOUN- treating a serious situation with arrogant humor or disrespect
Germane ADJ- relevant, fitting
Hierarchy NOUN- a group of people in authority; ranked in order of power; a sequential listing
Induce VERB- cause to happen, bring about
Innocuous ADJ- harmless, inoffensive
Lucid ADJ- clear, transparent, easy to understand
Misconstrue VERB- misunderstand, interpret incorrectly
Obsolete ADJ- no longer usable, outdated
Partisan ADJ- blindly devoted to a cause or organization
Precocious ADJ- mature at a young age
Profuse ADJ- in large amounts or quantities
Quell VERB- to calm, pacify
Redolent ADJ- strongly scented, fragrant
Viscous ADJ- resistant to flow, like a very thick liquid; or sticky
Versatile ADJ- having many talents or uses
Wastrel NOUN- a person who wastes his or her resources or money
Adamant ADJ- stubborn, unyielding, refusing to change
Amity NOUN- friendship
Austere ADJ- stern, plain, without luxuries
Avarice NOUN- greed
Benevolent ADJ- kindhearted, good-natured, generous
Cajole VERB- to fool with flattery or false promises; coax; deceive
Concise ADJ- short and to the point, terse
Concur VERB- agree
Cupidity NOUN- greed, especially for money
Depleted ADJ- emptied, drained, used up
Efface VERB- erase
Eloquence NOUN- powerfully effective speech
Enigma NOUN- mystery, puzzle
Extricate VERB- to free from a trap or difficult situation, to distie
Garish ADJ- gaudy, flashy
Harangue VERB- a long, lecturing speech
Indolent ADJ- lazy, causing little or no pain, slow to develop or heal, a love of ease and a dislike of movement or activity
Infallible ADJ- incapable of making a mistake
Insipid ADJ- dull, flat, without sparkle or flavor
Irreverent ADJ- disrespectful
Juncture NOUN- point in time, especially a cruel one; joint or connection
Languish VERB- lose energy or motivation, become weak or depressed
Legacy NOUN- something inherited, either from an ancestor or from the past itself
Minute ADJ- very small in size
Obliterate VERB- remove or destroy completely, erase
Opaque ADJ- too dark or thick for light to pass through
Preclude VERB- prevent, make impossible
Prodigious ADJ- very large
Qualify VERB- to limit the meaning of a previous statement, to modify
Recant VERB- take back something you've said, withdraw a statement or belief
Sardonic ADJ- humorous, but humor tinged with sarcasm or disdain; cynical
Vilify VERB- defame, attack someone's reputation
Warranted ADJ- justified, authorized
Created by: studystacksat
Popular SAT sets




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