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GoPo Vocab P

GoPo Review Vocab - P

Elections held in individual states to determine the preference of the voters and to allocate the number of delegates to the party's national convention Presidential primary
The factors that determine voting behavior such as family, religion, and ethnic background Political socialization
These raise money from the special interest constituents and make contributions to political campaigns on behalf of the special interest group PACs
A theory that competition among all affected interests shapes public policy Pluralist
The political support provided to a candidate on the basis of personal popularity and networks Personal following
The final actions taken by government in promotional, regulatory, or distributive form Public policy
A shift away from the major political parties to a more neutral, independent ideological view of party identification Party dealignment
An electoral system, used in almost all American election, in which the winner is the person who gets the most votes, even if he or she does not receive a majority of the votes Plurality
Rejection of legislation that occurs if the president does not sign a bill within 10 days and the Congress also adjourns within the same time period Pocket veto
Term meaning "fringe benefits of Office." For example, high-ranking officials are limousines, expense accounts, free air travel, fancy offices, and staff assistants Perks (short from perquisites)
A group of people joined together by common philosophies and common approaches with the aim of getting candidates elected in order to develop and implement public policy Political party
A citizen's belief that he or she can understand and influence political affairs Political efficacy
Made illegal by the 24th Amendment; instituted by mainly southern states as a condition to vote and had the effect of preventing African-Americans from voting Poll tax
A legal concept by which earlier court decisions serve as models in justifying decisions in subsequent cases Precedent (also stare decisis)
A more or less consistent set of views as to the policies government ought to pursue Political ideology
A vote in which a majority of Democratic legislators, for example, oppose a majority of Republican legislators Party polarization
Any of the principles contained in a political party's platform Plank
A tax based upon the amount of money an individual earned such as an income tax. Became legal as a result of the ratification of the 16th Amendment Progressive tax
The person who presides over the Senate when the Vice President is not there, most senior member of the majority party in the Senate President pro tempore
A brief, unsigned opinion issued by the Supreme Court to explain its ruling Per curiam opinion
The movement of voters from one political party to another resulting in a major shift in the political spectrum Party realignment
The party organization that exists on the local level and uses patronage as the means to keep the party members in line. Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall are examples Party machine
The practice of legislators obtaining funds through legislation that favors their home districts Pork
A series of steps that are established by the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Amendments that protect the rights of the accused at every step of the investigation Procedural due process
Voted on by the delegates attending the National Convention, they represent the ideological point of view of a political party Party platforms
Created by: betsynewmark



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