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# BAS 02 Musc-Skel

# BAS 02 Musc-Skel Terms

ligament holds bone to bone
tendon holds muscle to bone
joint area where two bones meet and bend
synovial fluid inside a joint
striated muscle skeletal muscle. Striated means the fibers are connected at different areas.
smooth muscle muscle that lines organs. Not as strong as skeletal.
cardiac muscle muscle of the heart
flexion bending at a joint
extension straightening at a joint
abduction move away from the midline
adduction move toward the midline
rotation circular motion
dorsiflexion flexing foot upwards
supination palms up
pronation palms down
periosteum skin around the bone
articular cartilage protective cartilage at a joint
Red marrow Cells inside of bone that develop blood cells
diaphysis the shaft of a bone
epiphysis the ends of a bone
calc/o calcium
kyph/o hump
lord/o curve, swayback
lumb/o lower back
myel/o spine or bone marrow
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
scoli/o curved
my/o muscle
spondyl/o spine
vertebr/o vertebra bones of the spine
fasci/o covering around muscle
fibr/o fibrous (tendons, ligaments, and fasica)
leiomy/o smooth muscle tissue
myocardi/o heart muscle
-clast to break
-malacia to soften
-porosis porous
-tome to cut
-stenosis narrow
-trophy growth
-itis inflammation
ab- away
ad- towards
poly- many
dys- abnormal, painful
arhtrocentesis removal of fluid from a joint
arthrography joint Xray
arthroplasty joint repair
arthroscopy viewing a joint with an instrument
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Creates pictures like an Xray
EMG Electromyogram - test for muscle function
CT Computed Tomography - Slices of Xrays
biopsy tissue removal for exam
osteoporosis bone disease in which the bone is porous
autoimmune immune system attacks itself
carpal tunnel syndrome nerve damage at the wrist from repetative motion
compound fracture complete break
dislocation bone out of place
fracture bone is cracked or broken
gout disease of the joint
greenstick fracture cracks in the bone
infarct dead
lupus erythematosus autoimmune disease
muscular dystrophy muscle development disease
osteomalacia bone softening
rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune joint disease
simple fracture not through the skin
synovitis inflammation of the synovium
tendonitis inflammation of the tendon
tenosynovitis both tendon and synovium are inflammed
Uric Acid test blood test for Gout
RF rheumatoid factor - a blood test
CK, CPK, CPKiso blood test for muscle damage
Xray Imaging that produces a picture using Xray beams.
Created by: rjmtoss



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