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The skin can be considered part of your Immune system
Cutane/Or Derm/o OR Dermat/o Skin
Percutaneous Pertaining to through the skin
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) Surgical repair of a coronary artery with a catheter inserted through the skin AND through the lumen of a blood vessel
Subcutaneous(subQ or SubU) Pertaining to under the skin
Subcutaneous tissue is AKA The hypodermis
Dermatologist Specialist in the study of the skin
Dermatitis Imflammation of the skin AKA cellulitis
Dermatome An instrument used to cut skin
The most common dermatome is a Scalpel
Epidermal Pertaining to the outer layer of skin(epidermis)
Erythroderma Abnormal red skin color AKA erythema
Erythematous or Rubeosis (Red like a ruby)
IntraDermal(ID) Pertaining to within the skin
Leukoderma White skin
Dermatoconiosis Abnormal condition of the skin caused by dust
Conio Dust
Per Through
Dermatoautoplasty Surgical repair of the skin with self(one's own skin)
Dermatoheteroplasty Surgical repair of the skin using another's skin
Xeroderm Dry skin
Pachyderma Thick skin
Xanthoderma Yellow skin
Xanthoderma is AKA Jaundice OR icterus(icteric)
Onych/o OR ungu/o (Monica lewinski) Nail
Onychocryptosis Abnormal condition of an ingrown (hidden)nail
Onychomalacia A condition of nail softening
Onychomycosis An abnormal condition of a/the nail caused by fungus
Onychectomy Excision of a nail
Onychophagia A condition of nail(eating)biting
Paronychia A condition of inflammation adjacent to a nail
Onyc Nail
Adjacent means Next to
Ungual Pertaining to a nail(s)
Seb/o Sebum
Sebum is Oil
Seborrhea Excessive flow of sebum(oil)
Trich/o Hair
Trichomycosis An abnormal condition of fungus in the hair(axillary is most common)
The term trichomonas refers to A type of STD(Sexually Transmitted Disease)
Adip/o OR lip/o OR steat/o Fat
Adipose Pertaining to fat tissue
The suffic-ose also means Sugar
Examples of suger include: Glucose,sucrose,dextrose,lactose,fructose AND maltose
Lipoid resembling fat
Steatoma A fatty tumor OR mass
Rhytidectomy Surgical removal of wrinkles AKA a rhytidoplasty
A thytidectomy(rhytidoplasty) is AKA A "face lift"
Botox Botulism toxin injected to treat facial wrinkles
Debridement(debride) Removal of necrotic(dead)tissue AND/OR foreign matter
Disseminate(dissemination) To scatter over a considerable area
Pruritus(pruritic) Itching
Pediculosis Lice(louse)
Nits Lice or ova(eggs)
Scabies Skin infection caused by itch mite
Sudoriferous glands Glands that produce sweat
Ossa Openings
Os opening
Sweat is released through ossa called Sudoriferous pores
Diaphoresis(diaphoretic) Profuse sweating
Iodoform gauze A product name for wound packing
Penrose drain A product name for a wound drain
Dehiscence Bursting open of a surgical abdominal wound
Eviseration(eviscerate) Spilling out the contents due to dehiscence
Lesion Any pathological change in structure or function
Alopecia Hair loss(baldness)
Alopecia is a common side effect of Antineoplastic medications AKA Chemotheraphy
Cicatrix(cicatrices) Scar(s)
Keloid A hypertrophied scar
Keloids are associated with Surgery AND 3rd degree(full thickness) burns
Ulcer An erosion(wearing away) of the skin or mucous membrance
Decubitus ulcer Bedsore OR pressue ulcer
Decubitus ulcers commonly occur on Bony prominences(pressure points)
Bony prominences include: Coccyx AKA the tailbone
Calcaneus(calcanei)AKA the heel bone(s)
Olecranon(s)(Holy Crayon)AKA The elbow(s)
Scapula(e) AKA Shoulder bone(s)
Pelvic bone(s) such as the Ilium(ilia)AND ischium(ischia)
Occipital bones located at The posterior base of the cranium(skull)
Patella(e) AKA the Knee(s)
Edema(Edematous) Tissue swelling(accumulation of fluid)
Pitting edema Excessive edema causing pitting(indentations)after light palpation(memory foam)
Leukoplakia White patches on oral mucous membranes
Leukoplakia is associated with a Premalignant condition
Macule(macular) Flat usually erythematous lesion
Papule(papular) Raised lesion
Nodule(nodular) Larger papule
Vesicle(vesicular) A raised lesion filled with a clear liquid
A vesicle is AKA a Blister,bulla OR bleb
Abscess A collection of pus
Pustule(pustular) A papule filled with pus
Furuncle An infection of a hair follicle AND adjacent tissue AKA a boil
Carbuncle Cluster(car load) of furuncles
Acne Inflammatory papular AND pustular eruptions caused by clogging of sebaceous(oil)glands AKA "pimples" or "zits"
Comedo(nes) Whitehead(s) OR blackhead(s)
Ecchymosis(ecchymotic) Black+blue mark
ecchymosis is AKA a hematoma,contusion OR bruise
ecchymosis is caused by Bleeding under the skin
Petechia(e) Pinpoint skin hemorrhages
Purpura(happy cat) A combination of ecchymosis AND petechiae
Verruca(e) wart(s)
Abrasion Mechanical superficial damage to the Skin AKA a scrape
Excoriation(excoriate) Chemical superficial damage to the skin
An example of excoriation is diaper rash
Urticaria Hives AKA wheals
Cyst A thickening OR lump
Induration Abnormal hard spot
Tinea Fungus
An example of a fungal skin infection is Tinea corporis AKA ringworm
Fissure A crack or groove
Fissures can be caused by Tinea pedis AKA athlete's foot
Laceration Tissue that is cut,torn OR ripped
Avulsion Tearing any part of the body away from the whole
Psoriasis Erythematous lesions with silvery white scales
Pallor Paleness
Albinism Congenital absence of skin pigmentation(melanin)
Vitiligo(michael Jackson) Localized loss of skin pigmentation(melanin)characterized by milk-white patches
Cyanosis(cyanotic) Abnormal bluish coloration
Cyanosis can be a sigh of Hypoxia OR hypothermia
Ichthyosis Dry scaly skin
Crustation(s) Scab(s)
Callus(calluses) Hypertrophied skin
Impetigo Vesicular AND pustular bacterial skin disease
Neoplasm OR neoplasia New growth
Neoplasm AND neoplasia are terms commonly associated with Cancer(Ca OR CA)
Nevus(nevi) Mole or birthmark
Melanoma Black tumor
Melanoma is considered a Malignant neoplasm
I+D Incision (lance) AND drainage
An I+D is commonly performed on an Abscess
Frozen section A frozen section(FS)is a type of biopsy(Bx)
Created by: BLM1095
Popular Medical sets




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