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Chemistry is best defined as the study of all substances and the changes they can undergo
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 Celsius degree is called a calorie
which of the following is a physical property denistry
element symbols consist of one or two letters
what is the SI base unit for mass kilogram
which of the following is a prefix that makes the unit larger kilo-
which of the following is a physical change crushing
in which of the following is the zero not significant 0.15
which of the following is an example of a heterogeneous mixture sand in water
what is an example of a chemical property tendency to rust
how many significant figures are there in the number 2.005 4
how many significant figures are there in 1.9800 5
dimensional analysis is a technique of converting between units
which equation correctly relates the Celsius and Kelvin scales ˚C=K-273
the percent error is equal to 100 percent multiplied by the absolute value of measured value-accepted value/accepted value
the beta decay of Kr produces Rb
two atoms are isotopes if they contain the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
an atom of an element with atomic number 48 and mass number 120 contains 48 protons, 48 electrons, and 72 neutrons
the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom can be calculated by subtracting the number of protons from the mass number
the experiment that revealed that atoms contained electrons involved the use of cathode ray tubes
express 4.5 millimeters in meters .0045m
a student measured the mass of an object as 135.80g. Calculate the percent error in the measurement given that the accepted value for the mass 137.23g. 1.04%
one teaspoon of sugar can produce approximately 25 calories of heat energy. Calculate the number of calories, kilocalories, and joules this represents 25 kilocalories 25,000 calories 104.6 joules
convert 58K to celsius -215˚C
determine the number of joules in 50. Calories 209,200j
calculate the density of an object that occupies 17.1cm^3 and has a mass of 39.26 g 2.3 cm^3/g
list the major points of Dalton's atomic theory all elements are composed of atoms, atoms can neither be created nor destroyed, atoms combine in whole number ratios, and atoms of the same element are identical but differ from those of another
Describe Robert milikan's oil drop experiment and what he learned from it He watched oil droplets fall through a hole from the upper chamber. When they went through the whole they had a negative charge. He concluded if they went back up they'd have a positive charge
write the alpha decay of gold 193/77 IR + +4/+2 alpha
list the protons, neutrons, and electrons in Al^3+ 13 protons 14 neutrons 10 electrons
Write the beta decay of carbon -14 12/7N+0/-1 B
Explain how the atoms of one element differ from those of another element. Then explain how the atoms of one isotope differ from those of other isotopes of the same element atoms of different elements NEVER have the same mass number or atomic number. Atoms of isotopes of the same element have to have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
List the 3 rules that govern the filling of atomic orbitals by electrons hunds, Pauli Exclusion, Aufbau
how many electrons does each sublevel hold s-sublevel 2 p-sublevel 6 d=-sublevel 10 f-sublevel 14
for electromagnetic radiation the speed of light (c) equals frequency times wavelength
the speed of an electromagnetic wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and its frequency
the SI, the frequency of electromagnetic radiation is measured in hertz
the distance between two successive peaks on a wave is its wavelength
what is the symbol for wavelength llamda
max planck proposed that a hot object radiated energy in small, specific amounts called quanta
the energy of a photon, or quantum, is related to its frequency
a bright-line spectrum of an atom is caused by the energy released when electrons fall to a lower energy level
for an electron in an atom to change from the ground state to an excited state energy must be absorbed
Bohr's theory helped explain why excited hydrogen gas gives off certain colors of light
according to Bohr's theory, an excited atom would radiate energy
the drop of an electron from a high energy level to the ground state in a hydrogen atom would be most closely associated with high-frequency radiation
the electron in a hydrogen atom has its lowest total energy when the electron is in its ground state
which model of the atom explains why excited hydrogen gas gives off certain colors of light? the Bohr model
a hertz is the same as 1/secondd
which wave property expresses how often the wave oscillates up and down frequency
which of the following equations represents the relationship between energy and frequency? E=hv
the photoelectric effect was explained by Einstein
which color of visible light has the highest frequency violet
which of the following has the longest wavelength infrared radiation
of the following, ________ radiation has the shortest wavelength x-ray
what is the frequency of light that has a wavelength of 1.23 x 10-6 cm 2.44x10^16
a spectrum containing only specific wavelengths is called a _______ spectrum line
the brightness, or intensity, of light depends on its amplitude
light has the properties of both particles and waves
state what is meant by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle position and the momentum of a moving object cannot simultaneously be measured and known exactly. THis means there is inherit limitation to knowing both were a particle is at a particular moment and how it's moving
what is the difference between a line spectrum and a continuous spectrum? a line spectrum consist of only specific wavelengths where as a continuous spectrum contains all of them
list the major regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing wavelength the major regions are x-rays and gamma rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves.
Created by: Lauren Pole



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