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Lazoff-Earth Science

Vocabulary words for Earth Science

convection current the process of material heating and rising, while cooler material falls
geology the study of the interior and exterior of the Earth
pangaea means "whole Earth", the
catastrophism the process of shaping the surface of the Earth through rare and sudden events
organic living or made by a living organism
inorganic not living or created by nonliving material
igneous rock rock that is formed from magma cooling
deposition rock layers deposited in layers
uniformitarianism the process of shaping the surface of the Earth through slow gradual processes such as erosion
uplift the raising up of layers of rocks
subsidence the sinking of layers of rocks
petrification the process of minerals replacing an organism or body parts
eon the longest amount of time
geologic column undisturbed layers of rock used to helpe Geologist order layers
unconformity rock layers that are missing a rock layer, or a layer that is not in the correct order
decay the process of an organic material breaking down
divergent a type of boundary where plates seperates or move in opposite directions. This happens at mid-ocean ridges
convergent a type of boundary where plates collide or move toward one another. This create mountains, subduction zones, and volcanoes
fault a break in rock, a crack between to fault walls
epicenter the location on the surface directly above the focus or the starting point of the earthquake
focus the location under the surface where the earthquake first orginates
dormant a volcano that no longer active, but has the potential to be active. Often referred to as a sleeping volcano
viscosity the amount of flow a liquid has.
meta after or beyond
profile the side view of an object, the view of rocks so that the layers can be seen
topography a map or diagram showing the change in elevation
paleontology the study of past life
Law of Superposition a law that states that younger rock layers lie above older rock layers if undistrubed
transform a boundary in which two plates slide past one another
subduction the process of converging plates causing one plate (usually less dense) to slide under the other
magnitude the relative size of something, how big or small the earthquake was
triangulation the point where three lines intersect, used to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake
litho meaning stone or rock
meso meaning middle
geo meaning earth
Created by: slazoff
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