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Indians since CW

Relations with Native Americans since the Civil War

Forced Indian leaders to give up land around Pike's Peak and assigned reservations to various tribes Medicine Lodge Treaty
Killing of 450 Cheyenne Indians by Colorado Volunteers although the village had raised the white flag Sand Creek or Chivington Massacre
Mandated that the US abandon its forts along the Bozeman trails and guaranteed the Lakota Sioux their possession of land including the Black Hills "as long as the grass shall grow" Fort Laramie Treaty
Chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated vastly Custer's outnumbered forces Battle of Little Big Horn
Hundreds of Indians killed after they had surrendered their weapons; regarded as the "Last Stand of the Indians Battle of Wounded Knee
Fighting between Indians led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse after gold was discovered in the Black Hills on Indian reservations Sioux War of 1876
Belief that the world would soon end and that special shirts would stop bullets Ghost Dance Movement
Fighting when Red Cloud fought the US army to a stalemate and forced the government to abandon its forts along the Bozeman Trail in Wyoming and Montana Sioux War of 1865-7
Detailed the mistreatment of Indians by the US government A Century of Dishonor
Split up tribal lands into individual allotments in an attempt to assimilate Indians to white ways of farming Dawes Severalty Act
Leader of the Nez Perces during the hostilities between the tribe and the US Army in 1877 Chief Joseph
Led troops who massacred 450 Cheyennes at Sand Creek in Colorado Colonel Chivington
Sioux chief who led the Sioux in the battles of 1876 and who helped lead the forces at Little Big Horn Sitting Bull
Inspired the Ghost Dance movement which believed that the world would soon end and living and dead Indians would unite and inherit the earth Wovoka
Wrote about broken treaties between the United States and Native Americans Helen Hunt Jackson
Made all Indians citizens without impairing their status as tribal members; still few were permitted to vote Citizenship Act of 1924
1934 law that provided funds to help rebuild Indian culture and political life. Land was returned to tribal ownership Indian Reorganization Act
Indians who fought in World War Two taking advantage of the fact that their language was unwritten and indecipherable to the Japanese Navaho code talkers
Approach to relations with Indians in the 1950s, aimed at liquidating the reservation system and integrating Indians into American society Termination Policy
Site of uprising by American Indian Movement where they occupied offices demanding that the federal government honor treaties. The FBI attacked and 2 Indians and 1 agent were killed Wounded Knee
Created by: betsynewmark



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