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Meteorology Midterm

which direction do the winds of low pressure systems turn counterclockwise and inward
Which direction do the wind of a high pressure system turn clockwise and outward
do highs follow lows? yes
Do lows follow hight? yes
which direction do highs generally track east and southeast
which direction do lows generally track east and northeast
What is weather usually like on the left side (west and north) of a storm's track like? relatively cold
What is weather usually like on the right side (east and south) of a storm's track like? relatively warm
The warm, rainy side of a winter cyclone is usually to the_______of the storm track east and south
A measure of the actual concentration of water vapor component of air compared to the concentration of water vapor at saturation: relative humidity
Wind direction is always specified for the direction______the wind blows. (from which or towards which) from which
The type of front that causes the wind to turn to the north and west cold front
issued by the National Weather Service when hazardous weather is imminent or actually taking place. warning
type of front where the winds blow parallel to the front but in opposite direction stationary front
issued by the National Weather Service when conditions are favorable for development of severe weather watch
A type of satellite image that is available both day and night: infrared
The temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure for dew to form on relatively cold surfaces is called: dewpoint
weather associated with a high pressure system fair weather
weather associated with a low pressure system storm weather
A front is a narrow zone of transition between air masses that differ in temperature and/or humidity
The cold, snowy side of a winter cyclone is usually to the_______of the storm track west and north
The intensity of the radar echo _______ with an increase in the rate of rainfall increases
transition zone between air masses that differ in temperature and/or humidity front
cold air pushes warm air away cold front
air pushes cold air away warm front
highest temp over a 24-hr period max temperature
approximate representation of a real system scientific model
A weather map is an example of a ______ model. graphical model
The atmosphere of Mars is composed of mostly carbon dioxide
Normally within the troposphere, air temperature_______with increasing altitude. falls
The ________ is ideal for jet aircraft travel because it is above the weather and offers excellent visibility. stratosphere
where are Most atmospheric aerosals produced at Earth's surface
The transition zone between the stratosphere and the mesosphere is known as the stratopause
Almost all weather occurs in the troposphere
The altitude of the troposphere is greater at the_______ equator
The altitude of the troposphere less at the ___________ poles
radar, radiosonde and satellite are all examples of remote sensing
A radiosonde monitors changes in________with increasing altitude temperature, humidity and air pressure
The ionosphere is located primarily within the thermosphere
The greatest concentration of ions occurs in that portion of the atmosphere known as the ionosphere
When the sun is active, solar flares become more intense and Earth's auroral ovals expand towards the equator
Purdue University's Tornado Vortex Chamber is an example of a______model physical
A________is used to obtain sounding over the ocean. dropwindsonde
lower level of the atomosphere where gasses are constant; mainly nitrogen and oxygen homosphere
higher level of the atmosphere where heavier gasses are not as abundant heterosphere
small instrument package equipped with a radio transmitter that is carried aloft by a helium balloon radiosonde
a radiosonde traked from the ground by a direction-finding antenna to measure variations in horizontal wind directiona nd wind speed with altitute rawinsonde
fraction or percent of radiation that is reflected albedo
do light object have a high or low albedo high
do dark objects have a high or low albedo low
The planetary albedo of the Earth is what percentage 31%
are clouds good or bad reflectors of solar radiation good
The longest day of the year occurs in the Northern Hemisphere on summer solstice
Which of the following surface types has the greatest reflectivity (albedo) for solar radiation: sand, snow or grass snow because it has a lighter color
distance between successive wave crests. wavelength
The Antarctic ozone hole develops during which season spring
the dispersal of radiation in all directions-up,down,and sideways scattering
In the Northern Hemisphere, earth is closest to the sun in which season winter
Using IR emissions, low clouds appear what color dark gray
Using IR emissions, high clouds appear what color bright white
A gas that acts as a catalyst in chemical reactions that converts ozone to oxygen is chlorine
The average albedo percentage of fresh fallen snow is 75%-95%
which gas is the principle greenhouse gas water vapor
______ takes place at the interface between two different media (such as air and cloud), when some of the radiation striking that interface is thrown back. reflection
The blackbody radiation law that predicts the wavelength of the most intense radiation is known as the... Wien's displacement law
when is day and night equal auntum and spring equinox
when are day and night unequal winter and summer solstice
A barometer can be used to predict the weather by keeping track of air pressure
which temperature scale is still commonly used in the United States weather reports farenheit
_______ of heat refers to the transfer of kinetic energy of atoms or molecules via collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. conduction
An increment of 1 Celsius degree corresponds precisely to an increment of 1 kelvin
_______ air advection takes place when the wind blows across regional isotherms from warmer to colder area. warm
All other factors being equal, cloudiness tends to______nightime temperatures slow the rate of fall
the total kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules composing a substance heat
a measure of the average kinetic energy of the individual atoms and molecules composing a substance temperature
the transport of heat within a fluid via motions of the fluid itself. convection
This afternoon's high temperature was 55 F and this morning's low temperature was 33 F. The mean daily temperature was______F. 44
The windchill equivalent temperature (WET) is the same as the actual air temperature when the wind speed is nearly calm
The Bowen Ratio is greater over a_____surface (dry or moist) dry
The Bowen Ratio is less over a_____surface moist
The seasonal temperature contrast in maritime climates is_________the seasonal temperature contrast in continental climates. less than
Excess heat in tropical latitudes is transported to middle and high latitudes primarily by exchange of air masses
An air mass is a large volume of air that is relatively uniform horizontally in temperature and humidity
All other factors being equal, this afternoon's air temperature will be highest if the ground is dry and not vegetated
Air mass advection occurs when winds blow______regional isotherms. across
_____ air advection occurs when the wind blows across regional isotherms from a colder area to a warmer area. cold
Air temperature is governed by Radiation balance plus air mass advection
When a warm and humid air mass replaces a cold and humid air mass at a particular locality, the air pressure at the Earth's surface usually falls
As a mass of artic air invades our locality, air temperature______and air density______. falls.....increases
The magnitude of pressure exerted by gas molecules composing air depends on the mass of the air molecules, the pull of gravity and the kinetic energy of air molecules
The type of barometer that is used to measure altitude: aneroid
Warm and dry air is______cold and dry air less dense than
With the same volumes, a cold and dry air mass exerts______surface air pressure than a warm and humid air mass. higher
Relatively high surface air pressure is usually associated with______weather whereas relatively low surface air pressure is usually associated with_______weather fair...stormy
With warm air advection in the winter, the air pressure tendency is usually downward
atmospheric variables include temperature, pressure, density
When air pressure readings at Denver are adjusted to sea level, air pressure readings are increased
With cold air advection in the winter, the air pressure tendency is usually upward
Within the atmosphere air pressure always ___________ with altitude (decreases or increases) decreases
The pressure of the atmosphere is greatest at the surface
The standard atmosphere is a model of the real atmosphere, features a mean sea-level air pressure of 1013.25 mb, may be useful in reducing barometer readings at sea level
According to the gas law , air pressure is directly proportional to air temperature and air density
Adjusting barometer readings to sea-level removes the influence of______on air pressure station elevation
Usually, the air pressure inside a building is_____the air pressure outside the building about the same
On a clear and calm day, the relative humidity usually______between sunrise and early afternoon. falls
temperature profile in which air temperaturer does not change with altitude: isothermal
Clouds are more likely to develop of a radiosonde sounding indicates______air. unstable
A snow cover tends to_______the overlying air stabalize
A relatively warm surface tends to______the overlying air destabalize
Stable air tends to_______convection suppress
Cumulus clouds may build into thunderstorms clouds when the air temperature profile indicates______conditions unstable
Unstable air_______vertical motion of air parcels enhances
Stable air______vertical motion of air parcels suppresses
The saturation vapor pressure increases with_____air temperature rising
If saturation is reached at an air temperature above the freezing point, water vapor may condense on an object as tiny droplets of water known as dew
Horizontal lines on a Stuve diagram are isobars
The temperature to which air must be cooled, at constant pressure, to reach saturation (relative to liquid water) is called dewpoint
The saturation mixing ratio increases with______air temperature rising
A rain shadow is situated on the_______slopes of a high mountain barrier. leeward
On the continents, annual precipitation_______annual evapotranspiration is greater than
Air mass advection_____change the relative humidity can
A temperature inversion is characterized by an_____of air temperature with altitude. increase
________ compares the actual concentration of water vapor in the air with the concentration of water vapor in that same air at saturation. relative humidity
_________ is simply the pressure contributed by water vapor alone and is directly proportional to the concentration of water vapor in the air vapor pressure
Created by: edeboo
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