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GoPo Vocab - S

GoPo Review Vocab - S

States that the Constitution and laws of the federal government will be the primary laws of the land Supremacy clause
Individuals who believe in a conservative interpretation of the Constitution Strict constructionists
The judicial precedent established in the Plessy v Ferguson decision that enabled states to interpret the equal protection provision of the 14th Amendment as a means of establishing segregation Separate but Equal
Refers to a statistical error, usually within three percentage points, inherent in the polling process Sampling error
Supreme or ultimate political authority; a government that is legally and politically independent of any other government Sovereignty
Constitutional requirement imposed on the president to deliver an annual report regarding the current condition of the country to Congress State of the Union
Protest in 1787 of foreclosures of farms as a result of high interest rates and taxes; this highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and led to the Constitutional Convention Shays's Rebellion
Legal process that places limits related to the content of legislation and the extent government can use its power to enact unreasonable laws Substantive due process
Policy that gives senators the right to be notified by the president of pending judicial nominations. Once informed, the approval of the senators from the state from which the judge comes is obtained and the appointment process moves on. This does not a Senatorial courtesy
The flow of power and responsibility from the state to the local governments Second-order devolution
Where the incumbent congressmen win by margins of 55% or more Safe districts
A doctrine that a citizen cannot sue the government without its consent Sovereign immunity
Form of free speech interpreted by the Supreme Court as a guarantee under the First Amendment to the Constitution, such as wearing a black armband to protest a governmental action or burning an American flag in protest for political reasons Symbolic speech
Voting for the candidates of different parties for various offices in the same election Split ticket
The representative from the majority party in the House of Representatives wh sets the House agenda, presides over House meetings, recognizes speakers, refers bills to committees, answers procedural questions, and declares the outcome of votes Speaker of the House
Nonbinding vote used to determine the views of a small cross section of voters Straw vote
Unrestricted and unregulated legal campaign contributions made to political parties and intended for party development. Outlawed under the McCain Feingold legislation Soft money
Originally developed by Montesquieu during the Enlightenment and used by James Madison, establishing the legislative, executive, and judicial branching, each having distinct and unique powers Separation of powers
Phrase used by Nixon to describe people, whatever their economic status, who uphold traditional values, especially against the counterculture of the 1960s Silent majority
An order from a judge authorizing the police to enter a location to look for a specified item. The police must have probably cause to request one Search warrant
Committees that deal with proposed bills and also act in an oversight function. They are permanent, existing from one Congress to the next Standing
Term coined in 1996 presidential election referring to those suburban women, some of whom are single parents, who supported President Clinton because of his articulation of their values Soccer mom
A congressional process by which a Speaker may send a bill to a second committee after the first is finish acting, or may refer parts of a bill to separate committees Sequential referral
30 or 60-second statements by politicians aired on the evening news shows Sound bites
Automatic, across-the-board cuts in certain federal programs that are triggered by law when Congress and the president cannot agree on a spending plan Sequester
Created by Congress to deal with cases deriving from the delegated powers of Congress such as military appeals, tax appeals, and veteran appeals. Special courts
Created by: betsynewmark



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