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Genki II Lesson 15 G

Genki II Lesson 15 Grammar

volitional form "less formal, more casual equivalent of ましょう. You can use it to suggest a plan to a close friend, for example."
volitional form, る-verb conjugation る--->よう
volitional form, う-verb conjugation う--->おう
volitional form, くる conjugation こよう
volitional form, する conjugation しよう
(example) We don't have any classes tomorrow. Let's go some place for dinner tonight. あしたはじゅぎょうがないから、今晩、どこかに食べに行こう。
(example) Hey, let's get married! けっこんしようよ。
volitoinal form, with question particle "asks for an opinion in your offer or suggestion"
(example) Shall I lend you a hand? てつだおうか。
(example) Shall we see this film? My friends say it is good. 友だちがおもしろいと言っていたから、この映画を見ようか。
(example) When shall we meet again? 今度、いつ会おうか。
volitional form + と思っています used "to talk about our determinations."
(example) I've decided to/I'm going to study Japanese for three hours every day 毎日三時間日本語を勉強しようと思っています。
volitional form + と思っています, と思います "suggests that the decision to perform the activity is being made on the spot at the time of speaking. と思っています, in contrast, tends to suggest that you have already decided to do something."
(example) (situation 1) Q: 一万円あげましょう。何に使いますか。 A: かんじのじしょを買おうと思います。 (situation 2) Q: 両親から一万円もらったんですか。何に使うんですか。 A: かんじのじしょを買おうと思っています。 (situation 1) A: I will buy a kanji dictionary. (decision made on the spot) (situation 2) A: I am going to buy a kanji dictionary. (decision already made)
と思います, present vs. volitional present and volitional used with と思います convey different ideas. The of volitionals expresses intention, and the use of the present tense means "you are talking about your prediction."
(example) 日本の会社で働こうと思います。 I will/intend to work for a Japanese company.
(example) 日本の会社で働くと思います。 I think they/I will be working for a Japanese company.
~ておく describes an action peformed in preperation for something.
~ておく, form て-form of a verb followed by helping verb おく.
~ておく, in speech often shortened to とく.
(example) Since there will be an exame tomorrow, I will study (for it) tonight. あしたしけんがあるので、今晩勉強しておきます。
(example) I have to clean the rom, because my friends are coming. 友だちが来るから、へやをそうじしておかなきゃいけません。
(example) I will make a hotel reservation in advance. ホテルをよやくしとくね。
Created by: ncommons
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