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Figures of speech

Figures of speech listed in Martin Cothran's "Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle"

What is Asyndeton? What is omission of a conjunction (usually "and") called? (...of the people, by the people, for the people...)
What is Polysyndeton? What is the unnecessary use of the conjunction "and" called? (Lions and tigers and bears!)
What is Paradiastole? What is the repetition of the disjunctives "neither" and "nor" or "either" and "or" called? (I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth...)
What is Hendiadys? What is the use of a conjunction and two nouns as opposed to a single noun and a modifier called? ("nicely warm" VS. "nice and warm")
What is Metaplasmus? What is a purposeful misspelling called?
What is Prosthesis? What is the addition of letters at the beginning of a word in a purposeful misspelling? (A thing enskied and sainted.)
What is Epenthesis? What is the addition of letters in the middle of a word in a purposeful misspelling called? (before the visitating sun.)
What is Proparalepsis? What is the addition of letters to the end of a word in a purposeful misspelling called? (spirits from the vasty deep.)
What is Aphaeresis? What is the subtraction of letters from the beginning of a word in an intentional misspelling called? (looking 'round)
What is Syncope? What is the subtraction of letters from the middle of a word in an intentional misspelling called? (Home art thou gone, and ta'en thy wages.)
What is Apocope? What is the subtraction of letters from the end of a word in an intentional misspelling called? (And when I ope my lips...)
What is Antisthecon? What is the substitution of one or more letters in a word in an intentional misspelling called? (ere they meet)
What is Metatheses? What is the rearrangement of one or more letters in a word in an intentional misspelling called? (a cestron brimm'd with the blood of men...)
What is Ellipsis? What is the general name for the omission of one or more words?
What is a Zeugma? What is the yoking of a verb to more than one subject while it grammatically refers to only one called? (Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.)
What is Syllepsis? (This is also sometimes referred to as Zeugma.) What is the yoking of a verb to more than one subject which a different meaning implied in reference to each subject called? (Rend your heart, not your garments.)
What is Absolute Ellipsis? What is a phrase or sentence in which the omitted material is not betrayed by the words which remain called? (And you, Brutus?)
What is Scesis Onomaton? What is the intentional omission of a verb called? (That's Bob McBobson. *A very good man*)
What is an Enthymeme? What is the abbreviation of a syllogism by omission of a premise called?
What is Anapodoton? What is the omission of one or more whole clauses, which are not implied by logical structure, called? ("I would that the Roman people had but one neck." - Caligula)
What is Aposiopesis? What is the intentional omission of the last part of a sentence or thought called?
What is Aporia? (Perhaps more commonly called "Praeteritio") What is talking about how you can't talk about something, and thereby talking about it, called?
What is Praecisio? What is the rhetorical use of silence called?
What is Tmesis? What is breaking a word in two, either to give it emphasis or to put another word in the break, called? (abra-frikin'-cadabra)
What is Hyperbaton? What is the deviation from ordinary word order called?
What is Anastrophe? What is the reversal of word order called?
What is Hysteron-proteron? What is the reversal of temporal order in a sentence called?
What is Hypallage? What is a reversal of a known sentence that changes the sense of the sentence called? (once upon a tree I came across a time.)
What is Parenthesis? What is parenthetical addition, by way of explanation or exclamation, called?
What is Enallage? What is the grammatically improper use of a word called? ("We was robbed!")
What is Antimerea? What is the substitution of one part of speech for another called?
What is Antiptosis? What is the substitution of a prepositional phrase for an adjective called? ("Way of the righteous" VS. "righteous way")
What is Metonymy? What is the substitution of one word for another related word called? ("All my money was taken by Uncle Sam.")
What is Metalepsis? What is the double substitution of a word for a related word called?
What is Catachresis? What is an apparently inappropriate, but somehow meaningful, substitution of one word for another called? (Blind mouths)
What is Synecdoche? What is the substitution of a part for a whole called?
What is Pleonasm? What is the addition of superfluous words called? (That was the most greatest thing...)
What is Asterismos? What is the addition of a word to emphasize what follows called?
What is Periphrasis? What is the substitution of more for fewer words called?
What is Congeries? What is repetition using other words called?
What is Antithesis? What is the repetition of ideas by negation called?
What is Epanorthosis? What is addition by correction called? (We three, indeed all ten of us shall...)
What is Polyptoton? What is the repetition of the same word or root in different grammatical forms called?
What is Antanaclasis? What is repetition of words such that they mean very different things called? (We must hang together, or we shall surely hang [be hanged] separately.)
What is Ploce? What is repetition in a general and restricted sense called? (They are not all Israel which are of Israel.)
What is Isocolon? What is the repetition of grammatical forms called?
What is Repetitio? What is the irregular repetition of a word of phrase called?
What is Epizeuxis? What is immediate repetition called? (My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?)
What is Diacope? What is repetition with only a few words between called? (A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!)
What is Anaphora? What is repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a phrase or sentence called?
What is Epistrophe? What is repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a phrase or sentence called?
What is Symploce? What is Repetition of a word or phrase at both the beginning and end of a phrase or sentence called?
What is Epanalepsis? What is the repetition of the beginning word at the end called? (Men of few words are the best men.)
What is Inclusio? What is repetition of the beginning sentence or phrase at the end called?
What is Anadiplosis? What is the repetition of an end at the next beginning called?
What is Gradatio? What is the repeated repetition of an end at the next beginning called?
What is Auxesis? What is the arrangement of parts in ascending order called?
What is Epanodos? (Chiasmus on a smaller scale. Usually just called Chiasmus.) What is repetition in reverse order in a sentence called?
What is Chiasmus? What is repetition of parts in reverse order in a passage or paragraph, or even a whole work called?
Created by: whittlepat
Popular Latin sets




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