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biotic potential max reproductive rate of an organism, given unlimited resources and ideal environmental conditions
exponential growth growth at a constant rate of increase per unit of time; can be expressed as a constant fraction or exponent
carrying capacity max number of individuals of any species that can be supported by a particular ecosystem on a long term basis
population crash a sudden population decline caused by predation, waste accumulation, or resource depletion; also called a dieback
logistic growth growth rates regulated by internal and external factors that establish an equilibrium with environmental resources
density dependent factors factors affecting population growth that change as population changes
density-independent factors factors affecting population growth that do not change as population changes
r-selected species have rapid reproduction and high offspring mortality. They frequently overshoot carrying capacity of their environment and display boom and bust cycles. lack intrinsic population controls and tend to occupy lower trophic levels in food webs
k-selected species species that reproduce more slowly, occupy higher trophic levels, have fewer offspring, longer life-spans, and greater intrinsic control of population growth than r-selected species
biotic factors caused by living organisms
abiotic factors caused by nonliving components of the environment
stress-related diseases diseases caused or accentuated by social stresses such as crowding
island biogeography study of rates of colonization and extinction of species on islands or other isolated areas based on size, shape, and distance from other inhabited regions
genetic drift gradual changes in gene frequencies in a population due to random events
founder effect/demographic bottleneck effect on a population founded when just a few members of a species survive a catastrophic event or colonize new habitat geographically isolated from other members of the same species
minimum viable population size number of individuals needed for long-term survival of rare and endangered species
metapopulation a collection of populations that have regular or intermittent gene flow between geographically separate units
Created by: AlanaR
Popular Earth Science sets




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