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Dotts Flashcard

mal bad
post after
port carry
dict say
omni all
lith rock
bene good
cred believe
neo new
uni one
non not
archy government
inter between
vid look
mono one
pond weight
in in
sci know
phyte plant
lat side
nonplussed perplexed
postlude concluding section
hierarchy ranking
portly stout
interdiction prohibition
omnibus covering many things
monolithic massive and uniform
imponderable difficult to consider
benediction blessing
incredulous unbelieving
omniscient all-knowing
neophyte beginner
unilateral one-sided
hypo under
dox opinion
put think
mega large
alter other
contra against
con together
circum around
sol alone
fy make
ous full of
hetero different
pater father
ver true
sanqui blood
ego I
ven come
flu flow
loqu talk
moll soft
greg group
tion act or state
heterodox unorthodox
paterfamilias male head of family
putative thought to be
aver affirm or declare
sangfroid cold-blooded composure
altercation heated dispute
contravene go against
soliloquy speech to oneself
mollify makes soft
gregarious sociable
de down
voc voice
luc light
acr sharp
pugn fight
ambul walk
sequ follow
centri center
ous full of
sanct holy
phon sound
clam cry out
trans across
fort strong
per through
fid faith
non not
ego I
loqu talk
sacro holy
caco bad
tang touch
sotto voce in a low voice
translucent semitransparent
forte strong point
fortissimo very loudly
impugn attack as false
egocentric self-centered
loquacious talkative
sacrosanct sacred
cacophony bad noise
tangible touchable
dict say
bas low
nihil nothing
muta change
terr land
cogn know
re again
super over
de down
gram writing
obit death
sequ follow
path feeling
ism doctrine
inter between
in in or not
sed sit
tort twist
anim mind
epi on
ob against
obsequious servilely following
abase to lower
interstice small space
sedate calm
retort swift reply
nihilism belief in nothing
supersede replace
inanimate lifeless
condescend lower oneself
epigram witty comment
log reason
phor carry
loco place
de down
phobia fear
schizo divide
theo god
curs run
eu good
funi cord
nym name
ize make
re again
ambul walk
ideo idea
apo up
pre before
cosmo universe
phon sound
meta change
metonymy association name
anaphora repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive phrases
bowdlerize censor prudishly
reiterate repeat
desultory rambling
idee fixe obsession
schism division
precursor forerunner
pro forward
patr father
cred believe
ous full of
miss send
viv life
sanct holy
syn together
co together
apo away
ism doctrine
mis(G) bad
gno know
loco place
sta stand
phys nature
terr land
opia sight
loqu talk
hedon pleasure
liqu flow
narcissism self-infatuation
patrician aristocratic
apostasy desertion of principle
hedonism devotion to pleasure
on the qui vive on the alert
manumission release from slavery
sanction authorize
terra firma firm land
synopsis summary
in loco parentis in the place of parents
vale farewell
proto first
mal bad
sacro flesh
gno know
ans up
ex out
magn great
super over
dict say
agon actor
ism doctrine
phag eat
sur over
lect gather
pos put
mort death
miss send
vale diction farewell speech
protagonist leading person
maladroit clumsy
stoicism indifference to sensation
sarcophagus stone coffin
ignominious disgraceful
expository explanatory
magnum opus great work
moribund dying
supercilious scornful
diction word choice
emissary messanger
anthropo man
gastro stomach
auto self
contra against
viv life
helio sun
culp blame
spec look
mono one
centri center
medi middle
ambi both
ism doctrine
trans across
ex out
intro into
trop turn
lykos wolf
gastronome a gourmet or epicure
in medias res in the middle of things
lycanthrope werewolf
transmogrify change form
au contraire to the contrary
vivacious lively
circumvent get around
heliotropic sun-following
exculpate free from blame
introspective inward
pre before
gen origin
jur swear
sopor sleep
ped foot
lin line
tomy cut
tort twist
ob against
sesqui one and a half
nec kill
post after
son sound
demo people
inter between
cracy government
phan appearance
dicho in two parts
sui self
partheno virgin
Pluto wealth
assonance vowel repetition
soporific sleep inducing
internecine mutually destructive
sesquipedalian very long words
hippotomonstrosequipedaliopobia fear of very long words
sui generis unique
plutocracy government of wealthy
delineate to outline
dichotomy two-part division
epiphany revelation
tortuous twisting
eu good
mir wonder
hagio saint
patr father
mel honey
inter between
ped foot
bell war
mal bad
xeno stranger
thanatos death
in not
graph write
auto self
flu flow
dict say
spec look
athropo man
morph shape
phobia fear
expedite hasten
patronize condescend to
bellicose warlike
malediction a curse
xenophobia fear of foreigners
specious false
euthanasia mercy killing
ineffable inexpressible
mellifluous honeyed
expatiate to elaborate
anthropomorphic man-shaped
specious false
par equal
non not
bas low
psych soul
gen origin
fic make
ann year
greg group
ab away
bio life
an- without
tig touching
mal bad
equi equal
super over
post after
meta change
punct point
tract pull
ex out
jur swear
algia pain
curs run
in not
nonpareil matchless excellence
malefic causing harm
punctilio point of conduct
superannuated obsolete
intractable stubborn
egregious blatant
abjure renounce
re again
sol alone
in not
luct struggle
rogat ask
terr land
ob against
pugn fight
dia across
acro high
sub under
ism doctrine
ex out
super over
infra beneath
ject throw
loqu talk
cise cut
trib pay
nym name
ineluctable inevitable
truculent fiercely savage
disinter unearth
abrogate annul
acronym initials-name
pugnacious combative
incisive figuratively sharp
diatribe abusive speech
logy science
anti against
trans across
fid faith
ize make
gyn woman
somn sleep
epist knowledge
nomy law
apo away
mis hatred
morph shape
tempor time
string bind
cogn know
ambul walk
crypt hidden
tauto same
apocryphal not authentic
transom window or door crossbar
commiserate sympathize
misogynist hater of woman
diffident shy
cognizant aware
stringent binding
somnambulist sleep walker
thantos death
opia sight
vac empty
luc light
ize make
sed sit
fug flee
pusill small
nepo nephew
viv life
spir breathe
syn together
man hand
ex out
ism system
sub under
ine nature of
anim mind
bon good
ous full of
vacuous stupidly empty of ideas
legerdemain sleight of hand
nepotism favoritism to relatives
lionize treat as a celebrity
assiduous persevering
subterfuge evasive dodge
bon vivant indulger in luxury
sedentary sitting
pusillanimous small-minded
magnanimous large-minded
misanthrope hater of people
misandrist hater of men
ine nature of
fac to do
gyn woman
ous full of
punct point
syn together
narco sleep
mono one
son sound
mal bad
monger seller
cracy government
ego I
mega large
drome run
eu good
lepsy attack
mania madness
malfeasance public misconduct
expostulate to earnestly object
pungent sharp
megalomania delusions of greatness
syndrome complex of symptoms
euphemism pleasant name
dissonant inharmonious
narcolepsy attacks of sleep
The Ennead a group of nine
para beside
path feeling
simul feign
in not
fy make
sacro holy
ultra beyond
fer carry
peri near
crypt hidden
anti against
a- without
sed sit
kin motion
ex out
plus more
voc voice
corp body
helio sun
sanct holy
paragon excellent model
antipathy strong dislike
abyss bottomless fissure
dissemble conceal through pretense
insidious sly
impecunious poor
beatify make blissfully happy
execrate denounce or cure
ne plus ultra peak of perfection
vociferous loud
corpulent full-bodied
cryptic having hidden meaning
sanctimonious affectedly holy
ism doctrine
a- without
re again
epist knowledge
lent full of
contra against
hyper over
germ related
gran grain
neuro nerve
sthen strength
pro forward
chron time
less without
tempor time
para beside
fil thread
scen stage
remunerate repay
proscenium the frame of a stage
epistle long instructive letter
anachronistic misplaced in time
feckless without effect
contretemps embarrassing mishap
hyperbole overstatement
paradigm model
germane related
filigree lacy design
chronic lasting
in in
inter between
ex out
sub under
pot drink
fus pour
vect carry
acro high
amor love
sub under
fulg shine or flash
sym together
nomy law
dign worthy
fract break
phobia fear
inamorata mistress, beloved, or love
subjugate oppress
replete filled
querulous full of complaint
symposium conference
immolate sacrifice
effusion outpouring
invective bitter denunciation
refractory stubborn
acrophobia fear of heights
dis away
nom name
Simo China
per through
pro before
mis(G) bad
pugn fight
entomo insect
spec look
gno know
discern to mentally separate, identify
misnomer wrong name
chauvinism fanatical devotion
nonentity a nobody
prognosis medical forecast
entomology the study of insects
perspicacity insight
synthesis combination
mobocracy mob rule
re again
mal bad
neo new
culp blame
ante before
surg rise
luvi wash
tude state of
fulg shine or flash
mar sea
phil love
cracy government
fract break
duct lead
tion act or state
agora marketplace
mal de mer seasickness
mea culpa my fault
repartee quick, witty reply
dissident one who disgraces
subliminal below consciousness
solicitude state of concern
antediluvian from before the Flood!
panegyric elaborate eulogy
fractious unruly
insurgence uprising
syn together
epi on
topo place
equi equal
geo earth
protero early
nym name
hysteros latter
nox night
chron time
synergy combined force
epithet disparaging or descriptive name
intestate with no will
epistolary made of letters
amorphous without shape
circumspect cautious
equivocate to hedge
superfluous unnecessary
intra within
penta five
reg rule
corp body
lith rock
fort strong
fid faith
ego I
plan smooth
catena chain
mur wall
meter measure
cide kill
mega large
per through
extra beyond
trans across
con together
cap take
spec look
incipient just beginning
regicide killing of a king
incorporeal not consisting of matter
megalith huge stone
ingenuous innocent and naïve
perfidious treacherous
intransigent not compromising
egomania self-obsession
Created by: mady.taylor0202
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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