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civil rights

civil ights test

what man famously declared that " all men are created equal" ? Thomas Jefferson
does u.s. political culture support economic equality? noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dose the constitution use the word equality? nope
does the bill of rights use the word equality no
what does the 14th amendment say I forbids the states from denying any person " the equal protection of the laws."
what court ruled that government must have the power to make reasonable classifications between persons and groups the supreme court
what are reasonable classifications they include denying the right to vote to citizens under the age if 18 or imposing high excise tax on the sale of cigarettes which smokers must pay
what is a strict scrutiny test a test on a different race of people before they can vote
classification based on race and ethnic backgrounds must be justified by a? "compelling public interest"
Dred Scott v. Sandford ? (1857) the supreme court ruled that black people were not citizens of the united stats and therefore could not petition the court
the Dred Scott decision repealed the northwest ordinance of 1787 and the ? Missouri compromise of 1820
the 13th amendment abolished... slavery and involuntary servitude
the 15th amendment provided... suffrage for African American males
Plessey v. Ferguson 1896
(Plessey versus Ferguson) involved a dispute over the legality of a Louisiana law requiring.. " equal but separate accommodations for h white and colored races" on railroad coaches
Created by: marina blevins
Popular American Government sets




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