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Mental Health

Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders

Mild mental retardation IQ range 50-70
Moderate mental retardation IQ range 35-50
Severe mental retardation IQ range 20-35
Profound mental retardation IQ range below 20
Average IQ 100
Average college student IQ 110
Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) includes ____ for different disorders criteria
What type of disorders include math, reading and written expression learning disorders
What type of disorders include interference with ADL's? Motor skills disorders
What type of disorders are r/t expressive, mixed, phonologic and stuttering Communication disorders
an appetite for non-nutritive substances (e.g., coal, soil, chalk, paper etc.) persisting for more than one month Pica
eating disorder characterized by vomiting your food, chewing it for a second time, and then swallowing it back down again. Rumination
a sudden, repetitive, stereotyped, nonrhythmic movement or sound that involves discrete groups of muscles. Tic
blinking or jerking of neck are examples of common simple motor tic's
clearing of throat and barking are examples of common simple vocal tic's
Touching objects all the time and jumping are examples of complex motor tic's
Palilalia, Echolalia and Coprolalia are all examples of what kind of tic complex vocal tic's
___ is the repetition or echoing of one's own spoken words, and may sound like stuttering. Palilalia
is the repetition of vocalizations made by another person Echolalia
____ is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. Coprolalia
Tourett's is an ____ neurological disorder with onset in childhood inherited
Tourett's is characterized by the presence of multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic
T/F tics characteristically wax and wane True
T/F tic's are always chronic False tic's are transient and/or chronic
What are some sufficient treatments for tic's, (non-medication) explanation and reassurance
There is no effective medication for every case of ____, but there are medications and therapies that can help when their use is warranted tics
involuntary "fecal soiling" in children who have usually already been toilet trained Encopresis
urination after the age at which bladder control would normally be anticipated. Day or night. Enuresis
Tx for elimination disorders such as encopresis and enuresis imipramine - cyclic antidepressant drug
Name the 4 pervasive development disorders Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Rett's, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Disorder characterized by sensitivity to outside stimuli Autistic Disorder
Prevalence of Autisitc Disorder 1:500 to 1:1000 children (more boys)
T/F there is not a genetic link to Autistic Disorder False - there is a genetic link
Onset of Autistic Disorder is _____. Early. 80% born with and diagnosed and 20% diagnosed before age 3.
T/F there is no cure for Autistic Disorder True
Little eye contact, few facial expressions towards others, use limited jesters, intelligible speech are seen in ____ disorder Autistic Disorder
Not much expression of moods, don’t engage in play or make believe due to inability to relate to others are emotional sx seen in ____ disorder Autistic Disorder
motor behavior such as repetitive odd behavior or motions like hand flapping, body twisting or head banging are seen in which disorder? Autistic Disorder
Treatment for Autistic Disorder Antipsychotic for agression and behavioral therapy
____ disorder is distinguished from the other autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in having no general delay in language or cognitive development Asperger's Disorder
Asperger's disorder has the same impairments as autism of ____ and restricted stereotyped behaviors. social interaction
____ disorder is more common in boys than girls Asperger's disorder
clinical features include a deceleration of the rate of head growth (including microcephaly in some) and small hands and feet of what disorder Rett's
In what disorder does socialization typically improve by the time they enter school Rett's
Rett's syndrome pt's are prone to ____ disorders and up to ____% have seizures gastrointestinal disorders and up to 80% have seizures
With Rett's syndrome a period of normalacy from birth to ____ months is followed by multiple deficits, and is only seen in girls birth to 5 months (period of normalicy)
Also known as Heller's syndrome is a rare condition characterized by late onset (after 3 years of age) Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) is characerized by late onset of which developmental delays language, social function and motor skills
Similar behavior as in Autism, after normal development, onset age 3-4 boys & girls Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)
Prevalence: 3-5% of school aged; 3:1 boys – girls ratio in non-clinical settings AD/HD
Inattentiveness, over activity and impulsive. Most common for child referral in mental health. Must be distinguished from bipolar disorder. Can lead to social and academic problems. 1/3 to ½ have problems into adulthood are characteristics of AD/HD
T/F AD/HD always includes both inattentive behavior and hyperactive behaviors False - a pt can have AD/HD without hyperactive behaviors
behavioral (reward), psychosocial, educational interventions. When give assignment just give a little at a time to stay focused are all non-drug therapy for which disorder AD/HD
key drugs to treat AD/HD Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert and Vivance
Which drug for AD/HD causes liver damage Cylert
Which drug for AD/HD is new and longer acting Vivance
What class of drug, other than stimulants, are given to AD/HD pt due to isolation and not doing well in school antidepressants
drugs such as Ritalin and Concerta work no better than therapy after ____ years of treatment three
Omega-3 fatty acids, ____ and ____ may have benefits with regards to ADHD symptoms zinc and magnesium
Which disorder is an ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures which goes beyond the bounds of normal childhood behavior. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
T/F Oppositonal defiant disorder pt violate others rights and don’t have any remorse. True
25% of this type of disorder develop conduct disorder and 10% of this same disorder are diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder as adults Oppositional defiant disorder
Which disorder is characterized by a pattern of repetitive behavior where the rights of others or the social norms are violated. conduct disorder
Conduct disorder is persistent antisocial behavior that impairs functioning as a child or adult? Child
prevalence of conduct disorder 3:1 boy to girl
T/F conduct disorder is less serious if developed before age ten False - before age ten the outcome is more serious
After the age of 18, a conduct disorder may develop into ___ disorder. antisocial personality disorder.
These 4 areas; aggression to people and animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness and theft, serious violation of rules are areas of which disorder Conduct disorder
vandalism and threat are (mild, moderate, or severe) examples of conduct disorder moderate
forced sex, cruelty to animals, use of weapons and robbery are (mild, moderate, or severe) conduct disorder severe
An adolescent with Conduct Disorder is hospitalized briefly in a psychiatric unit. He is aggressive and threatening. Based on this data, what nursing diagnosis is most appropriate? risk for violence
What is the most important activity/intervention on an adolescent psychiatric unit, when within the group of clients nearly all have the diagnosis of Conduct Disorder? consistent limits and structure
An adolescent who is negative, defiant, and hostile toward authority figures to the extent that it interferes in academic and work settings, but does not break laws is ____ disorder oppositional defiant disorder
A school nurse is administering methylphenidate (Ritalin) to a child with ADHD. The child starts to grab the medication while running through the nurse's office. What is the best intervention to help the child focus and take the medication? Give a firm, short instruction to stop, and watch the child take the medication.
A child with AD/HD becomes hyper as bedtime approaches, what advise should the nurse give the mother? Establish a bedtime routine and follow it regularly.
Created by: cgwayland
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