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CNA 2016 C. 25*

oxygen needs and respiratory therapies

A sesitivity to a substance that causes the body to react with signs and symptoms allergy
the lack or absence of breathing apnea
rapid and deep respirations followed by 10-30 seconds o apnea Biot's respirations
slow breathing, less than 12 per minute bradypnea
Respirations gradually increase in rate and depth and then become shallow and slow, breathing may stop for 10-20 seconds Cheyne-Stokes respriations
bluish color to the skin, lips, mucous membranes, and nail beds cyanosis
difficult, labored, or painful breathing dyspnea
bloody sputum hemoptysis
respirations are rapid and deeper than normal hyperventilaiton
respirations are slow, shallow, and sometimes irregular hypoventilaiton
a reduced amount of oxygen in the blood hypoxemia
cells do not have enough oxygen hypoxia
very deep and rapid respirations Kussmaul respirations
breathing deeply and comfortably only when sitting orthopnea
sitting up and leaning over a table t breathe orthopneic position
the amount of hemoglobin containing oxygen oxygen concentration
a harmful chemical or substance in the air or water pollutant
when breathing stops respiratory arrest
Respirations are slow and weak. They are not deep enough to bring air into the lungs. This is: respiratory depression
mucus from the respirtory system that is expectorated through the mouth sputum
rapid breathing respirations are more than 20 per minute tachypnea
CO2 carbon dioxide
ID identification
L/min Liters Per minute
O2 Oxygen
RBC Red blood cell
SpO2 Oxygen Saturation
Which part of the blood carries oxygen? Red Blood Cells
Brain damage can affect respirations in what way? respiratory rate, rhythm, depth
Aging affects oxygen needs in what way? respiratory muscles weaken, coughing stregnth decreases, lung tissue is less elastic.
Oxygen needs increase with what? exercise, fever, pain
Narcotics affect oxygen needs in what way? they depress the respiratory center in the brain
If abused, narcotics and depressant drugs can cause what? respiratory depression and respiratory arrest.
To produce red blood cells, the body needs what? iron and vitamins
Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged where? at the aveoli
The earliest symptoms of hypoxia are: restlessness, dizziness, disorientation
What are some causes of tachypnea? fever, exercise, pain, pregnancy, airway obstruction, hypoxemia.
Persons who are in cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest have apnea
Cyanosis can be observed where? skin, mucous membranes, lips, nail beds
A productive cough produces sputum
A radioisotope is given for which diagnostic test? lung scan
________________________ involves inserting a needle into the chest wall. thoracentesis
___________________ measures the amount of air moving into and out of the lungs. pulmonary function test
SpO2 normal range: 95%-100%
Pulse oximetry monitors display ________________ and ________________. SpO2 and pulse rate
Pulse oximetry sensor sites finger, toe, earlobe, nose, forehead
When does an alarm sound on the pulse oximeter? O2 concentration is low, pulse is too fast or slow, other problems occur.
A resident has a pulse oximetry sensor on his left index finger. You need to measure his blood pressure: use the right arm
To prevent respiratory complications, a person is re-positioned at least every ___ hours. 2
________________ removes mucus coughing
A part of a resident’s lung has collapsed. This is __________________. atelectasis
You are assisting a resident with deep-breathing and coughing exercises. The person needs to inhale through _________________. the nose
You are assisting a resident with coughing and deep-breathing exercises. She needs to exhale through ___________________. pursed lips
You are assisting with deep-breathing and coughing exercises. The person needs to cough ________________________. twice with the mouth open
The deep breaths taken using incentive spirometry are like ________________ or ___________. coughing and sneezing
What is measured during incentive spirometry? the amount of air inhaled
Incentive spirometry improves lung function because it __________________. moves air though the lungs
Which oxygen sources are used when the person is ambulatory or uses a wheelchair? small or portable oxygen tank
What is the danger of liquid oxygen systems? freeze the skin
An oxygen administration device has two prongs that insert into the nostrils. This device is a ____________________. nasal cannula
Oxygen is humidified to keep the airway moist
A resident is receiving oxygen therapy. Connecting tubing must be ________________. free of kinks
You are not responsible for oxygen therapy because nursing assistants do not give drugs
To meet oxygen needs, respiratory structures must be intact
A resident has cardiovascular disease. The person has narrowed blood vessels. Why are oxygen needs affected? Blood flow to and from the heart are affected.
Anything affecting respiratory function can cause hypoxia
What is reported to the nurse about sputum? color, odor, and consistency
You find a person leaning forward over a table. What should you do? tell the nurse
You can assist with collecting a sputum specimen True
Nail polish affects pulse oximetery measurements.
A person has continuous pulse oximetery monitoring. The person's apical or radial pulse rate should be equal to the pulse rate displayed.
Respiratory secretions do what? provide an environment for microbes.
A resident is in the orthopenic position. How can you increase the person's comfort? place a pillow on the over-bed table
Lying on one side for too long prevents lung expansion on that side and allows secretions to pool
What can cause part of a lung to collapse? mucous collecting in the airway
Deep breathing and coughing exercises are usually done every 2 hours
How many deep breaths and coughs does a person need to do? as many as directed by the nurse and care plan
You are assisting a resident with deep-breathing and coughing exercises. For these exercises, the person can be positioned in what way? semi-fowler's
A resident had abdominal surgery. You are assisting the person with deep-breathing and coughing exercises. What will promote the person's comfort during coughing? holding a pillow over the incision.
You are assisting a resident with incentive spirometry. What does the person do? Take a slow, deep breath until the balls raise to the desired height.
Incentive Spirometry is also called Sustained maximal inspiration.
A resident uses incentive spirometry. How many breaths does the person need to take with the device? as many as the nurse directs.
Incentive spirometry improves lung function because it moves air deep into the lungs
_________ decides how much oxygen to give. the doctor
_________ decides which oxygen device to use. The doctor
_________ decides when to give oxygen the doctor
_________ starts and maintains oxygen therapy. the nurse and respiratory therapist
Which oxygen administration device allows the person to talk and eat? nasal cannula
Which oxygen administration device does not cover the nose and mouth? nasal cannula
_________ sets up and adjusts the oxygen flow rate. the nurse or respiratory therapist
A resident receives oxygen at 2L/min. You note the flow rate is at 4L/min. What should you do? Tell the nurse
The nurse asks you to set up for oxygen administration. What can you do? attach the administration device and connecting tubing to the humidifier, secure connecting tubing in place.
A resident receives oxygen therapy. The nurse reminds you to check for signs of irritation from the device. What areas do you check? under the nose, ears, cheeks
A resident is receiving oxygen therapy. The humidifier is not bubbling. What should you do? tell the nurse
A person is receiving oxygen therapy. the nurse asks you to adjust the flow rate. What should you do? refuse the task and explain why.
Blood in the plural space hemothroax
The process of inserting an artificial airway intubation
using a machine to move air into and out of the lungs is mechanical ventilation
the escape and collection of fluid in the pleural space is pleural effusion
Air in the pleural space is pneumothroax
The process of withdrawing or sucking up fluid is suction
Only _________ can perform tracheostomies doctors
A person's artificial airway came out. What should you do? call for the nurse at once
Persons with artificial airways need frequent oral hygiene
What sensations are common with artificial airways? gagging and choking
Persons with endotracheal tubes are unable to speak
A person has a tracheostomy tube. To communicate with the person follow the care plan
____________________________ are followed during trach care. Standard precautions and the bloodborne pathogen standard.
A resident has a permanent tracheostomy. The person wants to go outside, what does the person need to wear? a scarf or blouse that will cover the stoma.
A resident has a permanent tracheostomy. The person wants to take a shower. What do you do? A shower guard is used and a hand-held nozzle is used to direct water away from the stoma
Suctioning is done when the person cannot cough up secretions.
A suction cycle lasts _____ seconds. 10-15
Suctioning is done when? as needed
The nurse asks you to assist with suctioning. Before assisting, what do you do? Know what the nurse expects from you
If not done correctly, suctioning can cause what? serious harm
Mechanical ventilation requires a __________________ tube. endotrachial or tracheostomy
An alarm sounds on a mechanical ventilator. What should you do first? check to see if the tube is attached to the ventilator, if not attach it and tell the nurse.
Chest tubes are attached to drainage system
A resident has chest tubes. Connecting tubes are kept coiled on the bed.
You observe bright red drainage from the chest tubes. What should you do? tell the nurse
What is kept at the bedside in case a chest tube comes out? sterile petrolatum gauze
Artificial airways are used to keep the airway open.
Created by: heatherhibbs
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