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UND 362 safety

What are the 4 govt. agencies responsible for safety OSHA, CAP (college of am. pathols', CLIA (Clinical lab improv. amendments, JHACO (joint commision for accreditaion of health care org.)
What 4 fed. Laws govern safety DOT, OSHA, EPA, NRC (nuclear regulatory commission)
The hazard communication standard is? "employees given all info they need" to be safe
The four colors of the NFPA chemical label are and each indicates what Blue (left), Red (top), Yellow (right), White (bottom) blue/health, red/flammability, yellow/reactivity, white/specific info or hazard
On chemical labels the higher the number indicates? a more extreme situation.
NFPA stands for what? National fire prevention association
The fire triangle consists of what 4 items Air, heat, fuel, fire (chem. reaction)
How many classes of fire are there and what are each 5 (A-D & K) A=standard materials (ie paper), B= liquid (gases/liquids), C=electrical, D=metals (lithium magnesuim) K=vege oil
What are the 4 classes of fire extinquishers and what does each work on A=water based (used on class A fires), B=CO2 (used on class B&C fires {gases & electrical})C=dry chem (used on various fires), D=powder media
How does each class of fire ext. function to put out fire? A= takes away heat (can't be used on flammable liquid or electrical) B=takes away 02 and is cold, C=coats fire with dust to remove 02.
What do RACE and PASS stand for when dealing with fire Rescue, Alert, Confine, Extinguish Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
What are the functions of MSDS sheets protect and inform (toxicity, health affects, spill procedures, etc)
What are the some of the requirements in an MSDS sheet identity, properties, physical hazard, health hazard, carcinogenecity, exposure limits, safe use, control measures, emergency info, date prepared
name some hazard determiners flammable, corrosive, reactive (characteristics ingestion, absorption, inhalation (body access)
Define toxic dose poisoning by exposure, mouth or contact (NOT inhalation)
Define Toxic Concentration poisonining via INHALATION
Define Lethal dose Dose with single exposure that will kill human or animal (Not inhalation)
define LD50 dose (oral/contact) that will kill 50% of a group
define LC50 inhalation that will kill 50% of a group (usually in 1hr time period)
Name some toxins in the lab xylene, toluene, formalin, mercury, silver, carcinogens
Is it correct to add water to acid or acid to water ALWAYS ADD ACID TO WATER
a corrosive can be an _______ or a _______ and will visibly _________ living tissue acid, base, destroy (flush with water if exposed
an exposion can be defined as sudden generation of heat/combustion with a volume larger than the original substance
a written plan (for safety) consists of (4) identity of chems, msds, labeling plan, training
training for the ("right to know") includes chem. name and common name, location, handling, first aid for, adverse effects, cleanup, flammability (etc. characteristics)
the empoyees rights and responsibilities pertaining to "right to know" include right-list of substances, msds, "right to instruction", protection responsibilities-maintain work env, observe precautions, use PPE
An employer must (for right to know) (4) give info w/in 30 days, provide info, educate and train, maintain records
The occupation exposure to hazard chems in lab is also know as the " " laboratory standard
what is the goal of the laboratory standard handling, storage, and disposal of chems
what are the 9 facators for the lab standard scope and application, defs and terms, PEL, chem. hygene plan, employee training, med. consult, hazard ID, respirator reqs. record keeping
PEL stands for permissible exposure limit
a chemical hygene plan will do what plan to keep chems below limits that would harm employees
Record keeping on an employee for the laboratory standara lasts for how long time of hire plus 30 years
give 6 proper ways of dealing with acids/bases 1. keep at eye level, don't store reactable chems together, keep min. quantity in lab, labeled, away from heat, not in fridge
What are the timeframes concerning PEL and STEL Permissible exposure limit is 8 hrs Short Term Exposure limit is 15 min (w/o adverse effects)
What does TWA stand for and define it Timed Weight Average - average of exposure over an 8 hr period
If a chemical is spilled how many sq. ft does 1gal =? 20
what is the protocol if a chem spill occurs notify mgr, evacuate, if flammable turn off heat, contain as appropriate, notify chem. officer, use ppe, clean up if ok'd by safety officer.
Standard neutralizers for acid and bases are? sodium bicarb (to ph greater than 3 then flush down drain), 1N HCL and mop up with towels -or use spill kits (large spills over 100 mls need to be dealt with by spill team)
What is the PEL, STEL and TWA for the formaldehyde standard PEL = .75 ppm, STEL = 2.0 ppm/15min, TWA less or = to is normal/above .5 requires medical survellaince program
What is the action level for the formaldehyde standard .5ppm over 8hr TWA
what are the standard blood borne pathogens in the lab TB, Hep B/C, HIV
Infection waste is defined by blood borne path standard as liquid or semi liquid/cacked on blood, contamination that will release when compressed, contaminated sharps
name 7 infection materials FS, blood, autopsy, CSF/amniotic, sexual secretions, synoivial fluid, cytology fluid
what is the definition of universal precautions treat all as infectious
what are 3 standard housekeep procedures for blood borne pathogend 10% bleach, orange bags (autoclaved), red bags (get other treatment methods)
TB is spread how spread person to person in air, but can be in lavage (ie bronch washings, urine, csf, sputum, FS)
What are the typical preventions for pathogens in the lab universal precautions, bio safety cabinets, caps in centrifuge, decontaminate, wash hands PPE
Bio safety cabinetes employ what filters and work how hepa filters, use airflow to keep infections w/in the hood
what are the 3 classes of bio cabinets class 1 (micro hood) class 2 (personal with specific training) class 3 (research on exotics)
define ergonomics fitting job task to the person performing job
Created by: mustangvxd
Popular Histology sets




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