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What are the principles of ORM? Accept Risk When Benefits Outweigh The Cost. Accept No Unnecessary Risk. Anticipate And Manage Risk By Planning. Make Risk Decisions At The Right Level.
What are the 5 steps of ORM? Identify Hazards Assess Hazards Make Risk Decisions Implement Controls Supervise
How can you implement controls? Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Personal Protective Equipment
Functions of Safety councils and committees (1) Create and maintain an active interest in safety. (2) Serve as a means of communications regarding safety. (3) Provide program assistance to commanding officers, including proposing policy and program objectives.
Mishap Investigation? Mishap investigations aimed at determining how and why the event occurred are necessary to prevent future occurrence of similar events
Types of Mishap Investigations? )Safety Investigation )Judge Advocate General (JAG) Manual Investigations )Criminal and Security Investigations
PPE Equipment Specifications and Requirements? a. Federal specifications. b. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifications. c. Recognized approval authority, such as Underwriter's Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Different types of PPE? Eye and Face Protection Hearing Protection Head Protection Foot Protection Hand Protection Electrical Protective Devices Safety Clothing Personal Fall Protection Equipment Respiratory Protection Training
Safety stand down covers? mishaps, compensation, MSDSs, work procedures, smoking, stress, plans and goals, radiation
Ergonomics Force, Repetition, Awkward or static postures, Vibration, Contact stress
MCPON Michael D. Stevens
Fleet Master Chief Charles “Chuck” Clarke
Force Master Chief Sherman Boss
CNO Directed CMC ?
OPLAN detailed statement of a course of action to be followed to accomplish a future mission.
OPORDs (Relayed) OPORDs maybe oral, dictated, or in written form.
OPORD Puts OPLAN in to effect.
EDVR Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report
EDVR section 3 alphabetic listing of all enlisted members assigned to the activity
EDVR section 4 total personnel account of the activity
EDVR section 5 Personnel Status Summary
EDVR section 6 Distribution Navy Enlisted Classification Code (DNEC) Management
EDVR section 7 NEC Billet and Personnel Inventory
EDVR section 8 list of individuals who are qualified in Navy Enlisted Classification Codes
EDVR sections 9 and 10 Diary Message Summary and Duty Preference Listing, respectively
EDVR section 11 individual security data, citizenship code, involuntary extension months, Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD), Time in Rate (TIR), Advancement Effective Date, and FORMAN Status and Action Date
EDVR section 12 a listing of both officer and enlisted personnel in an embarked or Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) status to augment normal manning
COMMON MESSAGE ELEMENTS Time, Date-Time-Group, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Julian Date, Precedence, Address Component, Text, Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data
ROUTINE 6 hours (R) Normal traffic
PRIORITY 3 hours (P) that furnish essential information for the conduct of operations in progress
IMMEDIATE 30 minutes (O) situations that gravely affect the national forces or populace and that require immediate delivery to addressees.
FLASH ASAP < 10 Minutes (Z) initial enemy contact reports or operational combat messages of extreme urgency
Address Components FM, TO, INFO
SPECIAL-HANDLING MARKINGS • Special Category (SPECAT) • Limited Distribution (LIMDIS) • PERSONAL FOR
MINIMIZE MESSAGES normal message and telephone traffic be reduced drastically so that vital messages connected with the situation indicated will not be delayed
GENERAL MESSAGES provide a standard distribution to a large group of addressees and are identified by a repetitive short title (for example, ALNAV, NAVOP, JAFPUB).
PRO FORMA MESSAGES messages whose subject matter and sequence of textual content are preset and cannot be changed by the originator.
AIG Address Indicating Groups provid a single address group to represent a large number of addressees
PLA plain language address
MAD Message Address Directory
MESSAGE USERS Originator, Drafter, Releaser
Page 2 Dependency data
LOGREQ LOGISTICS REQUIREMENT 3 working days in Advance
SORTS Status of Resources/Training Systems to provide combat readiness data to the National Command Authority (NCA), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
SITREP (1) Own situation, disposition, and/or status of forces. (2) Situation overview. (3) Operations. (4) Intelligence and reconnaissance. (5) Logistics.
Formation of the U.S. Navy General George Washington initiated America’s first sea-based offensive against the British. Washington’s armed vessels provided significant support to colonial efforts, demonstrating the value of military operations at sea.
1798 navy history in response to renewed aggression by France during its war against Great Britain, Congress finally established the Department of the Navy, authorized the Marine Corps, and began the first significant buildup of naval forces as we know them today.
Character of Naval Forces readiness, flexibility, self-sustainability, and mobility
Conditions that led to creation of Seabees civilian contractors and construction workers could not be used very well outside our country. If they were attacked and attempted to defend themselves, these civilians could be regarded as guerrillas
SEABEE'S Permission to use name 5 March 1942
SEABEE origonial ratings Boatswain’s Mate, Machinist’s Mate, and Electrician’s Mate, were easily distinguished from those who held corresponding shipboard ratings by the Seabee insignia shoulder patch
Battle of Coral Sea fought entirely with aircraft launched from carriers 4-8 May 1942
Battle of Midway The turning point of the war in the Pacific. 7 Jun 1942
invasion of Normandy June 6, 1944 the largest amphibious operation in history
creation of Navy EOD for removing obstacles that the Germans were placing off the beaches of France
Purpose and Evolvement of NCW NCW forces are primarily employed for expeditionary operations and secondarily, when directed, to support USCG forces
Discuss Riverine Operations concerted effort to achieve and/or maintain control of a riverine, coastal, or delta areas
Types of Riverine Operations Assault, Surveillance, Interdiction, and Security
Standard Publication Box (40 by 16 by 15 inches)
Standard Medium Unitized Cargo Box (48 by 40 by 44 inches)
Standard Tent/Utility Crate (102 by 42 by 44 inches)
Standard Warehouse Pallet (48 by 40 by 96 inches) Made of a hard wood stringer construction
C-5 GALAXY Pallet Positions: 36
KC-10 EXTENDER Pallet Positions: 27
C-17 GLOBEMASTER III 18 pallet positions
C-130 HERCULES C-130E/H/J: 6 pallets C-130J-30: 8
KC-135 STRATOTANKER Pallet Positions: 6
MPF maritime prepositioning force
MAGTF Marine air-ground task force
SLOCs sea lines of communications
NSE Navy support element
NCW naval coastal warfare
AAA arrival and assembly area
MPS maritime prepositioning ships
MPSRON maritime prepositioning ships squadron
MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit
MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade
FIE fly-in echelon
MEF Marine Expeditionary Force
Types of MPF operations Independent, Augmentation, Planning, Marshalling, Movement, Arrival and Assembly, Reconstitution
TPFDD time-phased force and deployment data reflects the priorities and requirements of the joint force.
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System JOPES
USTRANSCOM Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), Air Mobility Command (AMC), Military Sealift Command (MSC)
Military Sealift Command tasked with providing strategic, common-user sealift transportation services to U.S. Forces to deploy, employ, sustain, and redeploy those forces on a global basis.
Three Methods of non-oral communications 1. Whistle signals 2. Special signals 3. Arm and hand signals
What factors affect Radio Comms. weather, terrain, antenna power and the location of the radio.
Naval intelligence is broken down into three levels for the support of warfare Strategic Intelligence, Operational Intelligence, Tactical Intelligence
Fundamentals of Naval Intelligence Know the Adversary Ensure Unity of Intelligence Effort Plan for Combat Use an All-Source Approach
Key Attributes of Intelligence Timeliness, Usability, Availability, Thoroughness, Accuracy, Relevance
Sources of Intelligence Human Intelligence, Signals Intelligence, Measurement and Signature Intelligence, Unattended Ground Sensors, Imagery, Scientific and Technical (S&T) Intelligence, Open Source Literature
Intelligence Cycle Planning and Direction, Collection, Processing, Production, Dissemination
transmission ranges LO (low) 200M - 400M, M (medium) 400M - 5KM, HI (high) 5KM - 10KM, PA 10KM - 40KM
COMSEC Communications Security
Communications Security Material System (CMS) Custodian custodian is responsible to the commanding officer for: Managing the CMS account in accordance with the instructions
TPI Two-Person Integrity, security measure taken to prevent single-person access to COMSEC keying material and cryptographic maintenance manuals
Access ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified information
Classification The determination that official information requires
Compromise security violation which has resulted in confirmed or suspected exposure of classified information or material to an unauthorized person
MINIMIZE MESSAGES It is now mandatory that normal message and telephone traffic be reduced drastically so that vital messages connected with the situation indicated will not be delayed.”
EEFI Essential Elements of Friendly Information, established by operational commanders,
Gingerbread Unauthorized user on the net.
HF 3 Mhz – 30 Mhz, , long-distance communications
VHF 30 Mhz – 300 Mhz, LOS
UHF 300 Mhz – 3 Ghz, LOS
Explain the fundamentals of camp layout 1.Sufficient space for command dispersion 2.Concealment from ground and air observation 3.Protection from bombing and strafing attacks 4.Protection from mechanized attack
Sanitation concerns for camp Water supply, Drainage, Shade, Access
TEMPER is the Heart of the tent camp
9 different subsystems of a camp layout Customer Billeting, Operator Billeting, Administrative / Medical / MWR Services, MWR Facility, Chaplain, Sanitation and Food Preparation, Dining Facilities, Field Showers (2 Each), Containerized Shower Subsystem
Discuss the purpose of leach fields used to dispose sewage and gray water into the ground. Constructed of 4 to 6 in perforated pipe. laid out in a herringbone pattern.
camp maintenance (Four Priority Work Classifications) Safety, Function, Preventative, Appearance
Potable water water that is safe to drink
Non-Potable Water unsafe and/or unpalatable for drinking
Chlorination Most common method of disinfecting potable water. Residual of at least 2.0 ppm
Super chlorination Super chlorination is a process used to disinfect water containers. at least 100 parts per million (ppm)
the Logistical Advance Party in camp support to accomplish administrative, logistic and construction missions required to enable the main body to arrive at the camp and start their mission.
SITE SELECTION CONSIDERATIONS Mission, Security, Safety, Geographical, Terrain, Geological, Political Considerations, Logistical Supportability
SITE PLANNING AND PREPARATION Baseline Environmental Survey, Layout, Earthwork
ROWPU Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
Standard 782 gear is divided into 3 categories 1.Fighting load-carrying equipment 2.Bivouac equipment 3.Protective equipment
Standard issue 782 gear items Pistol belt, Pack combat medium, Suspenders, Two ammo pouches, Canteen cover, canteen, and canteen cup, First-aid packet, Entrenching tool and cover, Poncho, Shelter half, Mess kit, Bayonet or K-Bar, Kevlar helmet, Camouflage cover, Hat and mosquito net
Hasty/skirmisher’s position This shallow pit type of emplacement provides a temporary, open, prone firing position for the individual rifleman
Improved one-man fighting position It is made as small as possible to present the smallest target to the enemy, but wide enough to accommodate a man’s shoulders, and deep enough to use entrenching tools at the bottom
Improved two-man fighting position The two-man fighting hole consists essentially of two adjacent one-man fighting holes
3 ways to dig fightening positions manual, mechanical,explosives
the general rules of camouflage Objects are camouflaged by a color scheme that alters form, shadow, texture and color. Take advantage of available natural concealment. Camouflage against both air and ground observation.
KOCOA Key Terrain, Observation and Fields of Fire, Cover/Concealment, Obstacles to Movement, Avenues of Approach
Land Navigation requires map, compass, pace count
BAMCIS Begin planning, Arrange reconnaissance, Make reconnaissance, Complete the plan, Issue the order, Supervise
SMEAC Report Situation, Mission, execution, Administration and Logistics, command and signal
SALUTE •Size of enemy unit •Activity of enemy unit •Location of enemy unit(s) •Uniform worn by the enemy •Time of each activity noted •Equipment used or carried by the enemy
SPOT •Situation •Position •Observation •Time
Ace Report •Ammunition •Causality •Equipment
SAFE •Security •Automatic Weapons •Field of Fire •Entrenchment
battalion defensive areas •Forward Defense Area (FDA) •Security Area •Reserve Area
fighting positions •Primary Firing Position •Alternate Firing Position •Supplementary Firing Position
fire plan sketch pg 23 common core study guide
members of a rifle squad Squad leader, Grenadier, Fire team leader, Automatic rifleman, Rifleman number 1, Rifleman number 2
Code of conduct ARTICLE I I am an American, fighting in the armed forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense
procedures for handling detainees/Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW). Search, Secure, Silence, Segregate, Speed, Tagging
force protection threat conditions FPCON Normal, FPCON Alpha - Delta
FPCON Normal general global threat
FPCON Alpha increased general threat
FPCON Bravo more predictable threat
FPCON Charlie an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action
FPCON Delta that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent. This FPCON is normally declared as a localized condition
rules of engagement ROE is determined by commander’s guidance
circumstances when deadly force would normally be authorized 1. Inherent Right of Self-Defense 2. Defense of Others. 3. Assets Vital to National Security. 4. Inherently Dangerous Property 5. National Critical Infrastructure. 6. Serious offenses Against Persons 7. Arrest or Apprehension 8. Escape
three classes of wire entanglement •Tactical Wire •Protective Wire •Supplementary Wire
Tactical Wire Used to hamper enemy aggression. Placed along the front of the defensive line
Protective Wire Prevents close surprise attacks. Placed around each fighting position at hand grenade range (131-328 feet).
Supplementary Wire Placed to conceal the exact line of the tactical wire
The two fundamentals to Security Zones )Ensure there is no Single point of failure )Set conditions for the use of force
different types of waterways Inland Waters, International waters
SORTS Status of Resources and Training System Joint Report
CASREP o Casualty Report - a message report submitted to document a significant casualty affecting equipment essential for the performance of designated mission areas
LOGREQ Logistics Requests - Prior to entering port, ships submit a request for support and AT/FP needed upon arrival
SITREP Situation Report - An update issued as conditions change or events begin to unfold
Discuss waterborne threats 1. Small boats 2. Deep Draft Boat 3. Subsurface 4. Swimmer 5. Floating Mines
Security Boat terms 1. Blocking 2. Herding 3. Shouldering
Blocking placing the Patrol Boat in the path of the contact.
Herding the Patrol Boat positions itself on an angle off the beam/bow of the COI as to make the COI change course to avoid collision
Shouldering physically maneuvering the Patrol Boat into the COI with enough force to alter the COI’s course
waterborne warning procedures four levels
waterborne warning procedures level 1 Blue lights, sirens, horn, waving of hands
waterborne warning procedures level 2 Shoot flare across bow of COI. Surface Action, PORT/STBD (Condition One weapon)
waterborne warning procedures level 3 Warning shots from crew serve weapons
waterborne warning procedures level 4 open fire
tactical use of waterside small arms Shoot to stop forward motion. When engaging a hostile craft, fire should be directed at the engines
waterborne defense 1.Assessment zone 2.Intercept zone 3.React zone
Assessment zone the outermost defense zone, assessment of all contacts is made in this zone (3000 yds – 2000 yds)
Intercept zone (Warning) security forces must classify contacts in the warning zone, and warn all unknown/hostile contacts in the warning zone (2000 yds – 1000 yds)
React zone (Threat) the threat zone is the innermost layer of defense in depth, no hostile contacts should be allowed in the threat zone (1000 yds and under)
Security Boat Tactics •Single Boat Defense •Multiple Boat Defense •Moving Security Zones
CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological
MCU-2/P gas masks
Chemical Protective Over garment Two piece suit that protects against all KNOWN chemical and biological agents
Wet-weather clothing Provides complete protection against alpha/beta radiological contamination when worn with battle dress and anti-flash gear
types of Nuclear Explosions Airburst, Surface burst, subsurface burst
MOPP Mission Oriented Protective Posture
MOPP levels MOPP 0-4
MOPP 0 Carry MOPP gear at all times
MOPP 1 Don CBR smock and trousers
MOPP 2 Don protective over boots
MOPP 3 Don chemical mask
MOPP 4 Don chemical cotton liners and gloves
NATO) Biological, Chemical, and Radiological (CBR) Marker Signs. Chemical Marker Biological Marker Radiological Marker
Chemical Marker Yellow background with red lettering
Biological Marker Blue background with red lettering
Radiological Marker White background with black lettering
the color that the M-9 paper turns after it comes in contact with a liquid nerve or blister agent red color appears for all detectable agents
M-8 paper turns after it comes in contact with a liquid nerve or blister agent Dark Green - V-type Nerve Agents Yellow - G-type Nerve Agents Red - H-type Blister Agents
Nerve agent symptoms •Convulsions •Vomiting •Nausea •Unexplained runny nose •Unexplained sudden headache •Drooling •Severely pinpointed pupils
NAAK MK1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
NAAK Contents •1 ea Atropine •1 ea 2PAM Chloride
Self aid part 1 •Don the protective mask •Remove NAAK from the protective mask carrier •Inject the thigh with the first injector from the kit (Atropine). Hold for 10 sec •Follow immediately with the second injector (2PAM Chloride) and hold for at least 10 seconds.
Self aid part 2 •Hook the expended auto injectors to the CPE Pocket flap •Massage injection site if time permits •Wait 10-15 minutes before administering second series of injections (no more than three)
buddy aid part 1 •Mask the Casualty •Using the NAAK belonging to the victim, administer three sets of injections immediately and in rapid succession in the thigh muscle of the leg.
buddy aid part 2 •Hook the expended auto injectors to the CPE pocket flap of the victim •Administer the back pressure arm-lift method of artificial ventilation if breathing is difficult or has ceased
M-295 Larger pads used for equipment decontamination
M-291 Skin decontamination kit. 6 packets.
JSLIST Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
JSLIST expiration a. Exposed to chemical agents - 24 Hours b. Not exposed to chemical agents - 45 days
laundering procedures for the JSLIST laundered up to 6 times. must be hang dried
Types of Decontamination. Immediate, Operational, Thorough
dosimeter equipment DT-60/PD IM 143/PD CP-95A/PD
DT-60/PD Solid state package in the form of a locket designed to be worn on a chain around the neck.
IM 143/PD Self reading pocket dosimeter in the shape of a pen
CP-95A/PD Radiac computer indicator designed to read DT-60/PD
HERO Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
EMR electromagnetic radiation
levels of HERO HERO safe, HERO susceptible, HERO unreliable, HERO unsafe
EMCON Emission Control
HERO Safe Any ordnance item that is percussion initiated, sufficiently shielded or otherwise so protected that all electro-explosive devices contained by the item are immune to adverse effects
HERO susceptible Any ordnance item containing electro-explosive devices proven by test or analysis to be adversely affected by radio frequency energy
HERO unreliable any ordnance item whose performance is degraded due to exposure to the RF environment, is defined as being HERO UNRELIABLE ORDNANCE when its internal wiring is physically exposed
HERO UNSAFE ORDNANCE when internal wiring is physically exposed on any ordnance item, to an RF environment that may cause accidental initiation or detonation
COSAL Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
COSAL def establishes equipage allowances for the ship and the storeroom allowance of repair parts for installed equipment
APL Allowance Parts List
OPTAR Do not exceed assigned ceilings, except for CASREP situations, without prior TYCOM approval
NAVSUP 1149 Transfer custody of items
DDFORM 200 when government property is lost, damaged, or destroyed
NSN National Stock Number
COG Cognizance
APL Allowance Parts List
AEL Allowance Equipage List
NC Not Carried
NIS Not in Stock
SIM Selected Item Management
COG def two position alphanumeric code prefixed to Federal Stock Numbers (NSNs) for internal Navy management purposes to identify and designate the Inventory Control Point
APL def technical document prepared for a specific item or component of equipment
AEL def provides maintenance and repair support for ship’s equipment
Terrorist threat levels Low, moderate, Significant, high
Operational Capability The acquired, assessed or demonstrated level of capability to conduct terrorist attacks.
Intentions Actions indicative of preparations for specific terrorist operations
Activity Recently demonstrated anti-U.S. activity or stated or assessed intent to conduct such activity
Operating Environment The circumstances of the country under consideration.
Types of NVGs AN/PVS-7C, AN/PVS-15, AN/PVS-18
AN/PVS-7C Mon-nocular Weight:1.5 Lbs Immersion:66 Ft Magnification:1X Field of View:40o Batteries:2 Ea “AA” 30 hrs red LED left eyepiece
AN/PVS-15 binocular single "AA" submersible to 66 feet 2hrs
AN/PVS-18 single "AA" submersible to 66 feet 2hrs
Created by: gamezmasterz
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