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What is Qi? -Temperature characteristic of the medicinal substances
How many types of Qi are there and name them. Which do they belong? Yang/Yin? - 5 - Hot (re) Yang - Warm (wen) Yang - Neutral (ping) Not hot/cold - Cool (liang) Yin - Cold (han) Yin
*** What’s the definition of Qi? - provides a preliminary clue as to the clinical situation in which a substance should be used.
What is Chap 74 of the Inner Classics (=Huang Di Nei Jing) Yellow Emperor of Inner Classics? -“Hot diseases must be cooled, cold diseases must be warmed.”
What are 2 books of Inner Classics? 1. Su Wen (Simple Question) - Talks about diagnosis, Dx 2. Ling Shu (Spiritual Axis) - Talks about treatment principal.
What is “Taste”? -Therapeutic function of the medicinal substances
How many Taste are there and name them? Are they Yang/Yin? - 8 -Sour (suan) Yin - Bitter (ku) Yin - Sweet (gan) Yang - Acrid/Pungent (xin) Yang - Salty (xian) Yin - Bland (dan) Yang (urination, going out) - Astringent (se) Yin - Aromatic (xiang) Yang
What do sour (suan) do? - Promote: o Body fluids o Appetite o Digestion - Prevent: o “Astringent” to prevent leakage of fluids or energy (or constricts) o Reduce spasms o Stop pain (relating to muscle and skeleton) o Anti-parasitic
What are some examples of sour (suan)? - plum, pickles, vinegar, balsamic vinegar
What does Bitter (ku) do? - Clears heat => relieve? - Downward draining => relieve? - Drying => relieve?
What are some examples of Bitter (ku)? - coffee, almond, arugula, bitter melon
What does Bitter (ku) prevent? Clears heat” to relieve irritability - “Downward raining” to lower adverse rising Qi => relieve cough - Open up pathways to relieve constipation - “Drying” to relieve dampness in the joints and intestines (lower jiao) - Strengthens yin***
What are some examples of Bitter (ku)? - coffee, almond, arugula, bitter melon
What are San Jiao (Body Compartments)? Upper: Chest Middle: Digestion (Spleen, stomach) Lower: Liver (supports all organs), kidney
What does Sweet (gan) do? - Tonifies to supplement deficiencies - Harmonizes herbal therapeutics - Moistens => relieve?
What does Sweet (gan) reduce? o Reduce toxicity and side effects o Reduce spasm and stops pains o “Moistens” to relieve constipation (moistens intestines) - Too much sweet => Increase dampness
What are some examples of Sweet (gan)? - Sugar, licorice, honey, Gan Cao = Chinese licorice
What does Acrid/Pungent (xin) do? - “Disperses” to promote diaphoresis (sweating) - “Moves” (promotes, circulates) to improve circulation of qi, blood fluids, floods - Leading to moistening***
What are some examples of Acrid/Pungent (xin)? - Ginger, wasabi, basil, spicy mustard, hot chili peppers
What does Acird/Pungent (xin) treat for example? - Food stagnation (food indigestion, blockage, not moving)
What does Salty (xian) do? Softens hardness” to relieve constipation - “Dissolves nodules” to disintegrate tumors or masses (sodium choloride, oyster shell) - “Enters” the kidneys and “travels” in the blood (tonifies blood)
What are some examples of Salty (xian)? - Placenta, gecko, deer antler, rhino horn
Salty (xian) treats: example… Thyroid tumor, blood deficiencies (anemia)
What does Bland (dan) do? - Increases urination and resolving dampness (to relieve or reduce edema) and difficulty urination (a lot of urinary problem is related to kidney)
What are some examples of Bland (dan)? - Water, lettuce - Dan Dou Chi
What does Astringent (se) do? - “Constricts” to stop diarrhea, coughing, sweating, bleeding ejaculation
What are some examples of Astringent (se)? - Oyster shell, calcium sulfate ***Sour must have astringent, but astrigent does not have to be sour.
What does Aromatic (xiang) do? - “Penetrates” to move and cut through turbidity - “Awaken” the senses, either the digestive function of the Spleen or the cognitive function of the Mind (Mind is always relating to heart, “shen”). - Dries dampness
What are some examples of Aromatic (xiang)? - curry, mint, celery, spices
Color to 5 Elements Green Wood Red Fire Yellow Earth White Metal Black Water
GREEN (WOOD) What is Zang organ for Green (Wood)? Liver
What are some herbs that belong to Green (Wood)? Qing Pi & Bo He
What type of herb is Qing Pi or what does it do? - Green Leafs, Premature Tangerine Skin - Qi regulating
What does Bo He do? - Mint, Cool exterior relieving herb
Disease can be distinguished into exterior or interior. What does Exterior need to have? - chills and fever - When chills > fever, you get cold; - When fever > chills, you get heat
RED (FIRE) What is Zang organ for Red (Fire) Heart
What are some herbs that belong to Red (Fire)? Hong Hua & Dan Shen
Which one does it have stronger effect? Ren Shen or Dan Shen? - Ren Shen > Dan Shen, Xi Yang Shen
YELLOW (EARTH) What is Zang organ for Yellow (Earth)? Spleen
What are some herbs that belong to Yellow (Earth)? Chen Pi & Huang Qi
What does Chen Pi do? - Mature Tangerine Skin - Qi Regulating & Qi Tonifying
What does Huang Qi do and when do you use it? - Qi Tonic Herb - Use when there’s Qi deficiency, protects exterior (skin, muscles); Ren Shen protects interior (blood, bone, organ)
WHITE (METAL) What is Zang organ for White (Metal)? Lung
What are some examples of White (Metal) herbs? Yi Yi Ren & Shi Gao
What type of herb is Yi Yi Ren and what does it treat? - Damp eliminating herb - It treats joint arthritis (inflammation due to damp accumulation) such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis)
What’s the pharmaceutical name for Shi Gao? Gypsum
What does Shi Gao do? - Heat clearing/fire quelling herb - Fire > Heat - Heat can be generated. Fire must be from heat. Heat = fever, red face; Fire = bleeding comes out.
BLACK (WATER) What is Zang organ for Black (Water)? Kidney
What are some examples of Back (Water) herbs? Du Zhong & Shu Di Huang
What type of herb is Du Zhong? - Yang Tonic Herb (tonifies kidney and liver)
What type of herb is Shu Di Huang? - Blood Tonic herb - Cools blood, treats too much blood such as bloody nose, blood spitting, blood urination - Treat blood deficiency, anemia
Herbal Direction: Give some examples of Moving Upward herb Ma Huang & Fu Zi Ma Huang: cannot be used in USA, Yang within Yin, Rise upward - Fu Zi: Yang within Yang, generates heat, Rise upward, Increase kidney & Yang
Give an example of Moving Downward herb. Da Huang - Da Huang: Big Large Yellow, Yin within Yin, drains downward, can treat constipation
What are 3 tastes that treat constipation? Bitter(opens), Sweet(moistens), Salty(softens)
What are tastes that stop pain? Sour & Sweet
Decrease dampness? Bitter (dries) Bland (urination), Aromatic
Stops diarrhea? Astringent (constricts), Suan Zao Ren
Prohibition of Taste (Inner Classic) Where do they travel in? With what disease, you should not eat too much of? Acrid Qi = skin area Saltiness Blood Bitterness Bone Sweetness Flesh Sourness Sinews (Muscles & Tendons)
Name 2 types of Herb & Drug Interaction: Pharmacokinetic – affect drug action by quantitative alterations Pharmacodynamic – affect drug action by qualitative way *****
Caution & Contraindications: - Heart Med - BP med - MAO Inhibitor
What’s MAO drug for? - Anti-depressant - They affect heart (controls shen) and liver (controls mind)
What is normal dosage of herb? 3-9g
What are 3 effects of Ren Shen? - CNS (Brain & Spinal Cord) - Immunity - Cardiovascular System
What are 6 exterior evils (pathogenic factors)? - Bad things that influence body to cause disease. 1. Wind 2. Heat or Fire (Which is more severe? Fire > Heat) 3. Cold 4. Damp 5. Summer Heat 6. Dryness
NAMING HERBS Name 7 methods to name herbs: 1) Color: Red, Yellow/Gold, White/Silver, Green, Black, Purple, Blue, Silver&Gold 2) Aroma or Taste 3) Place of Origin 4) Growth Characteristics 5) Portion of Section 6) Function 7) Tones or Translation 8) Other Methods
1) Naming herbs by color: Give color in English & Chinese. Give examples - Red: Hong, Chi, Dan, Zhu, etc. Ex) Hong Hua, Dan Shen - Yellow/Gold Huang or Jin Ex) Huang Qi - White/Silver Bai or Yin Ex) Bai Zhu
2) Naming of herbs by aroma or taste: Give 8 aroma/taste and give examples. - Aroma: Mu Xiang, Huo Xiang - Sweet: Gan Cao - Bitter: Ku Shen (same family as Ren Shen=sweet tasting) - Sour: Suan Zao Ren (Ren=seed of fruit) - Pungent: Xin Yi, Xin Shen - Salty: Xian Shen, Xian Hua - Bland: Dan Zhu Ye
Five Tastes: Wu Wei Zi (has sour, bitter, sweet, acrid, salty), stops sweating, good for summer
) Naming of herbs by place of origin: Name the locations and the weather/ Si Chuan, Ning Xia, He Nan, Guang Dong, Ze Jiang, Yun Nan, Shan Dong
NORTH: Cold and Freezing Ning Xia
WEST: Dry w/ little rain Si Chuan
EAST: Damp w/ rain & monsoons He Nan Ze Jiang Shan Dong
SOUTH: Hot w/ long sumer Guang Dong Yun Nan
4) Naming of herbs by growth characteristics: - Xia Ku Cao Summer - Ren Dong Winter - Kuan Dong Hua Flowers in Winter - Ban Xia Middle of Summer
What does Ban Xia treat? - Ban Xia treats someone with stomach Qi rebellious - It’s toxic so be careful with pregnancy women, use Sheng Jiang (ginger) instead.
***What are the symptoms for stomach Qi rebellious? 1) vomit 2) nausea 3) hiccups 4) belching
5) Naming of herbs by portion or section a) Root: Ge ‘Gen’…and ‘Shen’ b) Branch: Gui ‘Zhi’ (Branch of Cinnamon) c) Leaf: Da Qing ‘Ye’, Zhu ‘Ye’
What are some herbs that increase Yang? - Lu Long (deer horn), Du Zhong, Oyster, Shu Di Huang, Ren Shen, Xi Yang Shen, Hong Shen. - Lu Long > Du Zhong - Ling Ying Jiao and Lu Long are both deer horns, but different parts of horns.
6) Naming of herbs by function a) Fang Feng: Protects against wind b) Yi Mu Cao: Benefits mother for OBGYN disorder c) Leaf: Jue Ming Zi: clears vision (Jue=clear, Ming=bright, Zi=seed)
7) Naming of herbs by Tones or Translation a) Ya Pian (Opium), use when pain or mental problem, can’t use in USA
Which herbs treat exterior symptom (= chills & fever) 1) Ma Huang 2) Gui Zi 3) Ren Shen 4) Fang Feng
8) Naming of herbs by other methods Processing: Zhi Gan Cao (Honey Toasted), Shu Di Huang b) Length of Process: Chen Pi c) Time of Harvest: Chun Chai Hu (Spring), Dong Ma (Winter)
CLASSIFICATION OF HERBS How do you classify herbs? 1) Where do they go after taken in? 2) Natural state 3) Functions 4) Zang-Fu organs & channels
Class of herbs by Upper. Upper: Tonic, no toxicity and may be used for long periods Ex: Ren Shen, Gan Cao
2) Classification of herbs by natural state Minerals, Plants, Insects, Animals, Fruits, Grains b) Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Grass, Grains, Fruits, Leaves, Insects, Scales, Animals, Internals (human parts, placenta, chicken LI), Poultry, Human.
3) Classification of herbs by functions - What types of fxn treatment do you use when pts have certain disease? a) Disperse Collection (stagnation) b) Open Blockage (constipation) c) Tonify Weakness, Deficiency
4) Classificaiton of herbs by Zang Fu Organs & Channels - The Cyclical flow of Qi in the 12 Main Meridians (Hand Tai Yin) Lung Large Intestine (Hand Yang Ming) (Leg Tai Yin) Spleen Stomach (Leg Yang Ming)
Cultivating & Harvest of Herbs: 1) Whole Plant a) Cutting the plant right above ground, Yi Mu Cao, Zi Su Ye b) Harvest whole plants with root by pulling them off the ground, Da Ji, Xiao Ji
Cultivating & Harvest of Herbs: 4) Fruit & Seeds – Harvest when fruits and ripen Ex) Xing Ren (apricot seed, for lung rebellious) 5) Roots - Harvest early spring or late autumn 6) Barks - Harvest in spring and summer
What are 5 reasons for processing herbs? 1) Increase substance’s potency 2) Minimize side effects and toxicities 3) Altering functions and properties 4) Storage 5) Purity the herbs
1) How do you increase substance’s potency by processing herbs? a) Honey toasted – has increase functions of moistening the lungs and stopping cough b) Goat fat - tonifies the kidneys and strengthening the yang c) Wine toasting – cleans upper jiao heat evil (=heart heat, lung heat)
2) Minimize side effects and toxicities a) Gan Cao and Black Beans reduce the toxicity of Wu Tou
3) Altering functions and properties - Vinegar guide herbs to enter liver (Sour travels to liver, disease: liver hepatitis) - Sheng Di Huang: cools blood (treats blood heat) -
4) Storage - Minerals, shells of animals, and seeds are often crushed b4 processing.
5) Purify the herbs - Washing to remove the dirt and soil, cutting away the dried roots and branches, toasting in wine or vinegar to remove odor etc.
METHODS FOR PROCESSING HERBS What are some methods of processing herbs? 1) Mechanical methods: Name 3 2) Using Water: Name 3 3) Using Heat: Name 6 4) Using Heat & Water: Name 4
1) Mechanical Methods a) Cleaning b) Pulverization c) Slicing
2) Water a) Soaking b) Rinsing c) Refining
3) Heat Chao Dry frying b) Zhi Frying with liquids c) Duan Calcining, placing directly or indirectly in flames until it turns red. Often used for shells/minerals d) Pao Quick frying e) Hong or Pei Baking f) Wei Roasting in ashes
4) Heat & Water Zheng Steaming b) Zhu Boiling c) Cui Quenching, heating red hot, and immerse in cold water to increase pulverization d) Chan Blanching, rinsing in boiling water for short period to quickly remove skin for storage.
3) Altering functions and properties Shu Di Huang: tonifies blood (treats blood deficiency) - Da Huang: has sinking properties, when wine processed, it clears upper jiao heat
5) Naming of herbs by portion or section g) Seed: Tao ‘Ren’, Xing ‘Ren’ (apricot seed, good for coughing, stops coughing) h) Horn: Ling Ying ‘Jiao’ (deer horn), Xi ‘Jiao’ (Rhino horn, good for clearing heat)
5) Naming of herbs by portion or section i) Others: Hu Gu (tiger bone, tonifies blood, breaks blood stagnation, caution with pregnant women because it ca cause miscarriage), Ji Nei Jin (Gold Chicken L.I., treats indigesion)
Cultivating & Harvest of Herbs: 2) Leafy Herbs – Harvest right before flowering a) Sang Ye, should be harvested after the frost 3) Floral Herbs - Harvest during flowering Ex) Hong Hua gets harvested when it transforms from yellow to red.
Class of herbs by Middle b) Middle: Therapeutic, tonifies deficiency, may be toxic or non-toxic Ex: Ma Huang
Class of herbs by Lower c) Lower: Therapeutic, mostly toxic and may not be used for long periods Ex: Fu Zi, Ban Xia, Da Huang
8) Naming of herbs by other methods d) Combination: Suan Zao Ren (Sour taste, shaped like a date, seed) - stops urination, sweating, diarrhea
3) Classification of herbs by functions - What types of fxn treatment do you use when pts have certain disease? d) Sedate (Drain) Excess, enclosing e) Dry Dampness f) Damp Dryness, Wilting g) Four Qi (Properties) Cold, Heat, Warm, Cool, Neutral h) Exterior Relieving Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Bo He
4) Classificaiton of herbs by Zang Fu Organs & Channels - The Cyclical flow of Qi in the 12 Main Meridians (Hand Shao Yin) Heart Small Intestine (Hand Tai Yang) (Leg Shaon Yin) Kidney Bladder (Leg Tai Yang) (Hand Jue Yin) Pericardium Triple Energizer ( Hand Shao Yang) (Leg Jue Yin) Liver Gallbladder (Leg Shao Yang)
1) Naming herbs by color: Give color in English & Chinese. Give examples - Green Qing or Lu Ex) Qing Pi, Da Qing Ye - Black He (Hei) Ex) Hei Zhi Ma - Purple Zhi Ex) Zhi Cao (grass), Zhi Cai (seaweed)-good for post delivery - Blue Lan Ex) Lan Hua - Silver and Gold Jin/Yin Ex) Jin Yin
Created by: Anthenia
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