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GRE Vocabulary Comp

Compiled GRE Vocab

Damp (used of vibration) reduce in extent
Ready (used of wit) quick
Blunderbuss 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person
Pique 1. annoyance (n); 2. to stimulate interest; to annoy (v)
Fulminate 1. attack loudly in words; denounce thunderously; 2. explode noisily
Gall 1. bitterness (bad feeling); 2. confidence; 3. abnormal growth on a plant
Mince 1. chop into small pieces; 2. walk with tiny steps, 3. speak in an affected manner
Hack 1. chop roughly; 2. person who writes to earn money, 3. hired horse
Burlesque 1. comic play; 2. lampoon
Fringe 1. decorative border with tassels (n); 2. to form an edge (v)
Ordain 1. destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest
Prominent 1. eminent; 2. protruding; 3. obvious
Divert 1. entertain; 2. distract; 3. cause a detour
Paradigm 1. example; 2. model; 3. way of looking at things
Purchase 1. grip; 2. buy
Fledge 1. grow feathers; 2. leave nest [fledgling (n)
Venturing 1. hazarding; risking; putting forward; 2. going somewhere [venturesome means courageous or willing to take risks]
Precipitate 1. hurried (a); 2. insoluble product of a reaction in chemistry(n), 3. to instigate or speed up an action (v)
Sap 1. liquid inside plants (n); 2. to drain; to undermine (v); 3. a fool (n)
Prostration 1. lying face down; 2. be overcome with extreme weakness
Prohibitive 1. prohibiting; 2. exorbitantly expensive
Apostrophe 1. punctuation mark; 2. appeal to someone not present (a figure of speech)
Levee 1. raised bank of a river; 2. morning reception held by a monarch
Personification 1. represent something as a person; 2. a concrete example of
Parasite 1. scrounger; 2. animal which takes digested food from another
Dispatch 1. send (v); 2. speed; celerity (n)
Umbrage 1. shadow; 2. offence; sense of injury
Enlist 1. sign up for the army; 2. obtain
Deliberate 1. slow (a); 2. to think over (v); 3. on purpose (a)
Brook 1. small stream; 2. tolerate
Analogue 1. something similar; 2. output proportional to input (engineering)
Quarry 1. something that is hunted; 2. mine for stone
Foment 1. stir up; 2. bathe with hot liquids (medical)
Strut 1. supporting rod (n); 2. to walk in an arrogant manner; show off (v)
Plaque 1. surface deposit on teeth or in artery etc.; 2. decorative plate or sign
Disarm 1. take away weapons; 2. win over to one’s side [disarming (a)]
Petrify 1. terrify; 2. turn to stone
Muse 1. think; meditate (v); 2. a source of inspiration (n) [in mythology, a goddess who gives inspiration]
Grate (v) 1. to annoy; aggravate; vex; 2. shred
Secure (v) 1. to fix firmly; 2. to obtain
List (v) 1. to lean to one side; 2. to write in order
Flag (v) 1. to lose energy; 2. to signal
Patronize 1. to talk down to; condescend; 2. to be a customer of
Prune 1. to trim; 2. a dried plum
Saw 1. tool for cutting; 2. wise saying
Flail 1. tool used to thresh grain; 2. to thresh (separate grain from chaff); 3. to wave arms about wildly
Assay 1. try; 2. assess purity
Ossify 1. turn to bone; 2. become fixed and rigid
Wry 1. twisted or bent to one side; 2. dryly humorous
Pine 1. type of evergreen tree; 2. grieve
Lukewarm 1. unenthusiastic; 2. neither hot nor cold
Prone 1. vulnerable to; 2. horizontal
Lumber 1. walk in an ungainly way; 2. timber (wood)
Errant 1. wandering; 2. wrong; 3. straying from accepted standards
Tare 1. weed; 2. allowance made for container when weighing
Mallet 1. wooden hammer; 2. stick used for polo
Quibble 1. (v) to argue about minor matters; to play on words when finding fault; 2. (n) a minor verbal point in an argument
Novice a beginner; tyro
Utopian a believer in an ideal world
Anthology a book which is a collection of poems or stories
Respite a break; intermission
Anecdote a brief amusing story
Contusion a bruise
Annex (n) a building which is an addition to an existing building
Genre a category; type
Phalanx a compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things
Paradox a contradiction or dilemma
Imprecation a curse
Malediction a curse; a wish of evil upon another
Laceration a cut
Aversion a dislike of
Dichotomy a division into two parts
Obsession a dominating concern
Calumny a false and malicious accusation; misrepresentation
Xenophobia a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers
Presentiment a feeling that something might happen
Dogma a firmly held opinion, especially a religious belief
Libertine a free thinker, usually used disparagingly; one without moral restraint
Dirge a funeral hymn or mournful speech or song
Zephyr a gentle breeze; something airy or usubstantial
Wraith a ghost or specter; a ghost of a living person seen just before his or her death
Dissonance a harsh and disagreeable combination, especially of sounds
Demagogue a leader or rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice
Analgesia a lessening of pain without loss of consciousness
Epistle a letter (form of communication)
Canard a lie
Maverick a loner
Stigma a mark of shame or discredit
Labyrinth a maze
Parody a mockery; imitation for ridicule; spoof
Effigy a model of a person
Potentate a monarch or ruler with great power
Aerie a nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded, dwelling
Paragon a perfect example
Hypochondriac a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses
Nonentity a person of no importance; not famous
Misanthrope a person who dislikes others
Philistine a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values
Idiosyncrasy a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
Hedonist a pleasure seeker
Euphemism a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant
Precedent a previous occurrence used as a guide
Conundrum a puzzle
Insurgent a rebel
Palliative a remedy that improves but doesn't cure
Reprieve a respite; postponement of a sentence
Cabal a secret group seeking to overturn something
Sycophant a self-serving flatterer; yes-man
Polyglot a speaker of many languages
Stasis a state of static balance or equilibrium; stagnation
Smorgasbord a Swedish buffet of cold dishes
Restorative a tonic
Vestige a trace; remnant
Subterfuge a trick
Portent a warning sign; omen
Sage a wise person
Wag (n) a witty person
Missive a written note or letter
Malefactor a wrong-doer
Plastic able to be molded, altered, or bent
Articulate able to speak clearly and expressively
Ambidextrous able to use both left and right hands equally well
Ambulatory able to walk around (used of hospital patients)
Replete abundantly supplied, complete
Invective abusive language
Resignation acceptance of fate
Waylay accost; stop; approach; hinder
Amass accumulate
Accretion accumulation of matter; growth produced by adding from the outside
Indicted accused (of crime)
Exonerates acquits; absolves; removes blame
Fanatical acting excessively enthusiastic; filled with extreme, unquestioned devotion
Crepuscular active at dawn and dusk
Diurnal active in daytime
Trenchant acute, sharp, or incisive; forecful; effective
Stoke add fuel to; strengthen
Contiguous adjacent; touching; abutting [contiguity (n)]
Estimable admirable
Touting advertising; supporting [tout (v)]
Aver affirm
Posthumous after death
Heresy against orthodox opinion
Pugnacious aggressive, ready to fight [pugnacity (n)]
Belligerent aggressive; ready to fight
Overwrought agitated; overdone
Jibe agree with; complement; match up with (in British usagejibe means mock)
Omniscient all-knowing
Omnipotent all-powerful
Querulous always complaining
Agog amazed; wide-eyed with enthusiasm
Equivocal ambiguous; open to interpretation [equivocate (v), equivocation (n)]
Droll amusing in a wry, subtle way
Virtuoso an accomplished musician
Nonchalance an appearance of indifference; calm and composed
Decathlon an athletic competition with ten events
Phenomenon an event or happening (plural: phenomena)
Alibi an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
Abyss an extreely deep hole
Levity an inappropriate lack of seriousness; overly casual
Disparity an inequality
Seminary an institution in which priests are trained
Inquest an investigatin; an inquiry
Penury an oppressive lack of resources (as money); severe poverty
Pariah an outcast
Galleon ancient type of sailing ship
Archaic ancient; outdated; old fashioned
Seraphic angelic; sweet
Ire anger [irate (a)
Nettle annoy
Irksome annoying; infuriating
Ostensible apparent
Sensuous appealing to the senses
Propitiate appease; try to gain favor [propitiation (n)]
Seemly appropriate (of behavior); decorous
Decorum appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety; dignified
Approbation approval and praise
Ratify approve; consent
Felicitous apt
Collate arrange in order
Haughtiness arrogance; pride
Bombast arrogant, pompous language
Homiletics art of preaching and giving sermons
Lynch assassinate; kill; illegal hanging
Pretension assumed attitude of superiority; arrogance
Presumptuous assuming too much; arrogant
Stupefying astonishing; shocking; stunning into silence
Expiate atone; make amends for
Lambaste attack verbally
Arresting (adj) attracting attention; striking
Personable attractive
Dictum authoritative statement
Circumvent avoid
Shirk avoid (esp. work)
Obviate avoid; make unnecessary
Sentient aware; conscious; able to perceive
Gaucherie awkwardness [gauche (a)]
Cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome
Dote be excessively fond of [doting (a)]
Pertain be relevant to [pertinent (a)]
Pulchritude beauty
Comeliness beauty; prettiness [comely (a)]
Importune beg; solicit [importunate (a)]
Mendicant beggar
Tyro beginner; novice
Fawn behave in a sycophantic way; grovel [fawning (a)]
Bestial behaving like a beast; brutal
Foppish behaving or dressing like a dandy; excessively concerned with fashion
Sedition behavior that promotes rebellion or civil disorder against the state
Brevity being brief
Egalitarianism belief in equality
Ethos beliefs or character of a group
Plausibility believability [plausible (a)]
Credible believable
Cynical believing that people act only out of selfish motives
Endemic belinging to a particular area; inherent
Belfry bell tower; room in which a bell in hung
Subliminal below the threshold of consciousness
Beleaguer besiege; attack
Partiality bias
Partisan biased; one-sided; committed to one group
Conflagration big fire
Caustic biting in wit; burning
Vilification blackening someone's name
Censure blame
Impasse blocked path; dilemma with no solution
Incarnadine blood-red in color
Sanguinary bloodthirsty; bloody
Gaffe blunder; social mistake
Brusque blunt; abrupt
Blowhard boastful person
Tedium boredom
Colander bowl with holes used to drain vegetables etc.
Pugilism boxing
Phenomenology branch of science concerned with things as they are perceived; not directly derived from theory
Ramifications branches; subdivisions of a complex system; outcomes
Fortitude bravery
Suborn bribe
Luminous bright; brilliant; glowing
Edifice building; structure; construction
Cumbersome bulky; difficult to carry [encumber
Onus burden
Discordancy cacophony; harshness; jarring
Poised calm; collected; self-possessed
Phlegmatic calm; imperturbable
Placid calm; peaceful
Serene calm; peaceful
Plausible can be believed; reasonable
Arable can be cultivated
Tangible can be touched
Intelligible can be understood
Negate cancel; deny
Abrogate cancel; deny; repeal
Ironclad cannot be altered; firm
Inevitable cannot be avoided
Irrevocable cannot be cancelled; unchangeable
Irreproachable cannot be criticized; perfect
Ineffable cannot be expressed in words
Inviolable cannot be invaded
Intangible cannot be touched; abstract [intangibility (n)]
Indelible cannot be wiped out
Fallible capable of making mistakes [fallibility (n)]
Whimsical capricious; changeable; unpredictable
Scrupulous careful; diligent; painstaking
Lax careless; not strict
Negligence carelessness
Defoliate cause leaves to fall off
Perpetuated caused to continue
Contentious causing argument [contention (n); contend (v)]
Polemical causing debate or argument
Pathogenic causing disease
Grievous causing grief or sorrow; serious and distressing
Soporific causing sleep or lethargy
Engendering causing; bringing into being [engender (v)]
Circumspect cautious; considering all sides
Prudent cautious; wise
Pith center; soft part of stem; essence
Pyre ceremonial fire
Investiture ceremony conferring authority
Certitude certainty
Impugn challenge; question someone’s honor etc.
Impugned challenged; called into question
Protean changeable
Chimerical changeable; unstable
Capricious changing one's mind quickly and often
Labile changing rapidly; unstable
Incantation chant; invocation; prayer
Anarchy chaos; lack of government
Philanthropy charity; a desire or effort to promote goodness
Quack charlatan; fake
Winsome charming; happily engaging
Bilk cheat; defraud
Puerile childish, immature, or silly
Eddy circular current
Disseminating circulating; broadcasting; spreading (information)
Archetype classic example of
Talon claw of an animal, especially a bird of prey
Lucid clear and esily understood
Exposition clear explanation
Enunciation clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
Articulate clear; lucid; eloquent
Unequivocal clear; obvious
Explicit clearly stated or shown; forthright in expression
Flagrant clearly wrong
Wily clever; deceptive
Coterie clique; small group with common interests
Cloture closure; terminating a debate by voting
Lummox clumsy person
Maladroit clumsy; unskillful
Gritty coarse; granular
Cajole coax
Inveigle coax; cajole; wheedle; entice
Numismatics coin collecting
Collusion collaboration; complicity; conspiracy; plotting and planning
Menagerie collection of animals
Archives collections of old records; place of storage of old documents
Emerge come out; appear
Merge come together
Coalesce come together; merge
Solace comfort for grief
Rife common
Hackneyed common and over-used
Pedestrian common; mundane; banal
Benignity compassion; gentleness; fondness
Bemoan complain about
Exhaustive complete and thorough
Consummate complete; total; supremely good
Knotty complex; difficult to solve
Labyrinthine complicated; highly convoluted
Heterogeneous composed of unlike parts; different; diverse
Pyromania compulsion to start fires
Obligate compulsory
Mercenary concerned only with money
Forensic concerned with argument or debate (esp. for legal evidence)
Ferrous concerned with iron or its compounds
Epistolary concerned with letters; through correspondence
Moralistic concerned with morals [moralize (v)]
Somatic concerned with the body
Olfactory concerned with the sense of smell
Gustatory concerned with the sense of taste
Tactile concerned with the sense of touch
Cognitive concerned with thinking or perceiving [cognition (n)]
Aesthetic concerning art or beauty
Succinct concise
Terse concise; to the point
Denounce condemn; speak out against
Deign condescend
Patronize condescend to; behave in an arrogant manner towards
Befuddle confuse
Confound confuse
Nonplussed confused
Nexus connection
Purist conservative; one who insists on correct forms of language etc.
Carping constant criticism
Receptacle container; vessel; holder
Disdain contempt; strong dislike
Belie contradict
Gainsay contradict
Polemic controversy; argument; verbal attack
Expedient convenient; practical
Orthodox conventional
Cogent convincing and well-reasoned; lucid
Symbiosis cooperation; mutual helpfulness
Transcribe copy
Aisle corridor; passageway (esp. between rows of seats)
Vitriolic corrosive; strongly attacking
Venal corrupt; can be bribed
Profligate corrupt; degenerate
Pluck (n) courage
Mettle courage; bravery; valor
Plucky courageous; spunky
Enshroud cover
Scabbard cover for a sword
Stipple cover with dots of paint etc.
Pusillanimous cowardly
Timorous cowardly; fearful
Artisan craftsman
Disingenuous crafty
Curmudgeon cranky person, usually old
Zany crazy; wacky
Innovate create; introduce something new
Disparage criticize; belittle
Deprecate criticize; denounce
Plebeian crude or coarse; characteristic of commoners
Boor crude person, one lacking manners or taste
Nuzzle cuddle; snuggle
Guile cunning; craftiness; trickery
Duplicity cunning; deception; double dealing
Conniving cunning; scheming [connive (v)]
Clientele customers
Incise cut into [incision (n); incisive (a)]
Gouge cut or dig out
Curtail cut short
Truncate cut short
Abscission cutting; process causing leaves to fall off
Jaundiced cynical; pessimistic
Sardonic cynical; scornfully mocking
Dilettantism dabbling esp. in the arts [dilettante (n)
Quotidian daily; routine
Dike dam; embankment
Undermined damaged; attacked
Marred damaged; spoiled
Perdition damnation
Virulent dangerous; harmful
Volatile dangerously unstable; evaporates easily
Effrontery daring; audacity (has a negative connotation)
Carrion dead flesh; carcasses
Languish decay; fade away; get weaker
Chicanery deception by means of craft or guile; trickery
Artifice deception; trickery
Illusory deceptive; false; misleading
Specious deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious
Emboss decorate with a raised design
Frieze decorative border
Denigrate decry; criticize; belittle
Consecrate dedicate
Infer deduce; conclude
Poignant deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions
Contrite deeply sorrowful and repentatnt for a wrong
Embezzle defraud; steal
Flout defy; reject
Procrastinate delay; put off
Filibuster delaying tactics
Arson deliberate, criminal starting of fires
Malinger deliberately avoid work; shirk
Misrepresentation deliberately deceiving
Obfuscate deliberately make something difficult to understand
Gossamer delicate; filmy; like gauze
Delineation demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
Rebuttal denial
Extradite deport from one country back to the home country
Turpitude depravity
Degradation deprivation; poverty; debasement
Profundity depth
Pejorative derogatory
Impoverished destitute; poor
Obliterate destroy; demolish; eradicate
Raze destroy; demolish; tear down
Pernicious destructive; harmful
Resolution determination
Precocious developing early
Aberrant deviating from what is normal or expected
Centrifuge device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed
Abstruse difficult to understand; obscure
Obscure difficult to understand; partially hidden
Disinter dig up [opposite inter
August dignified; grandiose
Tangential digressing; diverting
Predicament dilemma; difficult situation
Quandary dilemma; puzzle
Squalid dirty and demeaning
Discord disagreement
Discountenance disallow
Disapprobation disapproval
Censorious disapproving; critical
Debacle disaster
Acolyte disciple; follower or attendant
Recant disclaim; retract statement
Livid discolored from a bruise; pale; reddened with anger
Cacophony discordant loud noises
Parley discussion, usually between enemies
Mendacious dishonest
Relegate dismiss to a lower position
Refute disprove
Aloof distant; detached; cold
Garble distort; confuse; muddle
Precinct district of a city
Multifarious diverse
Vertigo dizziness
Stevedore dockworker
Opaque does not let light through
Tendentious dogmatic; biased
Officious domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
Precipitous done in a hurry
Perfunctory done in a routine way; indifferent; superficial; cursory
Tacit done without using words
Jamb door post
Torpor dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity
Fallow dormant; unused
Dubious doubtful
Suspect doubtful
Skeptical doubting; not gullible
Declivity downward slope
Parched dried up
Waft drift smoothly (v); whiff; smell (n)
Quaff drink down quickly
Inebriation drunkenness; intoxication
Insipid dull; bland; boring
Prosaic dull; boring; ordinary
Lackluster dull; monotonous; bland
Staid dull; sober; serious
Vapid dull; uninspiring
Monotonous dull; unvarying
Drabness dullness
Alacrity eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness
Terrestrial earthly; down to earth; commonplace
Choleric easily angered
Irascible easily angered
Palpable easily felt; easily perceived
Lissome easily flexed; limber; agile
Gullible easily fooled
Conspicuous easily seen; prominent
Compliant easy to control; submissive
Resonant echoing
Parsimonious economical; frugal; thrifty
Frugal economical; not wasting anything
Jubilant ecstatic; delighted; rejoicing
Rhetoric effective writing or speaking
Efficacy effectiveness
Anodized electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal
Gaunt emaciated; bony and angular
Nascent emerging; newly formed
Luminary eminent person
Underscore emphasize
Vacuous empty; silly; meaningless
Hortatory encouraging; exhorting
Incubus encumbrance; nightmarish thing
Savor enjoy
Vivify enliven
Regale entertain
Zeal enthusiasm
Invidious envious, obnoxious, or offensive, likely to promote ill-will
Milieu environment
Commensurate equal in significance
Parity equality
Gist essence; main point
Vital essential; alive; important
Seminal essential; formative
Ensconce establish firmly in a position
Perpetuity eternity
Homogeneity evenness; uniformity
Baleful evil
Iniquitous evil; unjust [iniquity (n)]
Pathos evoking sadness or pity
Reconnaissance examination or survey conducted in advance [reconnoiter (v)]
Scrutinize examine carefully
Plethora excess
Surfeit excessive amount
Verbiage excessive or meaningless wordiness
Volubility excessive talkativeness [voluble (a)]
Immoderate excessive; extreme
Intemperate excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)]
Florid excessively decorated or embellished
Throwback exhibiting primitive, or ancestral, traits
Nominal existing in name only; negligble
Egress exit
Pundit expert
Belabor explain in unnecessary detail
Debunking exposing false claims or myths
Aphoristic expressed tersely [aphorism (n)
Opprobrious expressing great scorn [opprobrium (n)]
Lamentation expression of regret or sorrow
Extrapolate extend; predict on the basis of known data
Barrage extended gunfire to cover an attack; dam across river; deluge or information etc.
Meticulous extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking
Lavish extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly
Superlative extremely good; the best
Stentorian extremely loud
Jingoistic extremely patriotic; nationalistic
Sacrosanct extremely sacred; beyond criticism
Monastic extremly plain or secluded, as in a monastery
Gregarious extroverted; sociable; outgoing
Ersatz fake
Counterfeit fake; false
Fraudulent fake; false
Plummet fall suddenly and steeply
Meretricious falsely attractive; tawdry
Saccharin falsely sweet
Renown fame
Kudos fame, glory, or honor
Infamous famous for something bad
Preeminent famous; outstanding
Zealot fanatic
Riveting fascinating [to rivet literally means to fix metal plates using metal pins]
Persnickety fastidious; fussy
Corpulent fat
Auspicious favorable; promising to turn out well
Trepidation fear
Acrophobia fear of heights
Audacious fearless and daring
Intrepid fearless; resolutely courageous
Plumage feathers of a bird
Feckless feeble; helpless; lacking in initiative
Palisade fence made of posts
Fecund fertile; fruitful; productive
Fracas fight; disturbance
Metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
Resolve firmness (n)
Apposite fitting; suitable
Mores fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
Stereotype fixed image
Panache flamboyance or dash in style and action; verve
Armada fleet of ships
Complaisance flexibility; willingness to please [complaisant (a)]
Malleable flexible; can be shaped
Pliable flexible; not stubborn
Lithe flexible; supple
Wispy flimsy; frail; delicate
Tenuous flimsy; not solid
Eloquent fluent and persuasive in speech
Glib fluent in an insincere manner; offhand; casual
Lint fluff; soft material used to cover wounds
Dotard foolish old man
Proscribe forbid
Coercion force
Coerce force [coercion (n); coercing (a)]
Vehement forceful
Adamant forceful; inflexible
Prescience foreknowledge
Daguerreotype forerunner of the photograph
Portend foretell
Presage forewarn of; indicate
Absolution forgiveness; pardon; release
Liturgy form of worship
Red tape formalities; paperwork; official procedure
Bulwark fortification; barricade; wall
Bastion fortress; stronghold
Serendipity fortunate coincidence; unsought discovery
Soothsayer fortuneteller
Fetid foul-smelling; putrid
Empirical found by experiment or practice
Ubiquitous found everywhere; omnipresent
Shard fragment of pottery
Candid frank; honest
Guileless frank; straightforward; honest
Candor frankness; openness
Frenetic frantic; frenzied
Gratis free of charge; without payment
Exculpate free someone from blame; pardon; acquit
Pristine fresh and clean; uncorrupted
Repine fret; be discontented
Amiable friendly
Affable friendly; social; easygoing
Amity friendship
Mirth frivolity; gaiety; laughter
Gambol frolic; leap; bound
Sportive frolicsome; playful
Exasperated frustrated; annoyed
Riddled full of (usually full of holes)
Disparate fundamentally different; entirely unlike
Posterity future generations
Jollity gaiety; happiness
Lacuna gap; missing part [plural
Garner gather; collect
Garish gaudy
Consensus general agreement
Largess generosity
Magnanimous generous; big-hearted
Munificent generous; charitable
Docile gentle and easily lead
Recuperate get better after illness
Cadge get by begging
Exorcism getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons)
Titter giggle quietly
Sanction give approval to
Endow give gift; provide with money etc.
Underwrite give guarantee, insure
Endorse give support or approval to
Substantiate give supporting evidence
Enfranchise give voting rights
Morose gloomy; bad tempered
Refulgent glowing; radiant
Slew glut; excess
Transgress go astray; disobey; commit a sin
Renege go back on promise or retract statement
Tangent going off the main subject
Palatable good to eat; agreeable
Bonhomie good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer
Gerontocracy government by the aged
Chaos great disorder or confused situation
Cupidity greed; strong desire
Devoured greedily eaten/consumed
Avaricious greedy for money
Verdant green with vegetation; inexperienced
Furrow groove
Bevy group
Proliferate grow and spread [proliferation (n)]
Wane grow less
Burgeon grow; flourish; put forth new shoots
Gestation growth process from conception to birth
Surly grumpy; rude
Solecism grammatical mistake; blunder in speech
Sentinel guard; sentry
Precept guiding principle
Culpability guilt [culpable
Credulous gullible; ready to believe anything
Effusive gushing; demonstrative
Inveterate habitual
Indolent habitually lazy or idle
Fortuitous happening by chance; fortunate
Arduous hard
Elusive hard to pin down
Adversity hardship
Destitution hardship; poverty; misery
Diligent hard-working
Detrimental harmful
Noxious harmful; poisonous; lethal
Placebo harmless medicine with no effect; dummy medicine
Innocuous harmless; inoffensive
Larceny theft; robbery; stealing
Epistemology theory of knowledge
Viscous thick and adhesive, like a slow-flowing fluid
Hawser thick rope or cable
Cogitate think over something; ponder
Ruminate think over something; ponder
Assiduous thorough; diligent
Rigor thoroughness
Sedulity thoroughness; perseverance [sedulous (a)]
Minatory threatening
Ominous threatening
Hermetic tightly sealed
Diatribe tirade; violent denunciation; stream of criticism
Jaded tired; bored; worn out
Languid tired; slow; indifferent
Lethargic tired; without energy
Vituperate to abuse verbally; berate
Dither to act confusedly or without clear purpose
Embellish to add ornamental or fictitious details
Abut to adjoin
Blight to afflict; destroy; damage; ruin
Acquiesce to agree to; give in to
Antagonize to annoy or provoke to anger
Vex to annoy; irritate; puzzle; confuse
Solicit to ask for; seek
Posit to assume as real or conceded; propose as an explanation
Assail to attack; assault
Pervade to be present throughout; to permeate
Conciliate to bring together; end a dispute
Inter to bury
Mollify to calm or make less severe
Envenom to cause bitterness and bad feeling
Expurgate to censor
Abstain to choose not to do something
Arrogate to claim without justification; to claim for oneself without right
Scale to climb
Enumerate to count, list, or itemize
Nullify to counter; make unimportant
Ford to cross a body of water by wading
Desecrate to damage or pollute a holy place
Dupe to deceive; a person who is easily deceived
Exact (v) to demand; extort
Belittle to demean
Jettison to discard; to get rid of as unnecessary or encumbering
Bifurcate to divide into two parts
Desiccate to dry out thoroughly
Opine to express an opinion
Lament to express sorrow; to grieve
Waver to fluctuate between choices
Divine to foretell or know by inspiration
Ingratiate to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage
Marshal to gather together
Abdicate to give up a position, right, or power
Glower to glare or stare angrily and intensely
Inure to harden; accustom; become used to
Grovel to humble oneself in a demeaning way
Abase to humble; disgrace
Emulate to imitate something admired
Aggrandize to increase in power, influence, and reputation
Wax to increase; to grow
Imbue to infuse, dye, wet, or moisten
Edify to instruct morally and spiritually
Yoke to join together
Arbitrate to judge a dispute between two opposing parties
Abscond to leave secretly
Allay to lessen
Illuminate to light up or make clear
Discriminate to make a clear distinction; see the difference
Ameliorate to make better; to improve
Adulterate to make impure
Dilate to make larger; expand
Palliate to make less serious; ease
Leaven to make light; modify; cause bread to rise using yeast etc.
Assuage to make something unpleasant less severe; to calm
Rarefy to make thinner or sparser
Husband to manage economically; to use sparingly
Deface to mar the appearance of; vandalize
Temper to moderate; soften
Traverse to move across
Tender to offer
Militate to operate against; work against
Condone to overlook, pardon, or disregard; tacitly support
Inundate to overwhelm; to cover with water
Cosset to pamper; treat with great care
Permeate to penetrate
Discern to perceive or recognize
Toy (v) to play with
Tamp to plug; press loose matter down tightly (e.g. pack explosives into a hole)
Dissemble to present a false appearance; to disguise one's real intentions or character
Forestall to prevent or delay; anticipate
Scotch (v) to prevent; stop; disable
Engender to produce, cause, or bring about
Castigate to punish or criticize harshly
Posture (v) to put on an act
Abate to reduce in amount, degree, or severity
Attenuate to reduce in force or degree; weaken
Repudiate to reject the validity of
Abjure to reject; abandon formally
Unfrock to remove a priest from his position
Supplant to replace (another) by force; to take the place of
Requite to return or repay
Satiate to satisfy fully or overindulge
Descry to see (esp. at a distance); catch sight of
Exemplify to serve as a good example
Kindle to set fire to or ignite; excite or inspire
Disabuse to set right; free from error
Molt to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically
Bristle to show irritation
Eschew to shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful)
Steep (v) to soak in water
Congeal to solidify
Milk to squeeze; obtain by application of pressure
Instigate to start; provoke
Stanch to stop
Corroborate to support with evidence
Distend to swell, inflate, or bloat
Sully to tarnish; taint
Inculcate to teach; impress in the mind
Stomach (v) to tolerate
Lionize to treat as a celebrity
Pare to trim off excess; reduce
Peregrinate to wander from place to place; to travel; especially on foot
Forbearing tolerant [forbear (v); forbearance (n)]
Liberal tolerant or broad-minded; generous or lavish
Pinnacle topmost point
Rent torn (past participle of the verb to rend)
Teetotalism total abstinence from alcohol
Oblivious totally unaware
Scintilla trace amount
Quisling traitor
Diaphanous transparent; thin and delicate
Limpid transparently clear
Pellucid transparently clear
Perfidy treachery
Caulk treat with substance such as tar to make water-tight
Accolade tribute; honor; praise
Ruse trick; stratagem
Legerdemain trickery
Charlatan trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have
Instigator troublemaker; person who entices others to do something
Onerous troublesome and oppresive; burdensome
Bane troublesome influence
Veracious true [veracity (n)]
Verisimilar true to life; giving the appearance of reality
Veritable true; genuine [verity (n)]
Veracity truthfulness
Ossified turned to bone; become rigid [ossification (n)]
Beret type of cap
Seine type of fishing net
Syllogism type of logical reasoning
Symphony type of musical composition
Caucus type of private political meeting
Chantey type of song sung by sailors
Epitomized typified; characterized; personified
Implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
Unprepossessing unattractive
Disinterested unbiased
Impartial unbiased; neutral
Objective unbiased; not subjective
Ambiguity uncertainty; vagueness
Immutable unchanging; permanent
Ambiguous unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways
Derogatory uncomplimentary
Minion underling; servant
Unalloyed undiluted; total
Wanton undisciplined; unrestrained; reckless
Untoward unexpected
Vicissitude unexpected change in fortune or circumstances
Insentient unfeeling
Ingrate ungrateful person
Unscathed unharmed; intact; without a scratch
Profane unholy
Trivial unimportant
Inconsequential unimportant; insignificant; negligible
Monolithic united in purpose; forming a single unit
Catholic universal broad and comprehensive
Hapless unlucky
Preternatural unnatural; abnormal
Redundant unnecessary; superfluous
Platitude unoriginal, obvious saying
Trite unoriginal; dull
Heterodox unorthodox
Fickle unpredictable; whimsical; easily swayed
Irrational unreasonable; absurd
Impromptu unrehearsed; spontaneous
Fly-by-night unreliable; disreputable
Fractious unruly; rebellious
Unconscionable unscrupulous; shockingly unfair or unjust
Indecorous unseemly; inappropriate (of behavior)
Provincial unsophisticated; narrow-minded
Precarious unstable; risky
Eccentric unusual; quirky; odd
Gullibility unwariness; trustfulness; being easily fooled
Gratuitous unwarranted
Probity uprightness; honesty
Tumult uproar; noise
Exigency urgent matter; pressing need
Exigent urgent; requiring immediate action
Rant use bombastic language
Malapropism use of similar sounding but incorrect word
Deplete use up; lessen
Utilitarian useful
Futile useless; hopeless
Laconic using few words; brief; to the point
Asperity using harsh or critical tone
Verbosity using too many words
Circumlocution using too many words; long-windedness
Conventional usual; customary; common
Evacuate vacate; empty; abandon
Nebulous vague
Exceptionable very bad (something which we should object to)
Stygian very dark
Abysmal very deep; very bad
Rococo very highly ornamented; relating to an 18th century artistic style of elaborate ornamentation
Momentous very important
Prodigious very large
Voluminous very large; spacious
Ebullient very lively; cheerful; jovial; happy
Hoary very old; whitish or gray from age
Mutinous very rebellious
Pious very religious
Emaciated very thin; withered
Execrable very, very bad
Sinewy vigorous; having well-developed muscles [a sinew is a tendon]
Vehemence violence; fervor; forcefulness
Cataclysmic violently disruptive [cataclysm (n)]
Vim vitality and energy
Susceptible vulnerable
Totter walk unsteadily
Plodding walking slowly and heavily; uninspired
Ramble wander aimlessly
Meander wander from side to side
Digress wander off the subject
Nomadic wandering from place to place
Erratic wandering; irregular
Parry ward off; avoid
Bellicose war-like; aggressive
Encomium warm praise
Chary wary of; cautious about; reluctant to give
Atrophy waste away from lack of use
Dally waste time; flirt
Vacillate waver; hesitate
Enervate weaken
Vitiate weaken; sap energy
Debilitating weakening [debilitate (v)]
Debility weakness; incapacity
Opulent wealthy; rich; magnificent
Ponderous weighty; slow and heavy
Faddish whimsical; following a fashion
Caprices whimsies; fancies
Maelstrom whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind
Nefarious wicked; immoral; disreputable
Perfidious willing to betray one's trust
Extirpate wipe out totally
Efface wipe out; remove all trace of
Extirpation wiping out; complete destruction [extirpate (v)]
Prudence wisdom, caution, or restraint
Retraction withdrawal; cancellation of a statement
Sere withered; old
Artless without effort; without trickery; simple
Peerless without equal
Ascetic without luxuries; severely simple
Incessant without stopping
Raconteur witty, skillful storyteller
Prolixity wordiness [prolix (a)]
Blandishment words used to coax or flatter [blandish (v)]
Pastiche work (usually artistic) which imitates, or is composed of parts taken from varied sources
Overwrought worked up; in an emotional state
Flustered worked-up; not calm
Abraded worn away; eroded [abrade (v); abrasion (n)]
Apprehensive worried; fearful
Consternation worry and concern
Deteriorate worsen; decline
Revere worship
Veneration worship; respect [venerable (a), venerate (v)]
Hallowed worshipped; consecrated
Score (n) written form of music
Fallacy wrong idea [fallacious (a)]
Misnomer wrong name
Sallow yellowish
Whelp young dog
Debutante young woman making debut in high society
Fallacious false
Spurious false
Abhor hate
Odious hateful
Misogynist hater of women
Antipathy hatred
Animosity hatred; antagonism
Millinery hats and hat-making
Keen having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp; perceptive
Profound having deep meaning
Malevolent having evil intentions [malevolence(n)]
Prescient having foresight
Ignoble having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean
Despondent having no hope; miserable
Nondescript having no special features; dull and ordinary
Dogmatic having stubbornly held opinions
Salubrious healthful
Wary hesitant; cautious
Falter hesitate; waver
Qualm hesitation or fear
Obscured hidden; covered; buried
Latent hidden; real but undeveloped
Covert hidden; undercover
Acme highest point; summit; the highest level or degree attainable
Ornate highly decorated
Corrugated highly folded
Spartan highly self-disciplined; frugal; austere
Uproarious hilarious; hysterical; very funny
Balk hinder and prevent; hesitate over
Hamper hinder; obstruct
Impeding hindering [impede (v); impediment (n)]
Stinting holding back; limiting the supply (of supplies/money etc.) [stint (v)]
Inimical hostile; unfriendly
Glacial hostile; unfriendly; cold; icy
Antagonism hostility; strong opposition
Torrid hot and steamy
Caldron huge cooking pot
Abasement humiliation; degradation
Ribald humorous in a vulgar way
Hasten hurry; accelerate; rush
Sanctimonious hypocritically holy
Postulate hypothesize; propose
Boorish ill-mannered
Malady illness
Callow immature
Proximate immediate; nearest
Licentious immoral; unrestrained by society
Stolid impassive; dull; indifferent; lacking sensitivity
Restive impatient, uneasy, or restless
Impervious impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected
Quixotic impractically idealistic
Panoply impressive array
Enhance improve; make better or clearer
Amelioration improvement
Peremptory in a commanding manner
Pensive in a thoughtful mood; thinking deeply
Legion in large numbers
Myriad in large numbers
Meager in short supply
Torpid inactive; lazy; stagnant
Inertia inactivity; lethargy
Impropriety inappropriate behavior
Bent (n) inclination; aptitude
Penchant inclination; leaning; tendency; predilection
Inept incompetent; unskilled; useless
Augment increase; make bigger
Foreshadowed indicated a future event [foreshadow (v)]
Harbingers indicators; bringers of warnings
Apathetic indifferent; uninterested; lethargic
Circuitous indirect
Oblique indirect or evasive; misleading or devious
Tortuous indirect; winding
Inefficacious ineffective
Inerrancy infallibility; inability to make mistakes [inerrant (a)]
Notoriety infamy; known for wrong doing
Inexorable inflexible; unyielding
Manipulatable influencable; controllable
Innate inherited; inborn
Perspicacity insight
Perspicacious insightful; sharp; wise
Picayune insignificant; of little value
Hypocritical insincere
Cant insincere talk
Odometer instrument to measure distance covered
Cerebral intellectual
Didactic intended to teach; instructive
Ardor intense and passionate feeling
Fervid intensely emotional; feverish
Hiatus interruption; pause
Interregnum interval between reigns or governments
Convoluted intricate and complicated
Preamble introductory material
Embroil involve in hostility or argument
Extraneous irrelevant
Extrinsic irrelevant; on the outside
Testiness irritability; irascibility [testy (a)]
Sequester isolate
Cloistered isolated
Quarantine isolation to prevent the spread of disease
Serration jagged edge
Serrated jagged; saw-like
Sinecure job which pays salary but requiring little effort
Amalgamate join; consolidate [amalgamation (n)]
Blithe joyful; cheerful; or without appropriate thought; free-spirited; carefree
Gavel judge’s hammer
Discernment judgment; perceptiveness
Luscious juicy; moist; succulent
Desultory jumping from one thing to another; disconnected; aimless; inconsistent in effort
Synapse junction between two nerve cells
Incipient just beginning
Germinal just growing; not developed; immature
Sophomoric juvenile; immature
Decimated kill or destroy a large part of (originally one tenth)
Benevolent kindly
Solicitous kindly; expressing care and concern
Benign kindly; harmless
Stoic known for fortitude; indifferent to pleasure or pain
Ambivalence lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided
Lassitude lack of energy; weariness
Improbity lack of honesty or integrity
Apathy lack of interest or emotion
Diffident lacking confidence
Craven lacking courage
Listless lacking energy and enthusiasm
Myopic lacking foresight; having a narrow view or long-range perspective
Amorphous lacking in shape
Naive lacking sophistication or experience
Tome large book
Enduring lasting
Prodigal lavish; wasteful
Statute law [statutory (a)]
Loll laze around; hang out (when used of the tongue)
Indolence laziness
Predilection leaning; interest; talent
Erudite learned; scholarly; bookish
Erudition learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)]
Bequeath leave something in one's will to be given after one's death
Salacious lecherous; erotic
Sinistral left-handed (or counterclockwise) [dextral - right handed]
Usury lending money at high interest rates
Mitigate lessen; make less severe
Vulpine like a fox [compare with bovine (cow-like); porcine (pig-like), etc.]
Circumscribe limit
Concatenate link together
Concatenation linking into chains
Roster list of names
Heed listen to
Vivacity liveliness; animation
Dynamic lively; vibrant; energetic
Arboreal living in trees; concerned with trees
Contemporary living or happening at the same time
Colloquial local and informal (used of language)
Sublime lofty or grand
Fusillade long burst of gunfire
Chronic long lasting (often used for diseases in which case the opposite is acute)
Longevity long life
Discursiveness long windedness; indirectness
Nostalgia longing for the past
Perennial long-lasting
Strident loud and harsh
Sybarite lover of luxury
Nadir lowest point
Staunch loyal; faithful; dependable
Talisman lucky charm
Decoy lure; trap; trick
Supine lying flat on one’s back
Sullied made dirty or impure [opposite unsullied; sully (v)]
Tarnished made dull; spoil (reputation)
Alleviated made less severe [alleviation (n); alleviate (v)]
Fabricated made up; false; manufactured [fabricate (v); fabrication(n)]
Exacerbated made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)]
Protagonist main character in film, book, play etc.
Err make a mistake
Elucidate make clear
Expedite make faster
Alleviate make less severe
Exacerbate make worse
Atonement making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)]
Flippant making jokes about serious matters
Mitigation making less severe [mitigate (v)]
Gibbering making meaningless noises
Jockeying maneuvering; struggling to get ahead of others [jockey (v)]
Calibrate mark an accurate scale on a device
Quagmire marsh; bog
Congruent matching [congruency (n)]
Papyrus material used for writing on before paper was invented
Repast meal or mealtime
Plumb measure depth of (v); exact (a. slang)
Arbitrator mediator; person appointed to judge a dispute [arbitrate (v)]
Palpate medical term meaning to examine with the hands
Therapeutic medicinal; curative
Analgesic medicine to combat pain
Alchemy medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into gold
Wistful melancholy; pensive; expressing a longing for
Proletarian member of the working class
Paranoia mental state characterized by delusions or excessive fear
Obtuse mentally dull
Clemency mercy
Bourgeois middle class
Prattle mindless talk
Skirmish minor battle
Peccadillo minor weakness; trivial offence
Venial minor; unimportant
Niggardly miserly; stingy
Beguile mislead; lure
Commingle mix
Taunt mock; tease
Derision mockery [deride (v)]
Diorama model of a scene
Exemplar model type [exemplary (a)]
Temperate moderate
Abstemious moderate in appetite
Tempers moderates
Depravity moral corruption
Quintessential most typical; the perfect example of [quintessence (n)]
Quiescent motionless
Pied multicolored
Variegated multicolored; speckled
Brawny muscular
Imperative must be obeyed
Inscrutable mysterious; impenetrable
Runic mysterious; magical
Ingénue naïve, unsophisticated person
Bigot narrow-minded, prejudiced person
Parochial narrow-minded; concerned only with local matters
Prudish narrow-minded; excessively concerned with morals [prudery (n), prude (n)]
Indigenous native to a particular area
Natty neat; dapper; smart
Dispassionate neutral; objective
Unprecedented never having happened before
Interminable never-ending
Novel new; unusual
Neologism newly coined word
Sobriquet nickname
Defunct no longer in existence
Obsolete no longer valid
Monotony no variation; tediously the same
Obstreperous noisy and boisterous
Harangue noisy, attacking speech
Vociferous noisy; loud in speech
Peripatetic nomadic; moving from place to place
Itinerant nomadic; wandering from place to place
Drivel nonsense
Jargon nonsensical talk; specialized language
Inexpedient not advisable
Imperturbable not capable of being disturbed
Tentative not certain
Incoherent not clear
Sporadic not continuous; intermittent
Fitful not continuous; stopping and starting
Unwitting not deliberate; unconscious
Vestigial not developed
Impious not devout in religion
Intractable not easily managed or manipulated
Inconspicuous not easily seen; subtle; not noticeable
Incongruous not fitting in; out of place
Inchoate not fully formed; disorganized
Facetious not intended to be taken seriously
Inadvertent not intentional
Subtle not obvious
Frivolous not serious
Inductee novice; beginner
Neophyte novice; beginner; new convert
Tractable obedient; dutiful; polite
Demur object; hesitate to accept; refuse
Recondite obscure
Esoteric obscure and difficult to understand
Arcane obscure; known only to a few people
Occluded obscured; blocked
Perceptive observant
Hinder obstruct
Blatant obvious
Incumbents occupiers of a job or position
Anachronistic occurring in the wrong time period [anachronism (n)]
Quirk oddity
Homogeneous of a similar kind
Pivotal of central importance
Apocryphal of doubtful origin
Tawdry of little value; gaudy
Nugatory of minor significance; futile
Sidereal of or related to stars
Paramount of supreme importance
Umbrage offense; resentment
Expostulate offer strong objections; remonstrate
Undercutting offering a lower price; undermining
Bureaucracy officialdom
Unctuous oily; using excessive flattery
Ellipsis omission of essential words
Peripheral on the edge; not important
Moribund on the point of death
Predecessor one who came before
Exponent one who champions or advocates
Patron one who give support (usually financial)
Stickler one who is strict about rules or details
Iconoclast one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions
Apostate one who renounces a religious faith
Gambit opening move; transaction
Antagonistic opposed; hostile; aggressive
Banality ordinariness; dullness
Mundane ordinary; worldly
Amulet ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
Canonical orthodox [canon (n)
Upshot outcome
Antiquated outdated; old fashioned
Antediluvian outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned
Adumbrate outline; indicate
Exemplary outstandingly good; setting a fine example
Egregious outstandingly, obviously bad
Pedantic over-insistent on matters of book-learning [pedant (n)]
Condoning overlooking; disregarding; ignoring
Fastidious overly particular; finicky
Obsequious overly submissive and eager to please
Servile overly submissive; groveling
Cliché overused expression; something unoriginal
Placate pacify; soothe; calm
Appease pacify; soothe; calm down; make peace with
Pallid pale
Coddle pamper; fuss over; indulge
Indulgent pampering; satisfying desires
Travesty parody; ridiculous error
Fervor passion; enthusiasm
Fanaticism passion; excessive devotion
Fervent passionate
Amortize pay off a debt in installments
Punctilious paying attention to small details
Remuneration payment for work done
Tranquil peaceful
Halcyon peaceful and happy; calm (esp. of summer weather)
Percipient perceptive; insightful
Astute perceptive; sharp-witted
Infallible perfect; flawless; cannot make mistakes
Sedulous persevering; eager and thorough
Xenophobe person afraid of foreigners
Scapegoat person on whom blame is placed for faults of others
Protégé person under protection of, or guided by another
Vagrant person wandering without a home
Dilettante person who dabbles in a subject without serious study
Malingerer person who deliberately tries to avoid work
Dissident person who disagrees [dissidence (n)]
Atheist person who does not believe in God
Pedant person who insists on strict adherence to rules or narrow learning
Masochist person who intentionally inflicts pain on himself
Cartographer person who makes maps
Chronicler person who records historical information
Supplicant person who requests or begs for something [supplicate (v)]
Lobbyist person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause
Savant person with knowledge
Connoisseur person with refined taste and good judgment
Plaintiff petitioner (in court of law)
Affected phony; artificial
Epithet phrase used as a label or to express the essential nature of
Collage picture made from fragments of other pictures
Quaint picturesque
Coda piece of music at the end of a musical work; finale; final part of document
Juxtapose place next to
Asylum place of refuge or safety
Jocular playful; humorous
Euphony pleasant, harmonious sound
Machination plot or scheme
Stratagem plot; plan; trick
Machinations plots and plans
Pillage plunder
Elegy poem concerned with death; praise of a dead person
Bard poet
Juncture point of time, especially where two things are joined
Burnish polish
Hegemony political domination; complete authority
Orotund pompous
Bombastic pompous in speech and manner
Pretentious pompous; self-important
Impecunious poor; having no money
Indigent poor; needy [indigence (n)]
Feasible possible and practicable
Marsupial pouched mammal (like a kangaroo)
Indigence poverty
Puissance power
Magnate powerful or influential person
Potent powerful; compelling; strong
Pragmatist practical person; one who is concerned with usefulness
Pragmatic practical, as opposed to idealistic
Extol praise
Laud praise
Paean praise; tribute (esp. in song)
Creditable praiseworthy
Banal predictable; cliched; boring; common; dull
Augury prediction, looking for omens [augur (v)]
Axiom premise; postulate; self-evident truth
Congenital present from birth
Primordial present from the beginning of time
Retention preservation; withholding
Feint pretended attack; a move intended to deceive
Preclude prevent or make impossible
Thwart prevent; frustrate
Protocol procedure; code of behavior
Gradation process occurring by regular degrees or stages; variation in color
Cavalcade procession of vehicles
Goad prod; urge
Prolific producing a lot
Pithy profound or substantial yet concise, succinct and to the point
Salient prominent; of notable significance
Espouse promote; take up; support
Proponents promoters; supporters
Decorous proper; tasteful; socially correct
Sibyl prophetess
Supercilious proud and haughty
Vindicate prove right; remove blame
Clairvoyant psychic; mystic
Opprobrium public disgrace
Referendum public vote
Caret punctuation mark signifying omission
Chastises punishes
Catharsis purging of pent-up emotions
Hyperbole purposeful exaggeration for effect
Oust push out of a position
Misconstrue put a wrong interpretation on something
Jeopardize put at risk; endanger
Table (v) put down for future discussion
Deter put off; prevent
Don put on (esp. of clothes)
Incarceration putting in prison
Anthropocentrism putting man at the center of one's philosophy
Altruism putting others first; being self-sacrificing
Rebus puzzle in which pictures give clues
Enigma puzzle; mystery
Enigmatic puzzling [enigma (n)]
Dilemma puzzling situation
Cryptic puzzling; enigmatic
Imperturbability quality of being calm and not easily disturbed [imperturbable (a)]
Inscrutability quality of being difficult to comprehend [inscrutable (a)]
Slake quench; satisfy
Impetuous quick to act without thinking
Mercurial quick, shrewd, and unpredictable
Taciturn quiet; saying little
Foible quirk; minor weakness
Podium raised platform
Arbitrary random; for no definite reason
Voracious ravenous
Peruse read carefully
Atavism reappearance of ancestral traits; regression [atavistic (a)]
Insurrection rebellion
Subversive rebellious; revolutionary
Contumacious rebellious; stubborn
Foolhardy reckless [foolhardiness (n)]
Recumbent reclining; lying down
Cower recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
Cringe recoil; flinch; shy away
Smelt refine an ore
Expatriate refugee; emigrant; someone living away from his own country
Boycott refuse to have dealings with
Deplore regret
Rue regret [rueful (a)]
Remorse regret; sorrow; contrition
Vernal related to spring; fresh
Palatial relating to a palace; magnificent
Kinetic relating to motion; characterized by movement
Lapidary relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them
Germane relevant
Pertinent relevant
Redress relief from wrong or injury
Rekindle relight; revive
Parenthesis remarks deviating from the main point [parentheses are round brackets in punctuation]
Nostrum remedy
Panacea remedy for all ills
Divest remove; take off
Begrudge resent
Rancor resentment; animosity; bad feeling
Resilience resistance; ability to spring back [resilience (a)]
Deference respect; courtesy
Hallow respect; worship
Venerable respected because of age
Rejoinder response
Reticent restrained; holding something back; uncommunicative
Rescind retract; repeal
Venerate revere; worship
Resuscitation revival from unconsciousness [resuscitate (v)]
Repose relaxation; leisure
Deride ridicule; make fun of; mock
Lampoon ridicule; spoof
Ludicrous ridiculous; silly
Prerogative right or privilege
Lien right to sell property held as a security; legal hold on job etc.
Hidebound rigid in opinions
Doctrinaire rigidly devoted to theories without regard for practicality; dogmatic
Centurion roman soldier (commander of a company of 100 soldiers)
Raucous rough and unpleasant (of sounds)
Abrasive rough; coarse; harsh
Rotund round
Sanguine ruddy; cheerfully optimistic
Churlishness rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
Lope run with long strides
Rustic rural
Plaintive sad; mournful
Maudlin sad; sentimental; inclined to weep
Ironic satiric; unexpected
Sate satisfy
Manipulative scheming
Exegesis scholarly explanation or interpretation
Pedagogy science of education; teaching
Cartography science or art of making maps
Jurisprudence science or study of law
Berate scold; criticize
Upbraid scold; tell off; reprimand
Admonitory scolding [admonition (n)]
Reproof scolding; criticism [reprove (v)]
Forage search for food
Clandestine secret; covert; stealthy
Surreptitious secret; sneaky; stealthy
Furtive secret; stealthy
Surreptitiously secretly; furtively; stealthily
Stanza section of a poem
Hedonism self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
Complacent self-satisfied; smug
Judicious sensible; showing good judgement
Discrete separate; discontinuous (not to be confused with discreet - prudent; diplomatic]
Weighty serious
Gravity seriousness
Tutelary serving as a guardian [tutelage (n)]
Emancipate set free
Unfetter set free
Trilogy set of three (literary works etc.); tetralogy
Psychosis severe mental disturbance
Austere severe or stern in appearance; undecorated
Ignominy shame [ignominious (a)
Ignominious shameful
Reprehensible shameful; very bad
Pungent sharp and irritating to the senses
Acrid sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)
Whet sharpen
Hone sharpen; increase; whet
Acuity sharpness (mental or visual)
Resplendent shining; glowing
Truant shirker; someone absent without permission
Limerick short amusing poem
Jaunt short pleasure trip
Precis short summary of facts
Epigram short, witty saying
Paucity shortage
Ephemeral short-lived
Evanescent short-lived [evanescence (n)]
Transient short-lived; ephemeral
Epaulet shoulder decoration
Clamor shout; scream
Flaunt show off; display in a showy manner
Ingenuous showing innocence or childlike simplicity
Deferential showing respect [deference (n); defer (v)]
Ostentatious showy
Flamboyant showy; ornate
Politic shrewd and practical in managing or dealing with things; diplomatic
Sagacious shrewd; wise
Wizened shriveled; withered; wrinkled
Ostracism shunning; social isolation [ostracize (v)]
Wan sickly pale
Cloying sickly sweet; excessive
Analogous similar or alike insome way; equivalent to
Chorales simple hymns
Iniquity sin; evil act
Scuttle sink
Adroit skillful
Dexterous skillful with hands
Finesse skill
Dexterity skill, esp. with hands [dexterous (a)]
Virtuosity skill, expertise [virtuoso (n); virtuosi (]
Malign slander
Somnambulist sleepwalker
Apprehension slight fear; sense of something unfavorable
Dawdler slow person who falls behind others [dawdle (v)]
Dilatory slow; falling behind with one's work
Tardy slow; late; overdue; delayed
Sluggard slow-moving; lethargic person
Modicum small amount
Skiff small boat
Minutiae small details
Vignette small sketch
Redolent smelling of; giving off odors
Lofty snooty; arrogant; haughty
Gregariousness sociability; liking for crowds [gregarious (a)]
Matriarchy society governed by women
Mellow soft; melodious; ripe
Macerate soften or break up by soaking; weaken
Emollient softening (a); something which softens (n)
Soliloquy solo speech
Chauvinist someone prejudiced in favor of a group to which he or she belongs
Epicure someone who appreciates good food and drink
Braggart someone who boasts
Suffragist someone who campaigns for voting rights
Recluse someone who cuts himself off from life
Libertarian someone who opposes tyranny
Poseur someone who puts on an act
Trinket something of little value; knick-knack
Anachronism something out of place in time
Nuance something subtle; a fine shade of meaning
Catalyst something that brings about a change in something else
Anodyne something that calms or soothes pain
Vagary something unaccountable; freak
Anomaly something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity
Discrepancy something which does not match up; inconsistency
Salutary something which teaches you a lesson; beneficial
Dross something worthless; impurities left after refining
Liniment soothing lotion
Balm soothing ointment or anything soothing [balmy (a)]
Urbane sophisticated; suave
Contrition sorrow and repentance
Lugubrious sorrowful; mournful; dismal
Knell sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure
Acidulous sour in taste or manner
Capacious spacious
Sparse spare; bare; meager
Equivocate speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
Orate speak in a pompous manner
Prevaricate speak misleadingly and evasively
Expatiate speak or write at great length
Pontificate speak pompously or dogmatically
Drawl speak slowly with words running together
Extemporize speak without preparation or rehearsal [extemporaneous (a)]
Equivocation speaking ambiguously [equivocate (v), equivocal (a)]
Lance spear; spike; javelin
Stipulate specify [stipulation (n)]
Eulogy speech in praise of someone
Panegyric speech praising someone; laudatory words
Blasphemy speech which offends religious sentiments
Celerity speed
Mettlesome spirited [mettle (n)]
Desecration spoiling something holy
Intermittent sporadic; irregular
Maculated spotted
Speckled spotted; freckled; dotted
Pervasive spreading everywhere
Ogle stare at; observe in an obvious manner
Broach start to discuss; approach
Dormancy state of inactivity
Abeyance state of inactivity; disuse
Concise stated in few words
Plaudit statement giving strong praise
Endurance staying power; patience; stamina
Crescendo steadily increasing in volume or force
Purloin steal
Precipice steep slope
Extant still in existence (opposite of extinct)
Stagnant still; not moving
Parsimony stinginess; frugality; cost-cutting
Noisome stinking; putrid
Desist stop; discontinue; cease
Hangar storage area (like garage) for a plane
Idyll story or incident in peaceful or ideal setting [idyllic (a)]
Tirade stream of verbal abuse
Buttress strengthen; support
Martinet strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules
Stringent strict or severe
Adulation strong admiration; worship
Robust strong; healthy; tough
Coffer strongbox; large chest for money
Obdurate stubborn
Willful stubborn
Tenacious stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
Intransigent stubborn; unyielding
Obstinate stubborn; unyielding
Froward stubborn; wayward; disobedient
Headstrong stubborn; willful
Intransigence stubbornness
Intractability stubbornness; resistance [intractable (a)]
Prosody study of versification
Dolt stupid person
Fatuous stupid; foolishly self-satisfied
Mannered stylized; pretentious
Deleterious subtly or unexpectedly harmful
Undermine subvert; attempt to overthrow
Guffaw sudden loud laughter
Dyspeptic suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable
Potable suitable for drinking
Navigable suitable for sailing
Petulant sulky; peevish
Recapitulate summarize
Subpoena summons to court
Transcendental supernatural; going beyond normal experience [transcendent (a)]
Advocate support
Bolster support; prop up
Undergird support; strengthen
Quell suppress
Stifle suppress
Veneer surface coating
Capitulate surrender; give in to
Waive surrender; give up
Leery suspicious
Mire swamp; muddy ground
Profanity swearing; cursing
Billowing swelling; fluttering; waving
Turgid swollen as from a fluid; bloated
Toady sycophant; flatterer
Cornucopia symbol (horn filled with fruit etc.) denoting natural abundance
Figurehead symbol of power; nominal leader
Metaphorically symbolically; figuratively
Doff take off (esp. of a hat)
Commandeer take possession of
Annex (v) take possession of; seize; capture
Usurp take someone's position (usually by force)
Plagiarism taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Eclectic taking things from different sources
Condescend talk down to
Waffle talk nonsense
Garrulous talkative
Loquacious talkative
Verbose talkative; long-winded; rambling
Voluble talkative; speaking easily; glib
Condescension talking down to someone [condescending (a)]
Lachrymose tearful; sad
Perjury telling lies under oath
Syncopation temporary irregularity in musical rhythm
Moratorium temporary prohibition or halt to activity
Transitory temporary; lasting a brief time
Proclivity tendency towards
Inclination tendency; a leaning toward
Propensity tendency; inclination
Frugality tending to be thrifty or cheap
Distaff the female branch of a family
Byline the line that tells you who wrote an article
Zenith the point of culmination; peak
Propriety the quality of behaving in a proper manner; obeying rules and customs
Etymology the study of word origins
Histrionic theatrical; exaggerated
Created by: bam221
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