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A & P Final Review

A & P Terminology

A & P Terminology QuestionsA & P Terminology Answers
What does the hormone cortisol regulate? Carbohydrate metabolism
What does the hormone oxytocin do? Stimulate uterine contractions during labor and delivery.
Which gland is the "Master Gland"? Pituitary Gland
Where is bile produced? Liver
Where is bile stored? Gallbladder
Where are sperm produced? Testes
What are the three layer of skin? Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer
What part of your brain controls judgment and memory? Cerebrum
What is difference between distal and proximal? Distal-directional term meaning located farther from the point of attachment to the body. Proximal-directional term meaning located to the closer point of attachment to the body.
What tissue is the most abundant in our body? Connective tissue
What is a ball and socket joint? A ball and socket joint is one in which the round end of a bone fits into the cavity of another bone? Example: Hip Joint
Sensory neurons transmit from? Nerve endings/brain to extremities.
What does the brainstem control? Controls basic body function such as breathing, swallowing, heart rate and blood pressure. Answer-respiration and heart rate.
What blood type is the universal donor? Type O
What is the name of the outer layer of the kidney? Cortex
Be able to identify the following: Carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, radius and ulna.
Be able to identify the following: left atrium, right artrium, left ventricle, right ventricle, aorta, biscupid valve, tricuspid valve, superior vena cava.
Be able to identify the following: Colon, esphagus, jejunum, liver, stomach and rectum.
Be able to identify the following: Fibula, ischium, patella, and tibia.
Know the different type of doctors. Neurologist,, Gynecologist, Proctologist, Urologist, etc.
Apnea The condition of not breathing.
Arteries The blood vessels that carry oxgenated blood away from the heart.
Axillary Commonly referred to as the armpit. There is a collection of lymph nodes in this area that drains each arm.
Bradycardia Abnormally slow heart rate below 60 bpm.
Capillaries The smallest blood or lymphatic vessel. Blood capillaries are very thin to allow gas, nutrient, and waste exchange between blood and tissue.
Cornea A portion of the sclear that s clear and transparent and allows light to enter the interior of the eye.
Dyspnea Difficult, labored breathing.
Enteritis Inflammation of the small intestines.
Epiglottis Flap of cartilage that covers the larynx when a person swallows. Prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea.
Fibula One of the lower leg bones in the lower extremity. AKA the skinbone.
Gravida A pregnant woman
Hyperglycemia Excessive amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
Humerus Upper arm bone in the upper extremity.
Incontinence Loss of bladder control.
Mandible Lower jawbone
Multigravida More than one pregnancy
Multipara A woman who has given birth to more that one child.
Olfactory nerve A nerve that register smells by carrying the impulses for sense of smell from the nose to the brain.
Pericardium Double walled outer sac around the heart.
Pulse Expansion and contraction produced by blood as it move through an artery.
Sclera Tough protective outer layer of the eyeball.
Tachycardia Abnormally fast heart rate, over 100 bpm
Trachea AKA-windpipe, It conducts air from the larynx down to the main bronchi in the chest.
Tympanic Membrane Also called the eardrum. As sound moves along the auditory canal, it strikes the tympanic membrance causing it to vibrate. Located between outer ear and middle ear.
Veins Blood vessels of the cardiovascular system that carry blood towared the heart.
Bile Substance produced by the liver and stores in the gallbladder. It is addes to the chyme in the duodeum and functions to emulsify fats so they can be digested and absorbed.
Insulin Hormone secreted by the pancreas. It regulates the levels of sugar in the bloodstream.
Ileitis Inflammation of the ileum. Located at the end of the small intestines.
Endocardium The inner layer of the heart, which is very smoot and lines the chambers of the heart.
Myocardium Middle layer of the muscle. It is thick and composed of cadiac muscle.
Oxytocin Hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary. Stimulates uterine contractions during labor and delivery.
Prolactin A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary. It stimulates mild production.
Know where these lymph nodes are: Axillary-armpit, Cervical-Neck, Medaistinal-Central chest area that drains the chest, Inguinal-groin.
Neuro/o Nerve
My/o Muscle
Oste/o Bone
Derm/o Skin
Lip Fat
Viscer Internal organ
Created by: MichaelAJ007
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