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ML-Chapter 4_MS

Pulmonology * Respiratory System

alveolus hollow spheres of cells in the lungs where O2 and CO2 are exchanged
apex rounded top of each lung
bronchiole small, tubular air passageway that branches off from a bronchus and then branches into several alveoli
bronchus tubular air passageway supported by cartilage rings that forms an inverted Y below the trachea
cardiopulmonary pertaining to the heart and lungs
cardi/o- heart
pulmon/o- lung
diaphragm muscular sheet that divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
epiglottis lidlike structure that seals off the larynx when swallowing so the food will not enter the trachea
larynx voice box
lobe visible division of the lung
lung organ of respiratory that contains alveoli
mediastinum smaller cavity within the thoracic cavity that contains the trachea, heart, and esophagus
pharynx throat
pleura double-layered serous membrane
septum divides the nasal cavity into right and left sides
sept/o- septum
thoracic cavity hollow space that is filled with the lungs and structures in the mediastinum
trachea air passageway between the larynx and the bronchi
trache/o- trachea
bronchial tree trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
asthma hyperreactivity of the bronchi and bronchioles with bronchospasm
bronchospasm contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi
status asthmaticus Prolonged and extremely life threatening asthma attack
bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi
bronchiectasis Enlargement and loss of elasticity of the bronchioles
-ectasis Condition of dilation
abnormal breath sounds Breathing that is difficult and makes strange noises
rales Bubbling sounds during inspiration
rhonchi Humming, whistling, or snoring sounds during inspiration
stridor High-pitched, harsh, crowing sound due to edema or obstruction on the trachea or larynx
wheezes High-pitched whistling or squeaking sounds during inspiration or expiration
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) A severe infection, burns, or injury to the lungs that damages the alveoli to where they collapse with each breath
atelectasis Incomplete expansion or collapse of part or all of a lung
atel/o- Incomplete
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema caused by chronic exposure to pollution or smoking
emphysema Alveoli become inflated and rupture, creating large air pockets in the lungs
cystic fibrosis (CF) Mucus is abnormally thick and blocks the alveoli and causes dyspnea
influenza Acute viral infection of the upper and lower respiratory system
empyema Localized collection of pus in the thoracic cavity from an infection in the lungs
py/o- Pus
purulent Pertaining to pus
lung cancer Cancerous tumor of the lungs
malignant Intentionally causing harm; cancer
occupational lung disease Caused by constant exposure to inhaled particles
anthracosis Black lung disease caused by coal dust
asbestosis Caused by inhaling asbestos fibers
pneumoconiosis Any occupational lung disease caused by chronically inhaling some type of dust or particle
pneumonia Infection of some or all of the lobes of the lungs
aspiration pneumonia Caused by foreign matter
bacterial pneumonia Caused by bacteria
broncho-pneumonia Affects bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli
pulmonary edema Fluid collects in the alveoli
pulmonary embolism Blockage of pulmonary artery or one of its branches by an embolus
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Acute viral respiratory illness that causes fever, dyspnea, and cough and can be fatal
tuberculosis (TB) Lung infection caused by the bacterium myocobacterium tuberculosis and spread by airborne droplets and coughing
hemoptysis Coughing up blood tinged sputum
hemothorax Presence of blood in the thoracic cavity
pleural effusion Accumulation of fluid in the pleural space due to inflammation of the pleura and lungs
pleurisy Inflammation or infection of the pleura
pneumothorax Large volume of air in the pleural space
pneum/o- Lung; air
apnea Brief or prolonged Absence of respirations
a- Away from; without
-pnea Breathing
bradypnea Abnormally slow rate of breathing
dyspnea Difficult, labored, or painful respirations
orthopnea The need to be propped upright to breathe and sleep comfortably
orth/o- Straight
tachypnea Abnormally rapid rate if breathing
anoxia Complete lack if O2 in the arterial blood and body tissues
ox/o- Oxygen
cyanosis Bluefish gray discoloration of the skin
cyan/o- Blue
hypoxemia Very low level of O2 in the arterial blood
-emia Condition of the blood; substance in the blood
arterial blood gases (ABG) Test to measure partial pressure of the gases in the arterial blood
pulmonary function tests (PFTs) Procedure to measure the capacity of the lungs and the volume of air during inhalation and exhalation
oximetry Procedure to measure the degree if O2 saturation in the blood
-metry Process of measuring
sputum culture and sensitivity (sputum C&S) Test to identify which bacterium is causing a pulmonary infection and to determine it's sensitivity to various antibiotic drugs
tuberculosis tests Test to determine if a patient has been exposed to tuberculosis
Mantoux Uses intradermal injections of PPD to test for tuberculosis
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Procedure to ventilate the lungs and circulate the blood if the patient has stopped breathing and the heart has stopped beating
endotracheal intubation Procedure in which an endotracheal tube is inserted
Heimlich maneuver Procedure to assist a choking victim with an airway obstruction
bronchoscopy Procedure to examine the trachea and bronchi
bronch/o- Bronchus
chest tube insertion Procedure that inserts a plastic tube between the ribs and into the thoracic cavity to remove accumulated air or blood
lung resection Procedure to remove all or part of a lung
thoracocentesis Procedure to remove pleural fluid from the pleural space
thorac/o- Thorax (chest)
-centesis Procedure to puncture
tracheostomy A tube is inserted into trachea to gain access to the lungs in patients who need respiratory support
ABG Arterial blood gas
A & P Auscultation and percussion
ARDS Acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome
C & S Culture and sensitivity
CF Cystic fibrosis
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CXR Chest x-Ray
LLL Left lower lobe
LUL Left upper lobe
PFT Pulmonary function test
RLL Right lower lobe
RML Right middle lobe
RUL Right upper lobe
SOB Shortness of breath
TB Tuberculosis
TPR Temperature, pulse, and respirations
URI Upper respiratory infection
Created by: madisonsindle



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