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Sociology Exam 1


C. Wright Mills most attributed to being one that Sociologists would use to explain individual behavior External Influences
Variables that Sociologists emphasize the most as being the determining motivation for our thinking and behavior One's society and social locations
First person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life Auguste Comte
Use of objective, systematic observation to test theories often employed by Sociologists Scientific Method
Coined the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" which is a principle part of the concept of social Darwinism Herbert Spencer
Social thinker of 19th century who predicted that there would be a classless society once the working class united and began a revolution Karl Marx
Early European Sociologist Emile Durkheim is most identified with the _______ area of study Social Integration
Karl Marx believed that _____ was the central force of social change while Max Weber believed that _____ was the force most responsible for social change Economics, Religion
Where sociology was first established as an academic discipline at _____ in 1890 University of Kansas
Took sociology as an academic discipline when Albion Smalls headed the department University of Chicago
First African American to earn a doctorate from Harvard University, spent his lifetime studying race relations in America, and was one of the founding fathers of the NAACP W.E.B. DuBois
Language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, material objects and technology passed from one generation to the next by members and society Culture
Jewelry, art, hairstyles, and clothing Material Culture
Feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes Culture Shock
When a group has a distinctive way of looking at life, but at the same time their values and norms reflect the dominant culture of their society Subculture
Concept that sociologists use to describe the expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop out of values "Norms"
Receiving the Medal of Honor and making the Dean's List are both examples of ________ Positive Sanctions
Concept of natural selection that proposed genes of a species are not disturbed evenly among the offspring, enabling certain members of the species to survive while others die out was developed by _________ Charles Darwin
In the "Nature vs. Nurture" argument regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to the ______ Social Environment
Term used to describe children who are assumed to have been raised by animals in the wilderness and isolated from other children Feral
Process by which we develop a sense of self referred to as the "looking glass self" was developed by _______ Charles Horton Cooley
Concept that sociologists have in mind when they say "society makes us human" Socialization
Our image of who we are called Self
Self concept begins in ______ and is a life long process until ______ Childhood, Death
Mead describes the active, creative and spontaneous part of the self as the ____ I
Piaget's use of the term "operational" is most aligned with the concept of _________ Reasoning Skills
The stage when children are capable of abstract thinking(Piaget) Formal Operational Stage
Technique founded by Sigmund Freud for the treatment of emotional problems through long term, intensive exploration of the subconscious mind Psychoanalysis
Part of the personality that represents the pleasure seeking aspect which demands fulfillment of basic needs such as attention, food, safety, and sex Id
Two sociological perspectives that are most linked to marco sociology Functionalism and the Conflict Perspective
The focus on the broad features of society to analyze such things as social class and how groups relate to one another Macro analysis
Sociological perspective that is most linked to micro sociology Symbolic Interactionism
The typical patterns of a group, such as its usual relationships between men and women or students and teachers Social Structure
Three primary variables in determining one's social class Income, education, and occupational prestige
Signs that identify a position in society that someone occupies Status Symbols
Position in society that someone holds that cuts across other statuses they hold Master Status
Expectations that guide our behavior Norms
To assume that all football players are academically challenged, that all African Americans are great athletes, that all women can cook well, etc. Stereotyping
The step in which the author of the research specifies what he or she wants to learn about the topic of study is called _______ Defining the problem
Precise ways to measure variables in research so that comparisons can be made and replication can later be done Operational Definitions
Example of ______ would be that unemployed men are more likely to commit spousal abuse than employed men Hypothesis
Refers to the extent to which different studies come up with similar results Reliability
One of the greatest flaws in using self-administered questionnaires for a research study is that ________________________________________ the researcher loses control over the conditions in which they are administered
Term that best applies to people who share a culture ad territory society
Known best for being the most egalitarian, nomadic, and consists of 25-40 members Hunting and Gathering Society
Two characteristics that people must share to qualify as a society Same culture and same territory
Known as the first to develop permanent settlements Horticultural Society
Based on the harnessing of machines powered by fuels Industrial Society
The first nation to have an excess of fifty percent of its work force in service industries United States
Created by: allison8988



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