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GRE 150 common vocab

Abridge Abreviated Communication
Compendium Abreviated Communication
Cursory Abreviated Communication
Terse Abreviated Communication
Apace Act Quickly
Headlong Act Quickly
Impetuous Act Quickly
Precipitate Act Quickly
Abet Assist
Advocate Assist
Ancillary Assist
Bolster Assist
Corroborate Assist
Countenance Assist
Epouse Assist
Mainstay Assist
Munificent Assis
Proponent Assist
Stalwart Assist
Bilious Bad Mood
Dudgeon Bad Mood
Irascible Bad Mood
Pettish Bad Mood
Petulant Bad Mood
Pique Bad Mood
Querulous Bad Mood
Umbrage Bad Mood
Waspish Bad Mood
Dilettante Beginner/Amateur
Fledging Beginner/Amateur
Neophyte Beginner/Amateur
Novitiate Beginner/Amateur
Proselyte Beginner/Amateur
Tyro Beginner/Amateur
Burgeoning Beginning/Young
Callow Beginning/Young
Engender Beginning/Young
Inchoate Beginning/Young
Incipient Beginning/Young
Nascent Beginning/Young
Acerbic Biting (wit)
Acidulous Biting (wit)
Acrimonious Biting (wit)
Asperity Biting (wit)
Caustic Biting (wit)
Mordacious Biting (wit)
Mordant Biting (wit)
Trenchant Biting (wit)
Audacious Bold
Dauntless Bold
Banal Boring
Fatous Boring
Hackneyed Boring
Insipid Boring
Mundane Boring
Pedestrian Boring
Platitude Boring
Prosaic Boring
Quotidian Boring
Trite Boring
Carousal Drunkeness/Craziness
Bacchanalian Drunkeness/Craziness
Depraved Drunkeness/Craziness
Dissipated Drunkeness/Craziness
Iniquity Drunkeness/Craziness
Libertine Drunkeness/Craziness
Libidinous Drunkeness/Craziness
Reprobate Drunkeness/Craziness
Ribald Drunkeness/Craziness
Salacious Drunkeness/Craziness
Sordid Drunkeness/Craziness
Turpitude Drunkeness/Craziness
Capricious Changing Quickly
Mercurial Changing Quickly
Volatile Changing Quickly
Counterpart Copy
Emulate Copy
Fasimile Copy
Factitious Copy
Paradigm Copy
Precursor Copy
Quintessence Copy
Simulated Copy
Vicarious Copy
Aspersion Criticize/Criticism
belittle Criticize/Criticism
berate Criticize/Criticism
calumny Criticize/Criticism
castigate Criticize/Criticism
decry Criticize/Criticism
defamation Criticize/Criticism
denounce Criticize/Criticism
deride/derisive Criticize/Criticism
diatribe Criticize/Criticism
disparage Criticize/Criticism
excoriate Criticize/Criticism
gainsay Criticize/Criticism
harangue Criticize/Criticism
impugn Criticize/Criticism
inveigh Criticize/Criticism
lambaste Criticize/Criticism
objurgate Criticize/Criticism
obloquy Criticize/Criticism
opprobrium Criticize/Criticism
pillory Criticize/Criticism
rebuke Criticize/Criticism
remonstrate Criticize/Criticism
reprehend Criticize/Criticism
reprove Criticize/Criticism
revile Criticize/Criticism
tirade Criticize/Criticism
vituperate Criticize/Criticism
bereave death/mourning
cadaver death/mourning
defunct death/mourning
demise death/mourning
dolorous death/mourning
elegy death/mourning
knell death/mourning
lament death/mourning
macabre death/mourning
moribund death/mourning
obsequies death/mourning
sepulchral death/mourning
wraith death/mourning
abnegate denying of self
abstain denying of self
ascetic denying of self
spartan denying of self
stoic denying of self
temperate denying of self
despotic dictorial/authoritarian
dogmatic dictorial/authoritarian
hegemonic dictorial/authoritarian
imperious dictorial/authoritarian
peremptory dictorial/authoritarian
abstruse difficult to understand
arcane difficult to understand
bemusing difficult to understand
cryptic v
enigmatic difficult to understand
esoteric difficult to understand
inscrutable difficult to understand
opaque difficult to understand
paradoxical difficult to understand
perplexing difficult to understand
recondite difficult to understand
turbid difficult to understand
defile disgusting/offensive
fetid disgusting/offensive
invidious disgusting/offensive
noisome disgusting/offensive
odious disgusting/offensive
putrid disgusting/offensive
rebarbative disgusting/offensive
articulate easy to understand
cogent easy to understand
evident easy to understand
limpid easy to understand
lucid easy to understand
pellucid easy to understand
aberrant eccentric/dissimilar
anachronism eccentric/dissimilar
anomalous eccentric/dissimilar
discrete eccentric/dissimilar
eclectic eccentric/dissimilar
estoeric eccentric/dissimilar
iconoclast eccentric/dissimilar
abash embarrass
chargin embarrass
compunction embarrass
contrition embarrass
diffidence embarrass
expicate embarrass
foible embarrass
gaucherie embarrass
rue embarrass
tantamount equal
apocryphal falsehood
canard falsehood
chicanery falsehood
dissemble falsehood
duplicity falsehood
equivocate falsehood
ersatz falsehood
guile falsehood
mendacious/mendacity falsehood
perfidy falsehood
prevaricate falsehood
specious falsehood
spurious falsehood
conjugal family
consanguine family
distaff family
endogamous family
filial family
fratricide family
progenitor family
scion family
ardor/ardent favoring/not impartial
doctrinaire favoring/not impartial
fervid favoring/not impartial
partisan favoring/not impartial
tendentious favoring/not impartial
zealot favoring/not impartial
absolve forgive
acquit forgive
exculpate forgive
expicate forgive
palliate forgive
redress forgive
vindicate forgive
Created by: 891005236
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