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sat vocab prep words from reading crit workbook

Dilettante a person who takes up an art or activity merely for amusement
Braggart a person who does a lot of bragging
Pilferer someone who steals, especially in small quantities
Prevaricator a liar
Raconteur a person skilled in telling stories
Finagle to trick, swindle, or cheat
Winnow to free; to separate or distinguish
Overhaul to make necessary repairs on
Collude to act together in a secret understanding
Swindle to cheat
Conspire to agree secretly or in an evil way
Reimburse to repay
Venture a hazard; to risk
Incite to stir, to encourage or to urge on
Objectify to materialize
Innocuously harmless, not stimulating
Heedlessly careless, unmindful
Esteemed to regard highly or favorably
Amiable having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities
Veneration the act of treating with respect
Irreverence lack of respect
Resignation a formal statement in which one gives up office or position; an accepting, unresisting attitude
Deprave to corrupt, to make morally bad or evil
Condemn to pronounce to be guilty, to sentence to punishment
Chicanery the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial or legal purpose
Acquiescence to comply silently without protest
Derision ridicule, mockery
Aggregate to bring together; a collection of particulars into a whole
Malignant very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect
Jubilant showing great joy
Created by: ohbobsaget
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